
pot calculations...
Ryan wrote
at 11:46 PM, Wednesday October 25, 2006 EDT
This is a response to the this idea...

I'm trying to do the math and noticed one mistake in your analysis so far...

For the side pot ValidAngle raises TO $1000, calling Billiy Balue's $300 bet and actually rasing only $700, paradox calls the $300+$700 and folds on the next bet of $1000, so the two $300 is part of the main pot, the the $700+$700+$2000=$3400 is the side pot which is right.

Replies 1 - 4 of 4
Ryan wrote
at 11:53 PM, Wednesday October 25, 2006 EDT
for the main pot:

paradox calls $500
Loic calls $500
ValidAngle raises $1200
BillyBalue calls $1200
paradox calls $700, (not 1200)
Loic calls $700, (not 1200)
Billy Balue bets $300
paradox calls $300
ValidAngle calls $300, (as part of a raise)
paradoc calls $300, (calling a bigger raise)

Total for main pot is $6000, not $6400

The pot is $50 off.
is this a 25/50 table?
Loic Dachary wrote
at 8:28 AM, Thursday October 26, 2006 EDT
Problem is : billy balue did not act on the flop after validangle raise. Action goes to paradox directly.
Loic Dachary wrote
at 8:40 AM, Thursday October 26, 2006 EDT
Billy balue was allin, of course.

Just to help reasoning about this hand, here is a simple ascii
representation of the betting rounds. Because the blinds do
not show in the logs, you must guess it's a 250/500$ table.

patch168 0 250
billy balue 0 500 1200 F 0 300
paradox 0 500 1200 F 0 300 1000 T 0
loic dachary 0 500 1200 F 0
validangle 0 500 1200 F 0 300 1000 T 0 2000
deeez 0
everfresh 0
Pot (1) (1) (2) (2)
5050 5950 2000 4000

From my point of view the maths are ok.
Loic Dachary wrote
at 8:41 AM, Thursday October 26, 2006 EDT
Billy balue was allin, of course.

Just to help reasoning about this hand, here is a simple ascii
representation of the betting rounds. Because the blinds do
not show in the logs, you must guess it's a 250/500$ table.

patch168 0 250
billy balue 0 500 1200 F 0 300
paradox 0 500 1200 F 0 300 1000 T 0
loic dachary 0 500 1200 F 0
validangle 0 500 1200 F 0 300 1000 T 0 2000
deeez 0
everfresh 0
Pot (1) (1) (2) (2)
5050 5950 2000 4000
From my point of view the maths are ok.
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