
Stud's Hitler avatar
TheMick wrote
at 2:53 PM, Friday October 13, 2006 EDT
Seems like every time I log on, which isn't that often, Stud's flying his Hitler avatar. He's been jacked up about it several times but continues to flaunt it. Is there nothing you can do, Ryan?

Replies 1 - 7 of 7
TheMick wrote
at 2:55 PM, Friday October 13, 2006 EDT
Guess I should have added that he's got it up now, 1300 hours on the 13th of October.
The Mick
Tiny Nutz wrote
at 11:42 PM, Friday October 13, 2006 EDT
hahaha hitler... heh
Arrgghh wrote
at 2:28 AM, Monday October 16, 2006 EDT
It's free speech, i've seen boob avatars and gay rainbow flag avatars, I don't like hitler, but hell Stalin was worse, and nobody would complain if I put him as my avatar,(or G.W. Bush for that matter).Get over it, grow up..
Tiny Nutz wrote
at 7:43 PM, Wednesday October 18, 2006 EDT
I was raised by a television that taught me violence is ok and sex is bad.
Boobs and gay rainbow flags are not as bad as hitler. I admit it. My parents are forcing me to say this cause i was bad. Im only 12. It wasnt too long ago that I need a boob in fact. But thats the last I will most likely see since the rainbow flag will be my thing after I grow out of my baby thug stage.
Ryan wrote
at 10:26 PM, Wednesday October 18, 2006 EDT
You're not aloud to have avatars that represent hate groups.

Thats my rule. Deal with it.
devil wrote
at 10:40 PM, Wednesday October 18, 2006 EDT
GOOD rule!
StevenL wrote
at 12:23 AM, Thursday October 19, 2006 EDT
heh... funny stuff Tiny.. LOL... but i agree with Ryan
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