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I Can Fix That
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 11:20 PM, Friday January 6, 2012 EST by lynnmay
truly an asset to the gpokr community. Always fun to play with. Compassionate and helpful..thanks Doc

This player has been modded by the community

TCS, this player is not an abusive type. I am returning chat ability. He admits to calling you a name but will not again. +chat +post TLP 1:57 PM, Monday June 22, 2009 EDT
Muted till further notice for obscene language. Was asked to stop and refused. -chat -post These cards suck 10:56 PM, Sunday June 21, 2009 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 6 of 6

Thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time. When you are ready to return to the gpokr family and drive us nuts with your not so funny jokes we will look forward to it.
Time To Be Nice on Wednesday February 8, 2023
2011-05-07 DrRich can't help it, of course. Trying to show everyone that he does NOT care about my review of him (and he childishly keeps ignoring his own original rudeness), DrRich keeps bringing it up as if to say, "See? I'm not embarassed by it at all. I'm talking about it to show you I don't care." The irony of that position escapes DrRich. In today's chat, DrRich joined a table where I was already playing. We didn't say anything in chat. Later, shylo, a friend of DrRich's, arrives and says "hi." DrRich chitchats with shylo and then makes sure to mention what he cannot help but mention, the review that he cares nothing about. ++++++++++ shylo: hi ya doc...:)............... DrRich: hi............... DrRich: tourney?............... shylo: yep you?............... DrRich: in a min............... shylo: gl...:)............... DrRich: u2............... DrRich: so you read my review, shy? ########## [Note: As always, DrRich is the first to chat on the subject of my review of him. As always, I NEVER chat about it first. In this case I did not chat about it at all though shylo does address me in chat below and I respond.]............... shylo: thx...i always need it...noob you know............... shylo: yes i di...very interesting............... shylo: did*............... shylo: a bit goofy tho............... DrRich: the author is sitting here. He must be a sheriff since he has a star............... shylo: oh i didnt see that...it was a novel tho............... shylo: hi oakcliff ########## [Note: shylo chatting to me.]............... oakcliff: howdy............... shylo: how areyou?............... oakcliff: fine, thanks. and you?............... shylo: awesome thx............... shylo: cyas in a bit doc...always good to see you i cant understand why oakcliff said ll those things ur alays so nicewa............... shylo: lways*a............... shylo: ugh desleic fingersx............... shylo: cyas............... DrRich: maddy explained it............... shylo: oh yea she did [Note: "Oh, yeah, I forgot that we discussed this already." Exposition is important in any play.]............... shylo: i get it now............... shylo has left............... shylo is here............... headstrongmama: hi phone man............... shylo: joined see you there [Note: shylo is now referring to the tournament again.]............... shylo: hi colin...:)............... aamike: doc your not in the tourny [Note: A minute or two after the tournament clock has gone away, DrRich is still sitting at the table. aamike comes to the table to let DrRich know the tournament has started.] ++++++++++ 2011-04-29 DrRich couldn't sit in at the table (it was full), but wrote in chat: "DrRich is here...............DrRich: yippi ki oh...............DrRich: the new sheriff is in town...............DrRich has left." I just ignored him and he went away. If that is the best he can come up with to goad me, why should I reply? DrRich needs to try harder. Being a chat jerk comes naturally to DrRich; maybe he just needs to adjust his attitude. After three or four years of adjustment he will be fine. ++++++++++ 2011-04-27 The headline could read "DRRICH STILL REFUSES DOCTOR QUESTION." Unashamed of his original rudeness (but apparently ashamed of what kind of self-styled "health doctor" he is), when DrRich sits at a table where I am playing I ignore him and NEVER chat first. That is by design and on purpose. DrRich being the chat jerk that he is always starts right in (unless he leaves the table) writing chat to me--so I respond. Today is just another example. Here is the chat. ++++++++++ DrRich: I see we have the famous writer here that keeps this site in order............... oakcliff: remind us, what kind of doctor are you?............... oakcliff: md?............... oakcliff: do?............... oakcliff: none of the above?............... DrRich: what kind of tree are you? oak?............... oakcliff: too ashamed to say?............... DrRich: you're ashamed to say what kind of tree you are?............... oakcliff: the world awaits your answer "doctor" rich............... oakcliff: health doctor, so-called............... DrRich: no, you await. Rest could care less............... pcabeza: zzzzzzzzzzz [Note: Others at the table were betting slowly. I don't think that was a response to the chat but it could have been.]............... DrRich: count............... DrRich: Count "your blessings"............... countCount: rich............... countCount: and counting............... DrRich: or Count "your lucky stars"............... countCount: i know i can always count on youu for a good countpun Rich ;)............... DrRich: ty............... DrRich: Oak, I have to admit. I "doctor" the fries at McDonalds............... DrRich: now you know the whole story............... oakcliff: so NOT and m.d., right? [Note: That should have been "an" not "and."]............... DrRich: just a McWorker............... DrRich: all those links are just stuff I made up just for your amusement............... DrRich: oakcliff is just so clever, I could never outsmart someone as brilliant as he [Note: I keep letting DrRich have the last word, but he keeps starting up again, so...]............... oakcliff: not even a D.O.? really?............... oakcliff: just what kind of "health doctor" are you?............... DrRich: why is it so important to you. are you going to write a "review" on me?............... DrRich: will I get the same coverage as Cleveland?............... oakcliff: as you might imagine, it is completely unimportant to me, but you have never apologized for your original rudeness............... DrRich: as I remember, you started in on me [Note: See the original review below for the truth.]............... oakcliff: not at all--you said "cork it" and then "stfu" ##########............... DrRich: just like you did tonight [Note: I don't know if DrRich truly believes his own chat or it is just his rhetorical device of always being the aggressor.]............... oakcliff: again, YOU started it--as always............... oakcliff: i NEVER say anything first............... oakcliff: YOU always type first............... DrRich: I think I said cork it but I don't normally use the term stfu ########## [Note: Admitting half the rudeness and not denying the other half.]............... oakcliff: that is on purpose, as you might imagine............... oakcliff: just read the review i left you............... DrRich: what a nutcase [Note: Losing on the merits, DrRich turns to ad hominem attacks, of course. Chat jerks are all the same.]............... oakcliff: it is all right there............... oakcliff: cut-and-paste straight from the chat............... DrRich: you are the laughing stock of GPokr [Note: Again, DrRich would rather discuss anything than his original rudeness--oh, and what kind of "health doctor" he is.] oakcliff: chat jerk that you are, you don't "remember"............... DrRich: everyone, he's writing more "review" on me. Better come to my rescue............... oakcliff: check the original chat. even at the time, you acted like a child pretending not to know what was going on............... DrRich: oh woe is me [Note: The irony there is intended to show that he doesn't care about the reviews I leave, but he clearly DOES care or he would not bring it up FIRST every time he sees me at a table. He could MUTE me but chooses not to. It wouldn't have any practical affect on him because I NEVER chat first to him but only respond after he addresses me in chat.]............... oakcliff: chat jerks have no sense of self............... DrRich: do you think that anyone takes you seriously? [Note: DrRich unintentionally slipping and showing that he is concerned whether I am taken seriously. All I do is post reviews of what people actually say in chat. DrRich hears the tell-tale heart beating in his own head.]............... countCount: damn actually mad emoney out of that haha [Note: Of course the Gpokr game continues while DrRich and I chat.]............... oakcliff: you do............... oakcliff: that is why you can't stop yourself from chatting first............... oakcliff: this has happened more than once............... oakcliff: i never chat anything until you chat first............... oakcliff: your failure of nerve is not new............... DrRich: a quote on you review [Note: I'm not sure what that means, but DrRich chatted no more after that.] ++++++++++ 2011-02-23 The headline could read "DRRICH REFUSES DOCTOR QUESTION." Here is the chat from today's game: ++++++++++ oakcliff is here............... DrRich: Hey Oak, written any more novelas about the players lately?............... oakcliff: hey "dr" rich--what kind of doctor are you?............... DrRich: why, you want to bad mouth me again?............... oakcliff: md?............... DrRich: because you don't know what Meatloaf is?............... oakcliff: great album............... oakcliff: md?............... DrRich: or his album............... oakcliff: Paradise by the Dashboard Lights............... DrRich: then why did you say you were wanting to mute me?............... oakcliff: i didn't............... oakcliff: read the transcript i posted............... oakcliff: not an md i take it............... oakcliff: phd?............... oakcliff: no?............... DrRich: you dug up the fact that I was muted. But didn't know why [Note: Dug up? It is right at the top of his review page. No digging necessary.]............... DrRich: I called a guy like you a penis cranium [Note: Presumably using more colorful language. So clever DrRich is with his euphemisms! "Penis cranium"--get it? Clever boy, DrRich. Oscar Wilde is worried that you will challenge him in the "Cleverest Putdown" category this year.]............... oakcliff: you are a self-styled doctor, is that it?............... DrRich: He muted me for life............... oakcliff: honorary doctor?............... DrRich: If you are going to write a book about me I might give you an interview............... oakcliff: you are the one who posted it, not i............... DrRich has left [Note: Perhaps DrRich left because he was offended that I chatted "not I" rather than "not me."]............... oakcliff: byb bye "doctor" ++++++++++ The mystery continues: just what kind of doctor is DrRich? Why not just lie and type "md"? How would we know any different? But DrRich doesn't want to lie so he just avoids the question. Perhaps he doesn't want to lie because his friends and relatives play on here too and they would see the lie. Fascinating stuff, DrRich. ++++++++++ 2011-02-13 We know DrRich is rude from his chat talk, but is he an MD? On his overview page, drrich uses this strange syntax: "Yes, I'm a health doctor ... Yes, I play to relax ... Yes, I'm the same age as a nostalgic Route across the US ... Yes, I've been told I look like Richard Gere ... No, I'm not Richard Gere ... See Fundure and I on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yob22BbAFsc" ... Leaving aside the Gere nonsense, why phrase it "health doctor"? I have 10 MD doctors and/or MD doctors to be in my family, and I have never heard one of them say, "I am a health doctor." Is he an MD or not? Or is he a chiropractor or DO or PhD who gives out Vitamin C or homeopathic self-styled doctor? Now that he has brought the subject up, the world awaits DrRich's fuller explanation. And, just because "cork it" brings out the worst in me: DrRich says "See Fundure and I on You Tube" when he means "See Fundure and me on YouTube." Clearly not a doctor of grammar is our Dr Rich. Plus, DrRich speaks in chat! ++++++++++ [Note: I had been typing a lot in chat and DrRich apparently got tired of it, so...]............... DrRich: then cork it...##########............... oakcliff: oh, dear "cork it" indeed?............... oakcliff: manners, drrich............... DrRich: that was nicer than STFU. lol...##########............... oakcliff: is the anonymity of the internet too much for you to take, drrich?............... DrRich: what are you babbling about? Bat out of hell avatar from meatloaf...[note: DrRich appears to think that I am mad about some "Bat Out of Hell" reference, but that is a great album.]............... oakcliff: you take the anonymity of the internet as a chance to "act out" drrich?............... oakcliff: is that it?............... DrRich: are you on something?............... oakcliff: hit a nerve did i?............... oakcliff: avoidance............... DrRich: what an idiot............... oakcliff: i haven't been muted by moderators--you have...[Note: See above for when DrRich was muted by a moderator.]............... DrRich: threexpop has the avatar from album of Meatloaf and you think I'm talking about you....[Note: Again, DrRich doesn't understand what is going on. No surprise.]............... oakcliff: DrRich: then cork it oakcliff: oh, dear "cork it" indeed? oakcliff: manners, drrich DrRich: that was nicer than STFU. lol...[Note: Here I try to make it clear to the aged DrRich what is going on.]............... oakcliff: that is what i am talking about drrich............... DrRich: cork it means put a cork in your mouth to shut you u............... DrRich: up............... oakcliff: we all know that............... oakcliff: your rudeness is the issue............... DrRich: then what's your problem............... oakcliff: your rudeness............... oakcliff: have i not made it clear enough?............... DrRich has left............... oakcliff: you are rude, drrich............... oakcliff: that is my problem............... oakcliff: is that clear enough?............... oakcliff: no? [Note: I had been typing quickly and had not noticed that DrRich had left.] ++++++++++ Learn some grammar and some manners, DrRich. Your shame in what you said was evident in the way you kept "misunderstanding" why I might be chatting against you. You knew full well, of course, that you had said "cork it" and "STFU." Man up, DrRich. Don't hide your (dim) light under a barrel.
oakcliff on Saturday May 7, 2011
Took me 2 minutes to find out what kind of Doctor you are!!!
jalapeno peppers on Saturday April 30, 2011
Never known Dr Rich to be rude, and if he was someone wouldve got under his skin. What has being a doctor got to do with anything? Doctors are human and have feelings and emotions. Be yourself Dr. :o)
***Insane*** on Monday February 14, 2011
fuck you, you shiteating fag
YouSuckDirtyCock on Tuesday October 26, 2010
Cool guy, real pleasure to share a table with
LexiRandom on Tuesday June 22, 2010
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