Level 41
to level 42


i am not 16 years old
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What the hell are you on about? I have no problem in admitting I am new to the game of poker and a hell of a lot of time I really make no attempt to play properly at all. All in, wait 10, all in, wait 10 etc - you know the routine. As for biglad jumping in on the side of idiots I think you will actually find the softlad was barking about a jammy flush you moron. Having said that, you only have to check out his history on here and see how many times he has been banned for his abusive behaviour towards other players to know what he is all about so it doesn't surprise me at all you are in his little circle of idiots. Now bend down between your legs, get a good grip, and pull your head out of your arse!
Asilad on Wednesday October 26, 2011
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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