Level 36
to level 37


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 1
2015-12-18 16:00:01.0
17th $0 26 0 2 +3,750 / -5,825 -62 $133272
Mini Freeroll 1
2015-12-09 16:00:02.0
21st $0 14 0 0 +200 / -250 -103 $2500
Odnexa Freeroll
2014-09-17 00:00:00.0
52nd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
Mini Freeroll 1
2014-08-01 16:00:00.0
1st $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Mini Freeroll 1
2014-07-28 00:00:00.0
45th $0 2 0 0 -150 / -1,350 -750 $4250
Mini Freeroll 1
2014-07-24 00:00:00.0
43rd $0 3 0 0 -50 / -800 -500 $1450
Odnexa Freeroll
2014-07-23 18:00:08.0
41st $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Europe Freeroll Finale
2014-07-23 00:00:00.0
2nd $12500 54 0 7 +6,800 / -15,612 -56 $14000
Mini Freeroll 2
2014-07-22 20:00:06.0
7th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Mini Freeroll 1
2014-07-22 00:00:00.0
21st $0 54 0 6 +2,400 / -10,950 -56 $91982

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
October 2023 66th $131144 35 0 1 +5,000 / -3,000 +326 $135144
March 2022 585th $1500 13 0 0 +2,300 / -2,900 -118 $4450
January 2022 614th $0 2 1 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
October 2021 390th $3200 4 0 1 +1,475 / +0 +424 $3200
January 2021 711th $0 3 0 0 +0 / -1,400 -500 $1450
July 2020 131st $63461 26 1 2 +3,548 / -4,000 -139 $67461
March 2019 760th $0 15 1 0 +500 / -1,783 -197 $1833
November 2018 603rd $1500 13 0 0 +1,100 / -16,700 -2,575 $30550
October 2018 251st $21600 43 2 3 +5,500 / -3,489 +359 $21600
March 2018 409th $6999 174 7 8 +23,800 / -69,900 -247 $77900
May 2017 794th $1500 254 0 2 +111,000 / -213,372 -236 $291483
December 2016 569th $4225 42 0 4 +4,700 / -2,950 +57 $6825
July 2016 437th $17166 507 0 6 +26,738 / -15,000 -7 $51357
June 2016 284th $26366 77 3 1 +15,133 / -13,300 -77 $35000
December 2015 566th $7675 1754 15 37 +88,640 / -101,231 -55 $256024
December 2014 486th $5654 52 9 4 +5,625 / -9,131 -180 $10125
September 2014 2358th $0 39 3 4 +5,944 / -7,438 -154 $7438
August 2014 2418th $0 5722 4 30 +511,000 / -679,132 +12 $3516538
July 2014 957th $1500 7047 74 154 +484,250 / -310,000 -9 $1798713
August 2013 508th $12000 47 0 2 +7,650 / -950 +223 $4350
May 2013 1250th $1500 192 5 3 +1,925 / -11,078 -47 $12087
August 2012 1563rd $1500 73 1 2 +3,500 / -2,592 -41 $8750
July 2012 5358th $0 605 25 34 +19,325 / -21,953 -76 $62558
April 2012 5004th $0 178 5 15 +11,435 / -12,010 -59 $24370
December 2011 3376th $0 60 2 8 +18,583 / -25,683 -75 $42000
August 2011 2391st $1500 33 2 1 +3,350 / -2,700 -136 $5225
July 2011 1970th $1500 2361 54 59 +194,000 / -280,367 -47 $543367
June 2011 1804th $1500 4180 77 95 +585,398 / -945,000 -33 $2598795
May 2011 2275th $1500 3422 136 147 +110,000 / -117,000 -65 $283613
April 2011 4056th $0 32 3 1 +875 / -2,000 -188 $3600
February 2011 1640th $1600 13 4 0 +1,425 / -2,275 -454 $2825
January 2011 1576th $2850 10 0 0 +1,400 / -100 +135 $3050
December 2010 5004th $0 156 7 5 +43,864 / -57,732 -77 $80732
November 2010 2451st $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2010 6775th $0 143 13 7 +6,675 / -11,050 -150 $11950
September 2010 6086th $0 66 3 4 +3,800 / -5,200 -91 $10325
August 2010 2093rd $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
July 2010 4819th $0 283 3 12 +49,000 / -68,667 -21 $306959
April 2010 5785th $0 566 21 35 +73,094 / -111,000 -64 $197342
February 2010 7445th $0 7 1 0 +75 / -1,575 -429 $1575
January 2010 704th $24025 38 1 2 +10,425 / -4,300 +553 $22450
December 2009 2389th $1650 221 13 6 +50,825 / -76,225 -236 $138650
October 2009 9442nd $0 5 0 0 -50 / -600 -300 $1500
August 2009 9470th $0 947 13 15 +467,500 / -1,582,716 -24 $2147716
July 2009 6789th $0 40 6 4 +5,450 / -8,875 -262 $10275
June 2009 7832nd $0 59 3 3 +4,562 / -6,093 -127 $7300
May 2009 5980th $0 434 49 45 +31,872 / -48,972 -163 $55472
April 2009 8180th $0 132 16 13 +14,400 / -20,700 -216 $31175
March 2009 7728th $0 607 48 51 +125,490 / -240,980 -131 $534500
February 2009 4825th $1450 85 14 5 +9,600 / -12,962 -230 $20450
January 2009 8356th $0 209 2 13 +66,343 / -75,000 -21 $153686
December 2008 9136th $0 589 50 50 +13,300 / -20,252 -135 $46025
November 2008 11940th $0 2247 165 119 +195,000 / -234,978 -122 $755364
October 2008 5855th $0 2746 246 129 +255,000 / -345,000 -145 $571500
September 2008 9647th $0 3418 221 135 +109,581 / -262,500 -103 $390000
August 2008 2261st $3000 715 81 29 +129,350 / -82,500 -174 $263000
July 2008 11999th $0 4322 323 0 +360,000 / -345,000 +0 $1330000
June 2008 11091st $0 2144 224 0 +542,500 / -977,500 +0 $1267500
May 2008 11845th $0 1748 179 0 +81,050 / -162,628 +0 $231350
April 2008 11124th $0 1037 94 0 +84,000 / -205,000 +0 $323000
March 2008 5522nd $0 882 89 0 +105,553 / -139,000 +0 $230553
February 2008 4045th $1500 4580 363 0 +1,139,976 / -1,697,500 +0 $2363793
January 2008 14312th $0 4318 337 0 +381,000 / -814,500 +0 $882156
December 2007 15685th $0 0 372 0 +8,703,879 / -9,263,379 +0 $315312
November 2007 6426th $1500 0 168 0 +1,230,903 / -1,482,903 +0 $57814
October 2007 16307th $0 0 88 0 +200,492 / -333,992 +0 $8400
September 2007 16693rd $0 0 143 0 +530,538 / -746,538 +0 $13776
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary