Level 35
to level 36

Daddy Zeke

Overview Stats Wall Reviews About

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Final Freeroll
2014-03-31 00:00:00.0
37th $0 13 0 1 +2,075 / -2,175 -115 $0
Mini Freeroll 1
2014-03-30 00:00:00.0
7th $0 40 0 3 +9,175 / -10,025 -38 $3150
Europe Freeroll Noch
2014-03-21 00:00:00.0
12th $0 23 0 0 +1,200 / -1,075 -74 $59700
Mini Freeroll 1
2013-07-15 00:00:00.0
6th $3000 50 0 6 +4,400 / -3,930 -30 $6525
Mini Freeroll 1
2013-06-17 00:00:00.0
20th $0 24 0 0 +500 / -600 -63 $32602
Mini Freeroll 1
2013-06-14 00:00:00.0
8th $0 35 0 6 +4,300 / -4,000 -43 $4500
Mini Freeroll 1
2013-06-10 00:00:00.0
36th $0 9 0 0 -50 / -500 -167 $2700
Odnexa Freeroll
2010-05-05 00:00:00.0
43rd $0 10 0 0 -25 / -400 -150 $1500
Odnexa Freeroll
2009-10-07 00:00:00.0
134th $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1500
Europe Freeroll Noch
2009-05-16 00:00:00.0
12th $0 15 0 1 +150 / -200 -100 $1500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
April 2015 249th $26256 799 34 16 +22,091 / -17,800 -38 $50356
November 2014 203rd $38906 495 21 22 +29,024 / -19,600 +3 $68456
October 2014 1993rd $0 1215 45 42 +22,448 / -48,000 -68 $67060
September 2014 619th $4465 789 22 19 +15,400 / -19,467 -38 $68193
August 2014 2344th $0 1966 45 72 +61,424 / -86,500 -37 $186485
July 2014 2251st $0 921 37 19 +19,200 / -13,100 -63 $83934
June 2014 539th $5775 1321 38 48 +22,900 / -28,975 -48 $67404
May 2014 1238th $1400 1283 75 71 +14,925 / -17,600 -91 $34250
April 2014 2791st $0 791 54 29 +13,600 / -16,325 -104 $45215
March 2014 433rd $14802 2773 87 94 +40,858 / -70,000 -35 $134763
October 2013 274th $31637 1499 75 47 +53,500 / -60,130 -55 $125597
September 2013 907th $2425 2227 116 103 +76,946 / -100,000 -78 $238313
August 2013 71st $317477 2517 84 71 +135,226 / -95,541 +87 $473550
July 2013 3631st $0 4551 103 146 +47,924 / -76,955 -43 $225620
June 2013 1753rd $1350 2310 101 90 +74,764 / -103,234 -63 $180301
May 2013 3107th $0 1489 54 63 +20,144 / -21,120 -55 $59027
April 2013 866th $4973 280 13 23 +10,651 / -13,200 -57 $31026
July 2011 1379th $3400 55 4 5 +7,162 / -4,650 -74 $13825
June 2011 5033rd $0 1116 23 71 +72,100 / -95,512 -32 $115858
May 2011 174th $84075 814 19 61 +39,200 / -30,520 +63 $110384
April 2011 4205th $0 483 42 23 +24,584 / -17,418 -134 $38776
March 2011 100th $424140 814 37 40 +135,500 / -36,650 +449 $425140
February 2011 552nd $17900 617 33 47 +21,396 / -15,600 -54 $61354
January 2011 1137th $5525 828 36 62 +32,180 / -32,500 -60 $58873
December 2010 62nd $577327 1007 21 51 +129,000 / -87,000 +539 $579227
November 2010 731st $11950 907 66 41 +21,331 / -19,800 -106 $43162
October 2010 222nd $66815 1538 42 77 +81,500 / -41,000 +1 $235085
September 2010 478th $22811 1227 54 89 +41,944 / -50,961 -49 $98163
August 2010 214th $79707 919 12 37 +46,000 / -23,300 +65 $121032
July 2010 5740th $0 1186 47 61 +88,500 / -90,500 -61 $176220
June 2010 255th $61710 1039 39 62 +24,050 / -20,700 +2 $110208
May 2010 4605th $0 1838 99 76 +25,400 / -32,000 -82 $73073
April 2010 30th $904383 1319 2 32 +190,000 / -47,000 +682 $947407
March 2010 6787th $0 832 21 40 +36,200 / -20,672 -40 $93065
February 2010 713th $19265 805 37 44 +45,760 / -20,300 -47 $63640
January 2010 738th $22830 537 34 45 +28,000 / -38,000 -58 $53418
December 2009 251st $85628 1054 24 66 +33,000 / -19,500 +46 $86228
November 2009 9831st $0 794 53 63 +15,300 / -20,637 -102 $63224
October 2009 819th $19978 993 53 57 +24,100 / -40,816 -61 $104641
September 2009 4050th $1393 1205 57 79 +31,451 / -19,849 -71 $53876
August 2009 6098th $0 1394 41 103 +21,674 / -20,526 -47 $62453
July 2009 1897th $4000 893 50 68 +17,255 / -16,000 -81 $44105
June 2009 1715th $5175 915 51 85 +19,125 / -18,000 -81 $47087
May 2009 704th $26281 920 51 61 +13,975 / -13,515 -61 $34253
April 2009 6207th $0 1852 52 106 +42,700 / -19,800 -55 $103238
March 2009 329th $79111 2040 72 138 +46,400 / -19,600 -16 $84011
February 2009 240th $112440 2209 31 158 +43,000 / -85,600 +29 $196721
January 2009 1149th $17087 1969 2 175 +27,463 / -46,000 +6 $132713
December 2008 6695th $0 234 7 14 +14,752 / -8,550 -58 $26980
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary