
Refill Rule
annat wrote
at 7:04 PM, Friday May 2, 2008 EDT
My thoughts, It seems that general idea of the refill rule was a good one. However, we must think of the number reason of the implementation of this rule, To support better poker playing.

I feel that this rule is not working as the people that this was too be targeted (All-inners, every hand) have only created more accounts than previous. Therefore, bypassing this rule. For example, I played for about 20 mins at one table and noticed the same player with numerous accounts who which admitted that they created 1300+ accounts. You might ask how I knew it was the same person and I answer that each time sitting in, they would state "all in next hand bastards". Each and EVERY time. So by the time they even get through half of those accounts, time is up on the first.

I am not a genius, but know that there are programs out there that block or disguise your IP address.

Is there a way to:
#1 Keep the refill rule - As I do believe that it promotes better poker playing.
#2 Limit the amount of accounts that one IP can have.
#3 Have this site require a verified IP address.

I love this site and am not complaining in ANY way.

« First ‹ Previous Replies 11 - 20 of 20
Calla wrote
at 12:14 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
P.S. Even in WSOP finals... someone with 5s 2s went all in against AA

If they can do it in WSOP, I don't see why not here in gpokr :)

Calla wrote
at 12:17 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
P.P.S. It starts at around 7:12

and here's the link to see the outcome
annat wrote
at 12:18 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
HAHAHA - Well, first would like to point out that I, in no way expect people to pay for membership. Second, that in now way do I wish to restrict any persons playing skills or style of play. Third, I don't play by the book...:) So, I did not mean that everyone needs to. I stated that these were my thoughts. I agree that people need to play how they want to play. To some extent I agree with Calla and Re. I never said that there should be MORE rules. Just said "the rule is not working". It was not my idea for the rule to begin with. But, if a rule is put in place, let's make sure that it works for all. People that have a IP blocker, bypass this rule. As stated in the first post.

In my book, 2 7 does not grant a $1500 all in. So, if 227 flopped...WOOHOO! Slow play that baby and chances are you may get more than the $75 you could possibly get by going all in pre-flop. :) That was the only point I was trying to make. Not that it is wrong to go all in. To each their own.

The initial reason for the post is, is the rule working? Are people getting around the rule? Please do not take this as I am out to restrict anyone or any style. :)

annat wrote
at 12:41 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
THX Calla, maybe some of the all-inners here have seen that one too many times. :)

Again, I said in my book. Not that my book is the bible of poker. HAHAHAHAHA
Calla wrote
at 1:20 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
I may have misunderstood you ...

"Second, that in now way do I wish to restrict any persons playing skills or style of play." --> but you mentioned that "force people to #1 wait 10 mins after going all in on a 7 2. :) #2 play their hand." so what did you mean by saying "play their hand"? I don't know if I interpreted it right

"In my book, 2 7 does not grant a $1500 all in. So, if 227 flopped...WOOHOO! Slow play that baby and chances are you may get more than the $75 you could possibly get by going all in pre-flop. :) That was the only point I was trying to make. Not that it is wrong to go all in. To each their own."
--> but you mentioned earlier ... "Is this good poker playing? In my book, No! " --> you're right, to each their own ... for them, it is good poker playing

"The initial reason for the post is, is the rule working? Are people getting around the rule?" --> what do you mean by getting around the rules? "I feel that this rule is not working as the people that this was too be targeted (All-inners, every hand) have only created more accounts than previous. Therefore, bypassing this rule." --> I may have interpreted this wrongly. This rule in my opinion was created for those with a whole lot of accounts already ... switching from one to another ... you can't make them disappear, but this rule makes it a bit harder for them. Perhaps it needs more time to see if it works or not, it hasn't been implemented for more than a month ...

Calla wrote
at 1:25 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
and how will we define if the rule is working or not? for me ... it works if the all-inners will find more hassle in refilling

Saying it works if they "play better" sounds like the outcome we "hope" would happen, which is not under our control, or could be controlled by the simple refill restriction
ThamesBoy wrote
at 2:53 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
If people are SAD enough to want to create multiple acounts... what can ya do?

sgpokr reflects some aspects of society unfortunately
annat wrote
at 3:27 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
Calla, as stated...there are programs out there that block your IP address...Therefore, bypass the rule.

When one person goes all in...addresses themselves by "all in next hand bastards" Comes back after losing that all in as another player and addresses the table with "all in the next hand bastards..Each and every time. With numerous accounts...that would be how I define that the refill rule is not working.

AGAIN, not my rule. "To support better poker play" came from Ryan in his post.

Calla wrote
at 11:17 PM, Sunday May 4, 2008 EDT
1.what does that got to do with anything?
- Wasa, that's not our topic here ... our topic is the refill restriction not working, I just shared that in response to annat's post "force people to #1 wait 10 mins after going all in on a 7 2. :) #2 play their hand." I'm just saying that it's up to them to go all in with crap cards, it's their right, it's their decision, and who are we to judge that it's not "Good poker playing"? ... this is what annat said --> Is this good poker playing? In my book, No!

2.....wsop is a tournament,so they have to make aggressive moves in order to stay alive.because of big blinds.

3.gpokr is on monthly you really cant compare .

I know, my point was just that going all in with crap cards is not against the rules and could not be judged as not good poker playing be it here or at WSOP or even when playing at home with friends.

4.Please all in your 2/5 when you playing against me --> If we do see each other at the tables, what are the chances the dealer would hand me 2/5? Even if I'd like to do your request, it's beyond my control.

Don't Eff'n Care wrote
at 9:52 PM, Tuesday May 13, 2008 EDT
I'd like to suggest a "social" group of tables where the 10-minute rule does not apply, but where the money accumulated there doesn't count. In other words, these tables would truly be "just for fun."

I come here to relax and just play. The fact that if I happen to lose twice in a row (particularly to those "all-in" junkies, which seem to be _everywhere_) means I can no longer enjoy the site without waiting for some arbitrary time ruins it for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way, and I will likely try to find another site that doesn't kick me off just for bad luck with virtual money.

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