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Replies 1 - 10 of 10
oilcandude wrote
at 4:49 PM, Sunday June 26, 2022 EDT
to mr 'i dont threaten i only give warnings'...... you called my all in (AK) with a A 3 offsuit preflop, and somehow got a river 3 for the win... i asked u if u fixed it, cause you either don't know how to play or????????? I don't care if u are a mod or not, who does that.... u keep up rebuttal at me, so do what u have to do, and so will i
oilcandude wrote
at 4:49 PM, Sunday June 26, 2022 EDT
to mr 'i dont threaten i only give warnings'...... you called my all in (AK) with a A 3 offsuit preflop, and somehow got a river 3 for the win... i asked u if u fixed it, cause you either don't know how to play or????????? I don't care if u are a mod or not, who does that.... u keep up rebuttal at me, so do what u have to do, and so will i
oilcandude wrote
at 5:18 AM, Thursday April 28, 2022 EDT
just signed in and my acct is down about $40,000 and i haven't played since yesterday when it was $40,000 higher.... anybody had that happen???
KC 97 wrote
at 1:51 PM, Monday September 13, 2021 EDT
i dont threaten people...i give warnings...
KC 97 wrote
at 1:50 PM, Monday September 13, 2021 EDT
i guess you didnt read the first line on the post about lag ...and phizz lost play for a month incase you didnt know...and i gave you notice on calling people names...was basically the reason for the post...also threatening people doesnt work here..and have been banned for it....
oilcandude wrote
at 8:47 PM, Sunday September 12, 2021 EDT
Don't know who KC 97 is but i could care less, slow play is slow play, if u can't stop it just go away for a while instead of threatening people who complain about u!
KC 97 wrote
at 9:24 PM, Friday May 8, 2020 EDT
I was having lag problems when you said I was slow playing..if I see you call anyone names again I will take your chat for a long time...so don't call people idiots especially a mod!!!
777up wrote
at 8:54 AM, Wednesday June 1, 2011 EDT
good job!!!!!
TLP wrote
at 1:00 PM, Friday January 1, 2010 EST
Congrats on your medal Oil and Happy New Year!
handjive wrote
at 12:36 PM, Thursday April 16, 2009 EDT
Thanks for the game. Hope we can play again
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