Level 49
to level 50


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Members Night
2009-02-10 00:00:00.0
6th $0 20 0 2 +1,800 / -5,800 -75 $5800
Europe Freeroll
2009-02-03 00:00:00.0
43rd $0 1 1 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
Europe Freeroll
2009-01-03 00:00:00.0
22nd $0 14 0 3 +3,025 / -3,175 -107 $5375

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
May 2017 122nd $112264 569 1 9 +21,123 / -18,300 +23 $121391
May 2015 688th $1825 5 0 0 +550 / -100 +65 $2050
April 2015 609th $3575 13 1 0 +1,850 / -1,500 +44 $3650
September 2014 422nd $11200 318 9 19 +6,025 / -8,385 -17 $24625
August 2014 2602nd $0 1038 6 23 +40,690 / -53,359 -13 $239064
July 2014 486th $6800 37 0 2 +4,525 / -4,900 +143 $8850
April 2014 1619th $0 8 1 0 -25 / -1,400 -375 $1500
February 2014 1305th $1450 1 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1500
December 2013 276th $32135 337 3 9 +11,601 / -6,225 +77 $47130
September 2013 815th $3362 24 2 0 +1,775 / -1,475 -47 $3412
August 2013 2357th $0 3 1 0 -100 / -1,500 -1,000 $1500
June 2013 2991st $0 52 1 0 +2,600 / -3,600 -145 $5700
January 2013 892nd $5250 6 0 2 +3,950 / -50 +625 $5325
December 2012 4143rd $0 34 5 0 +1,475 / -3,825 -265 $3875
November 2012 779th $7625 7 0 3 +4,625 / -1,350 +875 $6125
October 2012 872nd $6050 66 2 3 +3,150 / -6,850 -22 $9050
September 2012 401st $21790 218 0 11 +12,494 / -5,025 +93 $26488
August 2012 4409th $0 118 11 3 +5,875 / -3,850 -242 $10150
July 2012 779th $8650 361 9 20 +13,650 / -19,600 -51 $37638
May 2012 1816th $1500 191 2 5 +49,500 / -73,500 -31 $137088
April 2012 1744th $1500 257 12 12 +5,875 / -9,660 -99 $18000
March 2012 1698th $1600 189 1 11 +22,064 / -31,538 -15 $68038
February 2012 2046th $1500 425 16 24 +32,200 / -24,375 -81 $61775
January 2012 12th $1623649 3541 23 71 +309,102 / -187,448 +447 $2217869
December 2011 748th $10693 528 8 18 +78,500 / -101,162 -11 $277393
November 2011 5504th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
October 2011 1954th $1500 418 9 21 +9,500 / -12,223 -47 $20711
September 2011 4116th $0 340 11 18 +11,125 / -10,082 -66 $22066
August 2011 2162nd $1500 2642 24 87 +186,500 / -158,653 -17 $538592
April 2011 2916th $1125 7 1 0 -25 / -1,500 -268 $1500
March 2011 1757th $1500 191 7 7 +8,675 / -5,400 -110 $17340
February 2011 4452nd $0 164 9 5 +7,000 / -17,700 -110 $24625
October 2010 3492nd $0 45 5 0 +1,750 / -2,350 -200 $3100
August 2010 443rd $26752 114 4 5 +7,775 / -3,400 +169 $26952
July 2010 2268th $1500 445 30 26 +16,781 / -12,314 -111 $37063
June 2010 6871st $0 32 6 1 +3,175 / -2,500 -328 $4675
May 2010 3277th $1362 18 1 0 +450 / -1,375 -91 $1600
April 2010 5061st $0 26 3 1 +5,875 / -4,100 -289 $7875
March 2010 1287th $5773 603 29 36 +9,925 / -16,777 -88 $27412
February 2010 669th $21501 419 10 22 +26,380 / -18,132 +9 $49370
January 2010 1282nd $8625 244 7 9 +7,940 / -4,875 -26 $19240
September 2009 1965th $2975 5 0 0 +2,700 / -1,400 +295 $4725
June 2009 9366th $0 927 40 51 +18,600 / -21,000 -83 $60657
May 2009 137th $262900 453 6 25 +104,700 / -41,000 +554 $272900
April 2009 3857th $1500 564 12 40 +28,423 / -31,936 -37 $72273
February 2009 3324th $1500 561 20 16 +29,125 / -92,000 -44 $182229
January 2009 3742nd $1500 600 10 35 +32,802 / -31,921 -43 $89094
December 2008 2023rd $5750 34 0 3 +5,075 / -1,150 +125 $9400
November 2008 4363rd $1500 267 17 10 +7,575 / -8,825 -151 $15925
October 2008 2613th $1500 440 10 43 +63,000 / -92,018 -58 $232185
September 2008 2921st $1500 1010 16 59 +459,893 / -240,000 -42 $968657
August 2008 4990th $0 5 1 0 -25 / -1,500 -600 $1400
July 2008 9749th $0 41 7 0 +3,175 / -5,625 +0 $6875
June 2008 3210th $1500 258 13 0 +9,000 / -34,952 +6 $36452
May 2008 10832nd $0 2350 11 0 +573,375 / -1,771,917 +0 $2079045
April 2008 3046th $1675 2980 21 0 +367,722 / -584,979 +1 $1537780
March 2008 10816th $0 505 15 0 +88,000 / -242,999 +0 $493138
January 2008 10587th $0 110 6 0 +21,375 / -22,426 +0 $50675
November 2007 5115th $1500 0 8 0 +385,381 / -397,381 +0 $46760
June 2007 822nd $24312 0 4 0 +6,104,247 / -6,087,435 +0 $400500
May 2007 12th $4448031 0 31 0 +12,826,823 / -8,426,792 +0 $585000
April 2007 21st $2070868 0 12 0 +6,345,785 / -4,294,417 +0 $290000
March 2007 22nd $3045614 0 5 0 +8,074,917 / -5,038,303 +0 $291000
February 2007 66th $559122 0 192 0 +2,654,112 / -2,392,715 +0 $63000
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