Level 41
to level 42


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Nightly
2016-06-16 23:00:07.0
12th $0 5 0 0 +150 / -1,475 -299 $4900
Mini Freeroll 3
2013-02-09 00:00:00.0
29th $0 12 0 0 +1,175 / -1,300 -125 $88692
Friday Fives
2011-02-19 00:00:00.0
21st $0 92 0 1 +150 / -100 -16 $1525
2500 Daily
2010-08-28 00:00:00.0
28th $0 17 0 2 +2,775 / -2,625 -88 $4725
Mini Freeroll 2
2010-04-29 00:00:00.0
4th $5500 66 0 6 +11,937 / -24,949 -23 $36999
Mini Freeroll 2
2010-04-26 00:00:00.0
29th $0 13 0 0 +1,000 / -700 -115 $1750

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
April 2021 95th $215650 22 0 1 +6,275 / -5,900 +501 $221550
August 2018 487th $5900 6 0 0 +3,050 / -50 +732 $5950
October 2016 617th $4500 15 0 3 +3,920 / -13,545 -533 $13545
September 2016 741st $2450 689 0 41 +19,664 / -19,400 -33 $39206
August 2016 12th $1153233 2947 0 37 +885,000 / -813,500 +1 $4268512
July 2016 808th $4475 2242 1 70 +51,364 / -55,973 +0 $140267
June 2016 1380th $0 1999 0 104 +105,159 / -148,255 +0 $450555
April 2014 1856th $0 26 2 1 +650 / -2,125 -173 $2575
March 2014 122nd $153623 112 0 5 +82,000 / -24,000 +2,215 $297423
December 2013 1307th $1500 87 0 1 +7,425 / -12,750 -17 $21650
September 2013 2664th $0 9 1 0 +300 / -1,500 -333 $2000
April 2013 3999th $0 13 1 0 +650 / -1,525 -231 $1525
March 2013 3858th $0 66 3 3 +14,475 / -23,850 -137 $29350
February 2013 1679th $1500 433 18 23 +55,943 / -90,000 -80 $162980
September 2012 2146th $1275 41 6 0 +3,550 / -5,050 -225 $5050
August 2012 1088th $3681 22 1 1 +2,364 / -2,425 +31 $5020
June 2012 1098th $4025 100 6 3 +3,275 / -3,900 -65 $9425
February 2012 1331st $3100 14 2 0 +1,600 / -1,375 -100 $1500
January 2012 3274th $125 30 1 1 +1,695 / -2,020 -96 $3445
December 2011 5186th $0 48 4 6 +3,150 / -5,300 -219 $6150
November 2011 3103rd $0 3 1 0 -50 / -1,500 -1,000 $1500
October 2011 5323rd $0 12 2 0 -25 / -1,450 -375 $1500
September 2011 1960th $1500 78 10 6 +4,425 / -7,250 -231 $10450
August 2011 2111th $1500 21 0 2 +7,075 / -12,025 -71 $12550
July 2011 4344th $0 40 8 3 +6,475 / -12,925 -338 $12925
June 2011 4415th $0 4 1 0 +725 / -1,500 -750 $1500
May 2011 329th $32125 125 0 8 +21,600 / -20,000 +245 $53525
April 2011 1770th $1500 85 2 8 +11,320 / -19,700 -53 $42339
March 2011 3080th $350 506 32 34 +25,325 / -19,000 -106 $59054
February 2011 4325th $0 240 12 12 +10,900 / -20,000 -58 $41004
December 2010 4604th $0 13 3 1 +1,500 / -2,950 -462 $3150
October 2010 6755th $0 21 1 1 +2,950 / -2,725 -143 $7450
September 2010 6455th $0 4 1 0 +41 / -1,500 -750 $1500
August 2010 5314th $0 65 11 0 +2,625 / -3,850 -262 $3900
July 2010 1345th $3212 103 11 5 +6,100 / -6,850 -202 $11050
June 2010 5914th $0 132 12 9 +5,512 / -11,025 -182 $11750
May 2010 2106th $1500 200 21 7 +18,526 / -18,554 -187 $41078
April 2010 2645th $1500 410 40 21 +67,932 / -53,000 -174 $134864
March 2010 6728th $0 237 18 24 +20,300 / -56,724 -158 $68724
February 2010 4469th $0 73 11 6 +8,775 / -11,350 -247 $13525
January 2010 4576th $1350 346 23 23 +22,400 / -18,200 -109 $56927
December 2009 3175th $1500 193 21 18 +10,487 / -17,975 -187 $27375
November 2009 3012th $1500 666 75 56 +23,600 / -16,900 -176 $52850
October 2009 7583rd $0 437 44 29 +15,591 / -13,562 -164 $39282
September 2009 1025th $12225 413 54 36 +19,726 / -17,400 -170 $38052
August 2009 7284th $0 738 66 48 +109,643 / -91,000 -142 $386807
July 2009 1429th $7650 1241 92 68 +176,652 / -142,000 -271 $334876
June 2009 6928th $0 1099 36 42 +2,090,000 / -2,810,000 -53 $13681300
May 2009 7314th $0 337 13 19 +26,951 / -19,676 -67 $51001
April 2009 7496th $0 319 26 24 +13,042 / -14,200 -145 $25584
March 2009 7935th $0 177 31 17 +12,775 / -14,000 -288 $20100
February 2009 2069th $4875 418 32 16 +17,075 / -20,000 -107 $34350
January 2009 1818th $7675 296 17 13 +28,000 / -53,500 -58 $147574
December 2008 1560th $9650 256 35 10 +10,229 / -19,400 -173 $22408
November 2008 11530th $0 235 27 26 +24,800 / -25,614 -179 $71614
October 2008 8550th $0 828 62 46 +167,500 / -445,687 -116 $485687
September 2008 7825th $0 396 39 17 +13,000 / -17,000 -155 $37844
August 2008 1906th $4500 615 22 27 +1,127,321 / -1,178,500 -51 $2478657
July 2008 9268th $0 319 44 0 +17,892 / -24,072 +0 $49684
June 2008 8851st $0 19 2 0 +2,200 / -2,750 +0 $4350
May 2008 7837th $0 206 21 0 +8,000 / -10,125 +0 $16082
April 2008 8735th $0 157 16 0 +21,750 / -30,230 +0 $40800
March 2008 8978th $0 295 23 0 +102,100 / -84,967 +0 $180400
February 2008 11461st $0 36 7 0 +3,050 / -3,750 +0 $4900
January 2008 10446th $0 89 6 0 +9,575 / -22,190 +0 $39190
December 2007 12102nd $0 0 7 0 +288,084 / -300,084 +0 $51078
November 2007 13741st $0 0 26 0 +55,350 / -95,850 +0 $8800
October 2007 12836th $0 0 3 0 +12,525 / -18,525 +0 $3200
August 2007 11939th $0 0 13 0 +21,675 / -42,675 +0 $4500
July 2007 10033rd $0 0 7 0 +135,319 / -147,319 +0 $25025
June 2007 9536th $0 0 34 0 +141,651 / -194,151 +0 $16749
May 2007 10101st $0 0 54 0 +244,498 / -326,998 +0 $32550
April 2007 8933rd $0 0 12 0 +31,487 / -50,987 +0 $5825
March 2007 8751st $0 0 2 0 +8,775 / -13,275 +0 $2700
February 2007 2695th $1500 0 1 0 +1,600 / -3,100 +0 $1000
December 2006 20860th $0 0 1 0 +1,500 / -4,500 +0 $1500
November 2006 2865th $0 0 5 0 +40,500 / -49,500 +0 $19500
October 2006 2819th $0 0 112 0 +695,310 / -865,260 +0 $37500
September 2006 6th $1526859 0 22 0 +10,557,323 / -9,065,264 +0 $378000
August 2006 6947th $0 0 33 0 +4,725,017 / -4,776,517 +0 $208368
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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