Level 69
to level 70

Dave H

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Reviews 1 - 8 of 8

Biggest donk in the game awful
POKER GOD* on Thursday July 13, 2023
I have 10 kkkkkk...lol
kellykellymoore on Monday April 9, 2012
ninabowi bets $50 "pebble" calls Dealing turn: [4h] ninabowi bets $500 irish helmet takes a seat "pebble" folds ninabowi wins main pot $1,125 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [Ks, 6h] "pebble" calls camperman76 folds irish helmet calls ninabowi checks Dealing flop: [6s, 6c, Ac] irish helmet checks ninabowi checks "pebble" checks Dealing turn: [Tc] irish helmet checks ninabowi bets $50 "pebble" calls irish helmet folds Dealing river: [4h] ninabowi bets $509 "pebble" raises $1,018 ninabowi raises $1,018 "pebble" calls ninabowi shows [6d, 4c] for a full house, sixs full of fours "pebble" shows [Ks, 6h] for three sixs ninabowi wins main pot $3,304 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [Qh, 8d] camperman76 calls irish helmet calls ninabowi calls "pebble" raises $150 camperman76 folds irish helmet calls ninabowi calls Dealing flop: [9s, 4c, Jd] ninabowi checks "pebble" checks irish helmet bets $150 ninabowi folds "pebble" calls Dealing turn: [8c] "pebble" checks irish helmet bets $150 "pebble" calls Dealing river: [5s] "pebble" checks irish helmet bets $300 "pebble" calls "pebble" shows [Qh, 8d] for a pair of eights irish helmet shows [4s, 9h] for two pair, nines and fours irish helmet wins main pot $1,850 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [3c, 8s] irish helmet calls ninabowi calls "pebble" folds camperman76 folds Dealing flop: [6s, Qs, 6d] irish helmet checks ninabowi bets $50 irish helmet calls Dealing turn: [Kd] irish helmet checks ninabowi bets $50 irish helmet folds ninabowi wins main pot $325 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [6h, 9c] ninabowi calls "pebble" raises $100 camperman76 calls irish helmet calls ninabowi calls Dealing flop: [2h, Js, Qd] camperman76 checks irish helmet checks ninabowi checks "pebble" checks Dealing turn: [6s] camperman76 checks irish helmet checks ninabowi checks "pebble" bets $50 camperman76 calls irish helmet folds ninabowi folds Dealing river: [7d] camperman76 checks "pebble" checks "pebble" shows [6h, 9c] for a pair of sixs camperman76 shows [Kd, Ah] for Ace high "pebble" wins main pot $500 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [5c, 4d] "pebble" calls camperman76 folds irish helmet calls ninabowi raises $50 "pebble" calls irish helmet calls Dealing flop: [Kc, Th, 9c] irish helmet bets $50 ninabowi calls "pebble" folds Dealing turn: [Qc] "pebble" stands up "pebble" takes a seat rcsted bets $150 John Boddie calls Dealing river: [7d] rcsted bets $50 John Boddie calls John Boddie shows [Kc, Qh] for King high rcsted shows [5c, 4s] for two pair, fives and fours rcsted wins main pot $600 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [3c, Ts] rcsted calls "pebble" calls John Boddie checks Dealing flop: [Js, Ks, 7c] "pebble" checks John Boddie checks rcsted checks Dealing turn: [Jh] "pebble" checks John Boddie checks rcsted checks Dealing river: [5h] "pebble" checks John Boddie checks rcsted checks "pebble" shows [3c, Ts] for a pair of Jacks John Boddie shows [6c, 4c] for a pair of Jacks rcsted shows [8c, 2c] for a pair of Jacks "pebble" wins main pot $150 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [9c, 4h] "pebble" folds John Boddie calls rcsted checks Dealing flop: [2d, Td, 2c] John Boddie checks rcsted checks Dealing turn: [Jd] John Boddie checks rcsted checks Dealing river: [Ah] John Boddie checks rcsted checks John Boddie shows [Kc, 4c] for a pair of twos rcsted shows [7d, 8c] for a pair of twos John Boddie wins main pot $100 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [Qd, 4d] John Boddie calls rcsted calls "pebble" raises $150 John Boddie calls rcsted folds Dealing flop: [2d, 6d, 6h] "pebble" bets $450 John Boddie folds "pebble" wins main pot $900 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [Kh, 8h] rcsted calls "pebble" raises $175 John Boddie raises $300 rcsted calls "pebble" calls Dealing flop: [6h, 7s, 4h] Dave H takes a seat "pebble" bets $250 John Boddie raises $500 rcsted calls "pebble" calls Dealing turn: [5h] "pebble" bets $400 John Boddie calls rcsted raises $2,000 "pebble" calls John Boddie calls Dealing river: [4s] "pebble" bets $2,500 rcsted calls "pebble" shows [Kh, 8h] for a flush King high John Boddie shows [Kd, Ks] for two pair, Kings and fours rcsted shows [8d, Tc] for a straight eight high "pebble" wins main pot $5,679 "pebble" wins side pot $6,914 John Boddie stands up Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [9d, 2c] "pebble" folds Dave H folds rcsted wins main pot $75 Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [9d, 2d] John Boddie takes a seat Dave H raises $4,975 rcsted calls "pebble" folds Dealing flop: [4h, 4s, 7s] Dealing turn: [Kd] Dealing river: [9h] Dave H shows [3h, 8h] for a pair of fours rcsted shows [Qh, Ac] for a pair of fours rcsted wins main pot $5,650 Dave H wins side pot $2,175 Dave H stands up Dave H takes a seat
"pebble" on Wednesday September 21, 2011
good luck zoid
i_fax_u on Saturday July 23, 2011
this guy is a fish
all-in-king369 on Tuesday July 5, 2011
congrats m8,gl
sofoklo on Sunday August 1, 2010
good job
dr. zoidberg 69 on Tuesday December 1, 2009
daveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee grandeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee amico :) congratulazioni
baz _2.0 on Tuesday December 1, 2009
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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