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my name comes from mmmm,let me see i.s.
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Replies 1 - 3 of 3
TLP wrote
at 11:53 AM, Monday July 13, 2009 EDT
Sus your forum post does you no favours, you have been given the benefit of the doubt for a while now because the antagonism seemed to be reciprocal between you and a few others. Recently I am receiving complaints from MANY different 'groups' about your behaviour at table. Clean up your act or risk muting, it is your choice.
TLP wrote
at 4:11 PM, Sunday July 5, 2009 EDT
Sus this is your final warning, if I see any more of your abuse as posted on the forum I will have to mute you. Please dont make that necessary.
TLP wrote
at 4:09 PM, Tuesday June 23, 2009 EDT
Sus, harrassing players is against the rules. Stay away from the group of people you appear to be having issues with or I will be left with no option but to mute.

AND dont write things like Rat and King Rat on their walls to inflame the situation or I will also have to remove posting abilities.

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