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John Cleveland

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LOL. I love it.
John Cleveland on Wednesday August 22, 2012
2012-05-12 John Cleveland, the chat jerk and echt Mississippian, took his time--a LONG time, almost one year--to leave a review of me: "Everyone read the review this guy posted on my wall [sic]. Whenever i feel down about myself, I re-read it. It lets me know that there are some sick people in this world and validates that my situation could always be worse. I could resemble this douchebag" As elegant and literate as he will never be, John Cleveland cries out for love and understanding despite his being a chat jerk and web boy. Also, John Cleveland doesn't know the difference between his Gpokr wall and his Gpokr review page. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2011-04-21 While John Cleveland doesn't understand that Gpokr is not poker, he wants us all to know how much better he is at poker/Gpokr than the rest of us. It isn't enough to BE better and to win--he has to tell us in chat how bad we are. John Cleveland is the echt Mississippian: Sanctimonious hypocrites, they talk about the "southern gentleman" but act like jerks and say that you are rude if you mention their jerky behavior. Here is the chat. ++++++++++ John Cleveland: sigh [Note: JC "sighed" to let us know that he saw a play that was beneath him.]............... John Cleveland: going to get donked again [Note: JC never loses a hand--he is only donked by donkeys.]............... oakcliff: "donked" -- as if this were real poker............... oakcliff: what a fool............... John Cleveland: It did not work though................ John Cleveland: We all know you are stupid!............... oakcliff: "donked"!!!!!!............... oakcliff: really?............... John Cleveland: Really................ oakcliff: you were DONKED on Gpokr?............... John Cleveland: Just waiting your turn I am sure................ oakcliff: really?............... John Cleveland: Goodluck shithead................ John Cleveland: Mind your own business from now on. [Note: It is okay for JC to insult us at the table--that is apparently HIS business--but God forbid anyone call him on it. How dare they!]............... oakcliff: we all saw your stupid "sight" earlier [Note: That should have said "sigh."]............... oakcliff: you are SUCH a GREAT poker player--tell us all about it............... oakcliff: come on John............... John Cleveland: I thought that was your department................ John Cleveland: Started in with the lesson?............... 52.: think you two need some boxing gloves............... oakcliff: you are GREAT--tell us how stupid we aree............... John Cleveland: What? Now you can't finish it?............... John Cleveland: LOL............... John Cleveland: STFU and it will make you look smarter, I promise................ oakcliff: "sigh"? really?............... oakcliff: "sigh"?............... oakcliff: really?............... oakcliff: you really sighed?............... oakcliff: are was that a lie? [Note: That should have been "or" not "are."]............... John Cleveland: For fucks sake. How much of a barage do I actually deseerve? [Note: "Deserve" he asks in bewilderment. Again, HE can insult us all he wants, but WE must be polite and decorous.]............... 52.: a ring...mouthguard a ref & commentators............... John Cleveland: Will this take much longer?............... oakcliff: how much longer will you be a chat jerk?............... oakcliff: that is how long it takes............... John Cleveland: Seems like you would STFU................ John Cleveland: Normal thing would be for you to STFU. [Note: "Normal" he appeals to. His insulting the table is apparently normal--to him.]............... oakcliff: "Oh, look at me! I am BETTER than THIS table. Sigh."............... John Cleveland: LOL............... 52.: this is funny............... John Cleveland: Yep. That is what a sigh means................ 52.: keep going............... John Cleveland: It means I am better than you................ John Cleveland: Everyone got the message................ John Cleveland: Hey, everyone, sigh................ John Cleveland: Sigh again................ John Cleveland: Is it OOK if I sigh oakcliff?............... John Cleveland: Should I have asked beforehand?............... oakcliff: it is NOT okay if you are a chat jerk............... oakcliff: any other questions?............... John Cleveland: What actually is poker chatroon etiquette? Ask you or just anyone at the table?............... oakcliff: just don't be a jerk--that is the only requirement............... John Cleveland: I wasn't.,............... oakcliff: do what you want, but don't whine when i put it in your review............... John Cleveland: You jumped in showing off your douchebaggyness................ John Cleveland: Thanks again................ John Cleveland: I am spriong fresh now................ oakcliff: chat jerks HATE having their own words put on permanent dispaly in their reviews............... John Cleveland: Put it anywhere................ John Cleveland: Put it in your ass................ oakcliff: they can't stand the sight of their OWN words............... John Cleveland: Better yet, your mouth................ John Cleveland: Put it on your face book page moron................ oakcliff: that is all you've got? pathetic web boy stuff now?............... oakcliff: really?............... John Cleveland: I got nothing................ oakcliff: you can do better right?............... John Cleveland: You got ALL the opinion here douche................ oakcliff: you are so GREAT at poker, you must be good at something else............... John Cleveland: Not trying to do better................ John Cleveland: Trying to play against the donks here. Only one. He is in the corner named Oakcliff. [Note: Ah, perhaps JC is feeling worry or shame. He is now trying to back off his earlier calling everyone on the $25/$50 donks and "make clear" that I am the only donk at the table. Weaselly, JC, weaselly--of course.]............... oakcliff: "donks" again? you think this is real poker don't you?............... 52.: fight fight fight!............... John Cleveland: No. I think you are a douche though................ 52.: punch you're close enough............... John Cleveland: If that helps................ oakcliff: web boy stuff--take your time and come up with something better............... John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: google something............... oakcliff: take 5 minutes............... John Cleveland: Nothing better than sitting next to a douche................ John Cleveland: Smells like vagina................ John Cleveland: No need................ John Cleveland: You are a douche. Nothing else................ oakcliff: you have a limited vocabulary and imagination-- typical web boy............... 52.: punch him!............... John Cleveland: Sure................ John Cleveland: Will there be anything else?............... oakcliff: "sure"?............... 52.: hook him!............... oakcliff: that's it?............... 52.: throw a jab!............... John Cleveland: Thanks................ oakcliff: speak up! fill the chat with your wisdom!............... John Cleveland: Now STFU and try not to stink up the room................ oakcliff: no?............... oakcliff: you got that little?............... oakcliff: pathetic............... oakcliff: so PROUD to "sigh" and "donk" but got nothing............... John Cleveland: Trust me, I am crying "On the inside"................ John Cleveland: What do you want?............... 52.: now kiss & make up lmao!............... John Cleveland: You keep asking for something................ oakcliff: to punish the web boys, chat jerks, and bullies............... John Cleveland: What do you want?............... oakcliff: what else?............... John Cleveland: So, you want to punish me?>............... oakcliff: to clean up the garbage............... oakcliff: to police the streets of Gpokr............... John Cleveland: To clean up the garbage, just sit out by the curb................ 52.: this is GOLD!............... oakcliff: watch for it in his review (and mine)............... John Cleveland: They will come around once or twice a week............... John Cleveland: Great ##########................ John Cleveland: Post it ########## ................ John Cleveland: Post it in big bold letters ########## [Note: JC asked me to. Being magnanimous, what can I do but give it to him?]................ oakcliff: these guys absolutely HATE seeing their own words............... oakcliff: they whine and cry............... John Cleveland: I did not know Gpokr had douchbags cleaning up it's mean streets................ John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: after acting like jerks they demand fair treatment (what THEY think is fair)............... oakcliff: civilized behavior is beyond them............... John Cleveland: I did not realize a sigh was whinning,............... oakcliff: very immature--they are drunk with the anonymity of the Internet............... oakcliff: the sigh is NOT whining............... John Cleveland: This guy................ oakcliff: the sigh is the jerk part............... John Cleveland: Is definately single................ John Cleveland: ROFL............... oakcliff: your whining is about being called out for being a jerk............... John Cleveland: Not whinning................ John Cleveland: Just calling you a douchbag................ 52.: well.................. John Cleveland: Nothing more................ John Cleveland: LOL............... John Cleveland: Move out of your parents basement guy................ oakcliff: you guys are my meat--i love you guys............... oakcliff: oh, there is the one they all trot out... ............... oakcliff: "you have nothing better to do ?"............... John Cleveland: You love meat?............... John Cleveland: ROFL............... oakcliff: they want to be jerks and web boys without consequence............... John Cleveland: I bet you do................ oakcliff: then they demand that OTHERS act a certain way............... oakcliff: pathetic............... John Cleveland: Caught me. ............... John Cleveland: Anything else?............... John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: were you really rolling on the floor?............... John Cleveland: Absolutely. ............... oakcliff: were you really laughing out loud?............... John Cleveland: Of course................ oakcliff: really?............... John Cleveland: REALLY!............... oakcliff: hard to believe............... oakcliff: but if you say so............... John Cleveland: sigh............... oakcliff: you are a credible source, after all............... John Cleveland: Thanks................ oakcliff: You are quite welcome................ BUC(SCW/FMF): Hey Oak. Why don't you shut the fuck up ########## [Note: BUC chimes in to defend the indefensible.] ................ John Cleveland: LOL............... John Cleveland: LMAO............... oakcliff: fair warning: if you say it in chat it may appear in your review............... John Cleveland: I am not sure he cares either................ oakcliff: you really laughed your ass off? really?............... John Cleveland: At you................ 52.: oak won hands down tbh ########## [Note: An unsolicited encomium! Thanks.]............... oakcliff: hard to believe............... John Cleveland: Of course. You should do standup!............... oakcliff: but i didn't say the "funny" line............... John Cleveland: We have not even p-layed in a hand................ oakcliff: BUC did............... 52.: if i went to court i'd want dude as my lawyer............... John Cleveland: I guess great minds think alike................ oakcliff: so they say............... BUC(SCW/FMF): Let the ass go John. ............... John Cleveland: Alright............... oakcliff: you aren't completely devoid of knowledge, you are just a jerk............... oakcliff: BUC is right, John--let it go............... oakcliff: but keep sighing, John -- that is what you are good at............... John Cleveland: I already agreed. Thanks for supporting me though................ John Cleveland: OK................ John Cleveland: I will at my leisure................ John Cleveland: Sigh............... oakcliff: no, you have to sigh when it shows you are superior--not now............... John Cleveland: At my leisure................ oakcliff: it is not an indolent sigh--it is a sigh of superiority............... BUC(SCW/FMF): What a douchebag................ oakcliff: you are mixing up your sighs then............... John Cleveland: He can't help it................ oakcliff: got to clean up the garbage is all............... John Cleveland: nh............... John Cleveland: Wait................ John Cleveland: Sigh [Note: Here JC does what little boys do when they are caught and know they did something wrong but keep doing it to show that they don't care what the adults say.]............... John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: donked again?............... oakcliff: were you better than yesi?............... John Cleveland: I am done with you. ########## [Note: JC says he is done with me. But he does not have the stomach for that as you will see.]............... oakcliff: he is a lucky fool in your eyes, right?............... oakcliff: no, teach us John............... John Cleveland: You were so right. You are so right. You are the best. I am the worst. [Note: Another "caught child" behavior-- overenthusiastically agree with the adult to show that you are being sarcastic. For a child that is living slightly on the edge.]............... oakcliff: help us............... John Cleveland: I suck at poker, I suck at life................ John Cleveland: Was that good, Oak?............... oakcliff: you are not the worst--you are just a jerk............... John Cleveland: I AM A JERK!............... John Cleveland: Anything else?............... oakcliff: there are about 3% of you on Gpokr............... oakcliff: and you mess it up for the rest of us............... John Cleveland: What can I say, to get you to STFU?............... oakcliff: stop being a jerk?............... oakcliff: that might do it............... oakcliff: don't be a web boy, chat jerk, or bully--simple............... John Cleveland: Nah, Go fuck yourself douchbag................ John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: really? laughed out loud?............... oakcliff: really?............... John Cleveland: I did................ oakcliff: hard to believe............... John Cleveland: All web boys do that................ John Cleveland: We meet a douchebag with no life and we sigh and LOL and he gets off on it................ oakcliff: they SAY they do that............... John Cleveland: Anyway, I am done with you. ########## [Note: AGAIN JC says he is done with me. But AGAIN he does not have the stomach for that.]............... John Cleveland: Later............... oakcliff: "no life"--typical chat jerk response--they HATE having their jerkiness pointed out............... BUC(SCW/FMF): He meeds a Biatch slap back to reality, John............... oakcliff: you guys are in 6th or 7th grade?............... John Cleveland: Yes, I know................ John Cleveland: OWNED!!!!! [Note: BUC beat me in a hand.]............... 52.: lol............... John Cleveland: LMAO................ John Cleveland: NH BUC............... oakcliff: really? you laughed your ass off? really?............... oakcliff: hard to believe............... BUC(SCW/FMF): that was easy............... John Cleveland: I know. He sucks................ John Cleveland: And he is mad about it................ oakcliff: no, just a game to me............... BUC(SCW/FMF): lol............... oakcliff: but web boys make me hold my nose............... John Cleveland: Nice comeback................ oakcliff: and chat jerks smell, too............... John Cleveland: I am done with you. Goodluck. [Note: AGAIN, for the 3rd time, JC says he is done with me. But AGAIN he says one thing and does another.]............... oakcliff: they are so dreary............... BUC(SCW/FMF) has left............... BUC (SCW/FMF) is here............... oakcliff: they can't take the anonymity of the web............... oakcliff: it gives them a little thrill up their spines to act like jerks in chat............... oakcliff: showing off--for themselves............... BUC(SCW/FMF): i am done with him too. he is disconnected from reality................ BUC (SCW/FMF): his meds may be a little off............... oakcliff: you keep saying "i am done" and then you aren't done............... John Cleveland: Obviously................ oakcliff: another chat jerk tendency--the lying............... John Cleveland: This is the only personal intereaction he ever gets................ John Cleveland: Kind of feel bad about not talking to him anymore, BUC................ oakcliff: all the chat jerks want to believe that i am the only one who dislikes their jerkiness............... oakcliff: i am one of the few who NOTES it in chat, is all............... BUC(SCW/FMF): Don't. He will find another douchebag like himself to taunt................ John Cleveland: Yep................ John Cleveland: So true,................ oakcliff: my readers LOVE to see what guys like these come up with............... John Cleveland: Lot's of them on this site................ BUC(SCW/FMF): You having a good evening?............... John Cleveland: Yeah. Thanks yourself?............... oakcliff: great evening, thanks............... oakcliff: thanks for asking............... oakcliff: again, you guys are my meat............... BUC(SCW/FMF): pretty good John. Thanks................ oakcliff: so easy to make you guys whine and complain............... oakcliff: so thin skinned, bullies are............... BUC(SCW/FMF): some people are to slow to take subtle hints................ John Cleveland: I know................ oakcliff: they HATE having there actions turned on THEM............... John Cleveland: We have to tolerate them though................ John Cleveland: I wish this site would clean itself up................ John Cleveland: It is the worst................ oakcliff: they HATE being called out for their behavior--"why pick on US?"............... BUC(SCW/FMF): we think a lot alike john............... oakcliff: "what did WE do?"............... John Cleveland: I was thinking the same thing................ John Cleveland: Great minds and all................ John Cleveland: LOL............... BUC(SCW/FMF): lol............... BUC(SCW/FMF): yes............... oakcliff: "we never bothered anybody. why pick on us?" they whine............... BUC(SCW/FMF): sigh............... John Cleveland: LMAO............... John Cleveland: Yes................ John Cleveland: Sigh............... oakcliff: not yet BUC--you haven't done anything superior yet............... oakcliff: wait until you get DONKED to SIGH............... John Cleveland: You have my pemission BUC. Sigh all you like [Note: Oh, dear. JC must be reading what I write. Now he has responded. Tsk, tsk. No self-discipline] ................ oakcliff: wrong kind of sigh, then............... BUC(SCW/FMF): Thanks John................ John Cleveland: Your welcome................ oakcliff: NOW you sigh to show you are superior to the rest of us............... oakcliff: "look how i was DONKED"............... John Cleveland: Sigh............... oakcliff: "SIGH"............... BUC(SCW/FMF): sigh............... BUC(SCW/FMF): ROFL............... John Cleveland: LMAO............... oakcliff: rolling on the floor? laughing your ass off? hard to believe............... John Cleveland: What did you fold BUC?............... oakcliff: i think you guys just type that to kid us, just making a joke............... BUC(SCW/FMF): 85............... John Cleveland: LOL, Really?............... BUC(SCW/FMF): yes............... oakcliff: did BUC donk you?............... oakcliff: does BUC sigh now?............... John Cleveland: Glad you folded. [Note: JC meant 'Glad you folded, dear.']............... oakcliff: John, should BUC sigh now?............... oakcliff: tell him to sigh now............... oakcliff: give him permission............... BUC(SCW/FMF): Couldn't play it to a raise John............... oakcliff: "SIGH" then............... John Cleveland: Yeah, I would have dumped it too................ oakcliff: show you are superior by FOLDING............... oakcliff: SIGH!!!!............... John Cleveland: GL............... oakcliff: you are so great!!!............... oakcliff: this is REAL poker according to John Cleveland............... BUC(SCW/FMF): ty............... oakcliff: SIGH!!!!............... oakcliff: you are being DONKED, BUC--you need to SIGH now............... BUC(SCW/FMF): hard hand to play............... oakcliff: DONKED@!!!!!!!............... oakcliff: DONKED!!!!!!!............... John Cleveland: Yeah, that looked like it............... oakcliff: oh, you were so DONKED............... oakcliff: freogo must be a terrible player, right John Cleveland?............... BUC(SCW/FMF): What can you do?............... oakcliff: SIGH!!!............... John Cleveland: You played it right, I think................ oakcliff: that is what you can do -- SIGH............... John Cleveland: Who knows................ oakcliff: show that YOU are better than everyone here except John............... BUC(SCW/FMF): i should have called............... oakcliff: "i think"!!!?????............... oakcliff: you don't KNOW??????............... John Cleveland: I am gonna try to take it down here in a sec............... BUC(SCW/FMF): gl............... John Cleveland: TY, BUC............... oakcliff: JOHN admits he "thinks" it was right!!!!!............... oakcliff: he doesn't KNOW!!!!............... oakcliff: amazing............... BUC(SCW/FMF): anytime............... oakcliff: get ready to SIGH at being DONKED............... BUC(SCW/FMF): I am gonna add you as a friend ########## ............... John Cleveland: Yeah, go ahead. ########## [Note: Isn't love grand? They have so much in common like.... Uh? What was it again?]............... John Cleveland: I will add you too................ oakcliff: thanks, i have enough friends already............... John Cleveland: Thanks guy............... oakcliff: no problem............... BUC(SCW/FMF): you are welcome............... BUC(SCW/FMF): ty too............... oakcliff: always happy to help civilized players............... oakcliff: you are acting right, now--that is a good thing............... oakcliff: keep it up............... John Cleveland: I have crap this hand................ John Cleveland: LOL............... BUC(SCW/FMF): me too............... oakcliff: ha ha ha--it is funny--i get it............... oakcliff: good one, John............... freogo: ?............... BUC(SCW/FMF): Is John your real name?............... oakcliff: no, oakcliff is my real name............... John Cleveland: Yes................ John Cleveland: Wha is yours?............... oakcliff: BUC............... oakcliff: of course............... BUC(SCW/FMF): Eric............... oakcliff: no! mine too............... John Cleveland: Nice to meet you Eric................ oakcliff: yes, nice to meet you Eric............... BUC(SCW/FMF): likewise john............... oakcliff: John is a fine fellow now that i have punished him properly............... John Cleveland: Where are you, Eric?............... oakcliff: John just needed a reminder about good manners............... oakcliff: he is basically a good boy............... BUC(SCW/FMF): Ca............... John Cleveland: MS here............... BUC(SCW/FMF): cool. Ive been there............... oakcliff: "cool"--don't you feel good now?............... oakcliff: BUC said it was "cool"............... oakcliff: you must feel good inside now............... John Cleveland: I have been to CA too............... oakcliff: no? really?............... John Cleveland: LA and Ventura county area................ oakcliff: small world............... do good anyway: how did you punish him............... BUC(SCW/FMF): i am in LA................ John Cleveland: Small world................ oakcliff: by pointing out what a jerk he was being............... oakcliff: they HATE that............... BUC(SCW/FMF): so true............... oakcliff: you are my meat............... John Cleveland: LOL............... John Cleveland: That is still funny................ oakcliff: really?............... oakcliff: out loud?............... BUC(SCW/FMF): yes it is............... John Cleveland: Let's hang out................ oakcliff: hard to belive he is that amused by it............... oakcliff: but he says so............... freogo: i thought it was a nh............... BUC(SCW/FMF): i am curious how much longer he can last............... BUC(SCW/FMF): lol............... John Cleveland: Me too................ do good anyway: what does your name mean Buc?............... oakcliff: laugh out loud? really?............... John Cleveland: This is great................ oakcliff: this is great! so coolly indifferent, aren't they?............... oakcliff: they couldn't care less about me............... BUC(SCW/FMF): it couldn't get any better............... oakcliff: but they stay and respond, don't they............... oakcliff: "it couldn't get any better"! see? he likes it............... oakcliff: he wants it............... oakcliff: he can't live without it............... BUC(SCW/FMF): sigh............... oakcliff: not yet, john--wait until you are donked............... John Cleveland: sigh............... oakcliff: not yet............... oakcliff: not donked yet............... John Cleveland: I am John................ John Cleveland: He is Eric............... oakcliff: i didn't think it mattered WHAT i said............... oakcliff: it appears that it DOES matter............... John Cleveland: Oh god, I spoke to him. ########## [Note: JC gets so emotional about this stuff.]............... BUC(SCW/FMF): lol............... BUC(SCW/FMF): you are gonna pay for it now............... oakcliff: yes, they try SO hard to appear indifferent, then they switch gears............... John Cleveland: God I know,............... John Cleveland: ROFL............... oakcliff: they try to browbeat, then act as if it doesn't matter--but they HATE it............... BUC(SCW/FMF): lol............... oakcliff: donked again, john was............... oakcliff: the only time john EVER loses is when he is DONKED............... CuckSlot: i had a good hand............... BUC(SCW/FMF): you said it rigjt earlier John............... oakcliff: it doesn't matter to john--everyone else is a donk if they beat him............... John Cleveland: What?............... oakcliff: what?............... BUC(SCW/FMF): He is certainly Single................ John Cleveland: ROFL............... John Cleveland: Yep................ oakcliff: rofl............... oakcliff: yep............... John Cleveland: It is obvious................ freogo: the douchebag comment............... oakcliff: so funny............... oakcliff: obvious............... John Cleveland: LMAO............... John Cleveland: TY Freogo................ oakcliff: rofl............... oakcliff: donk............... oakcliff: sigh............... John Cleveland: This is unreal, right................ oakcliff: unreal!............... BUC(SCW/FMF): I think so................ John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: LOL............... oakcliff: you amuse yourself............... John Cleveland: No, you are amusing,............... oakcliff: sure, John, sure............... oakcliff: you aren't complaining at all............... John Cleveland: Everyone at the table is shocked that you are still yapping I am sure................ oakcliff: "shocked"? i doubt it............... John Cleveland: Complaining will do not good................ John Cleveland: You will keep on until you tire out,............... oakcliff: your whining fills me with joy, though............... John Cleveland: Whcih should be soon,................ oakcliff: yes, i have enough for your review............... John Cleveland: Post it now ########## [Note: Still asking for it. I must oblige.]................ oakcliff: soon............... John Cleveland: Hopefully you have to leave the table to post................ John Cleveland: I am not sure................ oakcliff: you will HATE it............... John Cleveland: I am sure I will................ oakcliff: you guys HATE seeing your own words............... John Cleveland: LOL............... John Cleveland: Yep. I hate it................ oakcliff: while the rest of us don't mind seeing OUR words in a review............... John Cleveland: Well room. I am finished again ########## [Note: For the 4th time, JC is finished with me.]................ oakcliff: table, not room............... John Cleveland: sigh............... oakcliff: sigh............... oakcliff: lmao............... oakcliff: rofl............... oakcliff: lol............... oakcliff: is that right, John?............... oakcliff: is that how you do that............... oakcliff: ?............... oakcliff: make up reactions to appear indifferent when really you seethe inside?............... oakcliff: no?............... oakcliff: "cool"--to quote BUC............... oakcliff: ROFL............... oakcliff: LMAO............... John Cleveland: Berating of a lifetime................ John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: close the first time............... oakcliff: no problem............... John Cleveland: This has been going on for well over an hour and a half................ oakcliff: see, they want to be jerks with NO CONSEQUENCES............... John Cleveland: Marathon................ John Cleveland: LOL............... John Cleveland: I have your chips. Get over it,............... oakcliff: "you suck. you are a donk. wait? i am not a jerk? how dare you!"............... John Cleveland: Oakcliff = SORE LOSER!! ########## [Note: JC tries another misdirection to avoid acknowledging his own bad behavior.]............... oakcliff: you can have all my chips, John, if that will make you less of a chat jerk............... oakcliff: do you want all my chips, John? ########## ............... John Cleveland: Have them? I took them!............... oakcliff: will that make it better?............... John Cleveland: Make what better?............... John Cleveland: This berating?............... John Cleveland: Sure................ oakcliff: either way--if you want them you can have them if you will act civilized and polite............... John Cleveland: Seems like I am................ John Cleveland: You can poll the table................ oakcliff: table, is calling you all "donks" polite?............... John Cleveland: I think I am being quite a gentleman. ............... oakcliff: is SIGHING at your play polite?............... John Cleveland: Table?............... oakcliff: table?............... John Cleveland: No one else cares either guy................ oakcliff: YOU don't care? you seem to care a lot............... John Cleveland: sigh............... oakcliff: table, does john care a lot?............... oakcliff: he keeps responding--he could have MUTED me LONG, LONG ago............... oakcliff: he seems to REALLY care............... oakcliff: he wants my good opinion but doesn't know how to get it............... oakcliff: it is simple: be polite and civilized............... oakcliff: don't insult people............... oakcliff: that is it............... John Cleveland: Suck a chode moron. ............... oakcliff: not hard at all for most people............... [Note: Here we educated JC about muting people in chat.]............... oakcliff: i am not muted if you see this............... freogo: oakcliff/mute............... DENY THE CROSS: pute the mark in front............... DENY THE CROSS: of mute............... John Cleveland: I think I did it................ oakcliff: there you go............... DENY THE CROSS: to unmute............... DENY THE CROSS: just type unmute after the............... John Cleveland: Thank God that is over................ DENY THE CROSS: & name............... John Cleveland: Why in the hell would I ever want to unmute that guy?............... John Cleveland: LOL............... DENY THE CROSS: LOL............... oakcliff: back where no one calls him out for his "sighs" or his "donks"............... DENY THE CROSS: well just so u know... ............... John Cleveland: That was the biggest douchebag ever on this site. ............... DENY THE CROSS: john u live in cleveland?............... John Cleveland: Nah. ............... John Cleveland: MS............... DENY THE CROSS: be glad LOL............... John Cleveland: Why is that?............... DENY THE CROSS: o i lived there long time............... John Cleveland: Was it bad............... DENY THE CROSS: then i moved hour south still horrible so i moved 1000 miles south LOL............... DENY THE CROSS: shithole............... John Cleveland: It is late guys. This is going to be my last hand................ John Cleveland: LOL............... oakcliff: no! say it ain't so............... John Cleveland: Where you at now?............... oakcliff: donks must have got to him............... DENY THE CROSS: SC............... John Cleveland: That is more like 1500 miles south............... John Cleveland: LOL............... DENY THE CROSS: lol............... John Cleveland: Last hand guys. ............... rawksupastar: IM SCREWED............... rawksupastar: THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT RYAN............... John Cleveland: GN everyone, GL. ............... John Cleveland has left............... oakcliff: thanks, john--sweet dreams ++++++++++ John Cleveland is the echt Mississippian: Sanctimonious hypocrites, they talk about the "southern gentleman" but act like jerks and say that you are rude if you mention their jerky behavior. oakcliff on Tuesday August 2,
oakcliff on Tuesday July 3, 2012
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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