Level 79
to level 80


hi my name a borat
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 4:01 PM, Wednesday August 19, 2009 EDT by These cards suck
For month after month of constantly great poker playing. Good to see that you don't have to play all month long to have a chance to get 1st. Good Luck with the chance of another gold medal in August 2009.

This player has been modded by the community

I was unaware that a warning should be given before any action is taken...chat reinstated. Be more aware of site rules in the future please. +chat Rob S. 7:30 PM, Friday September 4, 2009 EDT
August 28th post on forum outlining violation of site profanity rules -chat Rob S. 9:11 PM, Thursday September 3, 2009 EDT

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Chuna the LEGEND! Lol, nice to see youre still alive and well after 12 years homie. Top player!
Mr.Lindh on Friday September 24, 2021
Punk In Drublic on Monday September 19, 2011
"chuna beated me" is zoids proxy is "chuna" also his proxy? its funny how zoid reraises allin with 78 and chuna has KK
leekstep on Saturday May 1, 2010
would be the best player on here, if his wife would just let him play more often :P VV whats with the copycat
bcw on Saturday September 12, 2009
would be the best player on here, if his wife would just let him play more often :P
maletiger0 on Friday September 11, 2009
hey bro congrats again nice job. tell you what i will never forgive pino for what he done.well got to run see you soon gl man and tc.
mark07 on Tuesday September 1, 2009
total lucker
muggins on Thursday August 13, 2009
Yay!! Love the gold bling chuna :)
the shed on Saturday August 1, 2009
sen bir ibnesin
maharaji on Friday July 31, 2009
what a fruit cake ass puppet
unvme4it on Friday June 5, 2009
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