
I will be leaving...
Rob S. wrote
at 10:02 AM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
All you unethical losers that think giving, loaning, or transferring money to gain position in the standings is okay are totally wrong. This is a monthly competition, not a neighborhood poker game. Why is it so hard for all of you to get it? I can't support or condone the lack of honesty (ethics) rampant on gpokr. Therefore Ryan, with the close of this month if nothing is done to clean up the b___s__t please cancel my memberships to this site I will be leaving for better or worse.

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noddin0ff wrote
at 11:13 AM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
Why don't people ever just leave quietly, with grace. It's not like the site pretends to be anything but what it is. It's free, it's open to the public. No one forces anyone to come here.

Why the drama?
Rob S. wrote
at 12:20 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
Screw you noddin0ff your probably one of the fools that lessen this site. All you can say is be quiet and go away. You jackass all I want is for the site to be better. I am taking a stand and my only way of letting Ryan know how strongly I feel is to cancel my memberships. Maybe you ought to actually read the comments before opening your pie hole!
Mighty Spurs!! wrote
at 12:21 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
Normally when I see someone saying "Oh i'm leaving" I think the same as N0ddin, but I agree that the loaning just for medals is ridiculous. Good luck in whatever you do.
Country Girl wrote
at 12:30 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
Rob~If you leave then so am I!!!!! You are one of the reasons I luv GPokr! Ryan is doing everything in his power to clean up this site and, as you know, this will take some time! Check out the leaderboard~it is different than I have ever seen and the players are realizing they cannot cheat! Also, I was guilty of giving and receiving chips~but I am one who will do neither in the future! So~please give Ryan a chance to do what he is working on~MAKING THIS SITE A FRIENDLY, FAIR PLACE TO PLAY!! XOXXOXOO LUV YA:)
noddin0ff wrote
at 1:42 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
I just don't see a point to drama and negativity. If you like the site, invest your effort in positive change. If you don't like the site, spare everyone the grandstanding and depart gracefully. Why throw up a challenge to Ryan?

In my opinion, it's a lot harder to be a positive influence than a negative one. If you're going to take the easy road, why go through the extra effort of announcing your departure?

It's not just you Rob. To your credit, you paid for your membership and I do think that entitles you to have your voice count. Statements like the one you made just seem to me like a waste of that voice.
noddin0ff wrote
at 1:53 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
And, seems to me that additional pointless and vindictive comments like "screw you" "jackass" and "pie hole" don't really do the site any favors. They just cheapen it. You can check my profile any time you like and estimate for yourself what my relationship to gpokr might be.

Why the drama?
SherrifSkullface wrote
at 2:49 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
maybe he is trying to make a point? theres nothing wrong with him trying to express how he feels.
myerlyn wrote
at 3:09 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
I think we all should leave and maybe Ryan wil get the point we are tired of the fact he wont fix this no good bullshit he allows to happen nor will he responed to peoples Questions or comments.Whats that tell you people?
Coyotlboy wrote
at 3:37 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
Hey Nod.
I'm getting a kick out of this because I love the irony about there being drama about the drama.
Now only if someone could have a hissy fit about someone being dramatic about the drama over the drama of Rob. S leaving.
Ahhh. The internets. And to think that in the beginning it was meant to be a way to cheaply and freely exchange information to a wide audience.
noddin0ff wrote
at 6:22 PM, Friday May 9, 2008 EDT
"The internet was not invented to make human beings vacuous, but is an emanation of their vacuity"

...with apologies to Malcolm Muggeridge. ;-)
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GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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