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to level 21


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remark wrote
at 7:36 AM, Tuesday May 3, 2016 EDT
Taking a zero-level table to round 40

remark's turn
112Fi defeated 4v2, 15 to 9, (3,6,4,2 to 6,3)
112Fi defeated 3v1, 8 to 3, (3,4,1 to 3)
112Fi defeated 4v1, 14 to 3, (3,3,6,2 to 3)
112Fi defeated 3v1, 13 to 1, (5,4,4 to 1)
112Fi defeated 4v2, 19 to 11, (2,5,6,6 to 6,5)
112Fi defeated 3v2, 13 to 6, (6,5,2 to 1,5)
112Fi defeated 4v1, 22 to 2, (6,4,6,6 to 2)
112Fi defeated 4v2, 14 to 8, (1,4,4,5 to 2,6)
+25 for 2nd
+100 for 2 kills
Rank: 88th Score: +125 to 2000â??.
112Fi finishes 2nd in round 40
112Fi stands up
+125 for 1st
+100 for 2 kills
Rank: 85th Score: +225 to 2084â??.
remark finishes 1st in round 40
Replay: http://kdice.com/games/74432821
remark stands up
remark wrote
at 10:09 PM, Saturday March 21, 2015 EDT
remark finishes 4th in round 12
remark stands up
remark finishes the tournament 4th and wins 1,485â??


Paid by two consecutive tourneys
remark wrote
at 8:58 PM, Saturday March 21, 2015 EDT
remark finishes 3rd in round 13
remark stands up
remark finishes the tournament 3rd and wins 2,000â??

remark wrote
at 8:58 PM, Saturday March 21, 2015 EDT
remark finishes 3rd in round 13
remark stands up
remark finishes the tournament 3rd and wins 2,000â??

remark wrote
at 8:14 PM, Saturday January 10, 2015 EST
remark finishes 3rd in round 7
remark stands up
remark finishes the tournament 3rd and wins 2,000â??

remark wrote
at 11:03 PM, Saturday August 16, 2014 EDT
Bart Lee's turn
remark defended 5v4, 13 to 19, (1,2,2,4,4 to 3,6,6,4)
remark defended 4v4, 9 to 16, (2,4,2,1 to 2,5,6,3)
-36 for 2nd
Rank: 2nd Score: -36 to 0â??.
Bart Lee finishes 2nd in round 1
Bart Lee stands up
Bart Lee finishes the tournament 2nd and wins 3,000â??
remark's turn
remark finishes the tournament 1st and wins 5,000â??
+36 for 1st
Rank: 1st Score: +36 to 1650â??.
remark finishes 1st in round 2
remark stands up

remark wrote
at 3:33 PM, Thursday November 21, 2013 EST
makes sense, you were always leaning toward the dark side of the force.
do good anyway wrote
at 8:17 PM, Wednesday November 13, 2013 EST
haha, I've changed. I am now a stabber. mwahahaha. ;)
remark wrote
at 7:18 PM, Friday October 25, 2013 EDT
remark finishes the tournament 2nd and wins 2,013◆
celta finishes the tournament 1st and wins 3,355◆

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