
Porno avatars
q wrote
at 11:29 AM, Sunday October 1, 2006 EDT
I am no prude, but I know a couple of under 14 players who really don't need to see avatars of people having sex. Am I the only one that has an issue with this?

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paradox wrote
at 1:44 PM, Sunday October 1, 2006 EDT
Of course you're not the only one. Porno avatars need to be somehow controlled, and even though you can click on avatars to turn them off, not everyone knows that, and that doesn't affect their overall presence. This is definitely an issue.
StoatBox wrote
at 6:58 AM, Friday October 6, 2006 EDT
A "Report Avatar" button, perhaps?
bowlby4 wrote
at 6:00 PM, Friday October 6, 2006 EDT
I agree with StoatBox, a button is a good idea. Maybe put it on their profile page, as too not clutter the table.
Fat Phil wrote
at 9:15 PM, Friday October 6, 2006 EDT
i dont want the avatars ethier, but not because of the young players, but just because its unethically and immorally correct to have such avatars in a poker game
almo wrote
at 3:56 PM, Sunday October 8, 2006 EDT
I am not for aor against porno avatars. What concerns me is the age of some of the players. I think we need to instatute an age limit. Kids do not belong here.

18 and over only please.
Mr. Eko wrote
at 12:24 PM, Wednesday October 11, 2006 EDT
I think that a system like the one at youtube could help. You can set your profile not to show "inapropriate" content. Here at gpokr we cuold have the same option and people with these avatars could set then as adult. There shuold be a button to report if a guy do not set it right and then Ryan could give some penalty.
Bolanski wrote
at 4:30 PM, Thursday October 12, 2006 EDT
I'm in favor of just getting rid of the porno.
I like to play sometimes when the kids are around and I just don't need that hassle. Not to mention it's just really childish.
birchgrove wrote
at 4:36 PM, Thursday October 12, 2006 EDT
At home, not a problem, but it's a pain when I'm playing on breaks and during lunch at the office.

I need to jump tables when someone with a porno avatar sits in, just in case someone else stops by my cube.
paradox wrote
at 6:08 PM, Thursday October 12, 2006 EDT
OR you can click it to turn it off :)
Arrgghh wrote
at 2:42 AM, Monday October 16, 2006 EDT
Um hello guys, I guarantee most of the porno avatars are kids. Adults don't really do that kind of thing now do they. Anyone with a porno avatar is always hitting the refill button. Just bored 15 yr olds.(I didn't know you could click on it and not see it though, that should be good enough)
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