
lol, but is there a reason why I didn't get a table?
Slippy wrote
at 9:30 PM, Saturday October 7, 2006 EDT
I finished 3rd last month, and still haven't seen my name up in lights...

No sweat either way, but I thought I would ask, Ryan. Thanks for the site!

Replies 1 - 7 of 7
Ryan wrote
at 9:29 AM, Sunday October 8, 2006 EDT
Third place gets the third 1000/2000 table... right now you just see one.

The table naming algorithm is perfect but I thought it was better to name a 1000/2000 table after the top 5 rather than 25/50 tables. I can change this so let me know if you have suggestions.
sexywexy wrote
at 10:35 AM, Sunday October 8, 2006 EDT
me too i havent seen my table yet... i finished 11th :(

Maybe the algorithm for the table doesnt give equality to the other tables... :(
Slippy wrote
at 3:22 PM, Sunday October 8, 2006 EDT
Thanks for the explanation--I'll look for it later in the month, I guess :)

I had assumed that the tables from the top players would appear more frequenly than the lower ones. Did we use 3x 1000/2000 tables last month? I only recall 2 up at a I was too busy tilting all over the place :P

Cheers Ryan, and thanks again.
Ryan wrote
at 11:27 AM, Monday October 9, 2006 EDT
Yes, thats the problem with the algorithm. the top 5 players get the 5 1000/2000 tables... but we only ever see 1 or 2.
sexywexy wrote
at 9:47 PM, Monday October 9, 2006 EDT
my suggestion:

for example A B C D are alloted 100/200 tables

if you put counters for every time they become active, you will give equality to the rest rather than just the highest ranking person on the group [but he deserves it though.. :) ]

A - 2
B - 3
C - 3
D - 1 <-- choose D as the next table to show up
Measure wrote
at 12:37 AM, Friday October 13, 2006 EDT
Ultimate way to assign tables (in my humble opinion):

Keep a stat on how much money each player wins and loses on each kind of table. The players who win the most money in a month on a particular level of table get a table named after them on that level.

So the 5k buy-in tables would be named after the people who won the most money on the 5k buy-in tables the previous month.

Wash, rinse, repeat for each set of tables.
Measure wrote
at 4:45 PM, Tuesday October 17, 2006 EDT
Well... now that Ryan's invented pages, Bumps will become necessary. -bump-
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