Level 14
to level 15


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This player has 2 contributions to the community

Recognized on 12:04 PM, Friday November 1, 2013 EDT by jurgen
This second badge was actually going to be for your first real stab (remember?). Yes it was a joke but you actually never would stab, even to get a badge and that's very commendable. So you still deserve one.
Recognized on 11:24 AM, Tuesday January 1, 2013 EST by jurgen
Happy 2013! I know the 6 months of no stabbing haven't passed yet but I think you deserve the badge now. Why wait? You've never EVER really stabbed anyway. You've been such a good example to everyone since the day you started playing KDice. You've been one of those rare gems on KDice who hasn't been corrupted by the competitiveness of the game. You're always nice and genuinely friendly to everyone and I truly wish there were more people with your positive attitude on KDice.

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