Level 66
to level 67


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reinstated +play TLP 11:50 AM, Wednesday September 28, 2011 EDT
fell alseep? -play TLP 11:49 AM, Wednesday September 28, 2011 EDT
Qualifies as a hate avatar. -avatar Marice 9:24 PM, Monday January 19, 2009 EST
General Rules Do not use pornography avatars Do not harrasment people Do not use hate language or avatars +changeAvatar JulesDogg 11:51 AM, Friday January 9, 2009 EST
Inappropriate avatar, this is the third time so I've removed your ability to have an avatar. -changeAvatar -avatar Marice 3:30 PM, Wednesday January 7, 2009 EST
Inappropriate avatar. -avatar Marice 3:47 AM, Wednesday January 7, 2009 EST
Inappropriate avatar. -avatar Marice 10:34 PM, Tuesday January 6, 2009 EST

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Becouse you sign me as a fans? XD
Friendly Mr.Hyde on Thursday July 17, 2008
real good guy, funny as hell too, not bad when he actually plays either.... but man, get the horseshoe outta ur ass =P
dvlrockin on Tuesday July 8, 2008
no... YOUR MOM! take care bud =)
alfdog on Tuesday June 10, 2008
Rudeness personified! No class whatsoever..kick his own grandmother.
Impatient on Friday June 6, 2008
this guy is fucked he told me to go on webcam for him and open my ass up while he jerks off it was fucked up man
hutch0003 on Friday June 6, 2008
Thanks hall & Jules a pleasure with u 2 always......
yourmom666 on Saturday May 24, 2008
Always a pleasure MOM. You are fun to play with
bighall on Monday April 28, 2008
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