Level 16
to level 17


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Daily
2009-04-19 00:00:00.0
30th $0 22 0 3 +2,100 / -1,850 -68 $4325
Europe Freeroll
2009-03-21 00:00:00.0
47th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
March 2020 62nd $197500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
December 2018 1287th $-1150 29 1 0 +150 / -1,475 -136 $1650
November 2015 551st $6725 30 0 2 +1,350 / -150 +168 $6850
August 2014 1989th $0 2 0 0 -100 / -1,400 -750 $1500
March 2014 2191st $0 9 0 0 +175 / -1,425 -167 $1500
February 2014 641st $6350 58 1 5 +7,500 / -5,300 +58 $13725
January 2014 1632nd $975 26 3 1 +1,300 / -2,366 -193 $2925
December 2013 699th $5450 124 2 10 +4,600 / -6,450 +8 $9050
September 2013 582nd $6900 32 0 4 +3,550 / -1,525 +169 $8475
January 2013 429th $22488 48 1 9 +8,149 / -2,225 +406 $22188
January 2012 6146th $0 15 2 0 +625 / -1,900 -300 $1950
November 2011 531st $17959 134 5 3 +10,350 / -6,990 +67 $32000
November 2010 6924th $0 18 2 1 +1,975 / -6,100 -250 $6250
April 2010 6825th $0 56 1 0 +2,650 / -4,650 -54 $6250
January 2010 6010th $0 40 2 2 +2,575 / -4,625 -113 $9975
December 2009 7402nd $0 29 4 2 +6,000 / -9,725 -259 $10425
November 2009 1172nd $8875 59 0 4 +5,850 / -5,000 +126 $17100
July 2009 4567th $1200 73 4 1 +1,250 / -2,275 -86 $2975
June 2009 6721st $0 17 2 0 +2,575 / -5,050 -265 $5050
May 2009 1745th $5550 50 3 3 +3,525 / -1,850 -9 $7250
April 2009 2466th $2605 181 7 10 +7,535 / -3,700 -38 $13570
March 2009 1973rd $4925 65 5 3 +3,100 / -3,750 -86 $5325
February 2009 7213th $0 10 0 0 +2,000 / -1,650 -150 $3400
January 2009 5636th $1350 8 1 0 -25 / -1,100 -206 $1500
December 2008 5199th $1400 70 8 0 +1,050 / -1,500 -173 $2850
November 2008 6794th $0 9 1 0 -25 / -850 -333 $1500
October 2008 2227th $2475 33 3 1 +2,450 / -3,750 -107 $4350
September 2008 2443rd $1600 7 1 0 +1,600 / -1,700 -200 $3400
August 2008 1172nd $10575 29 0 4 +6,725 / -2,600 +313 $16200
July 2008 2481st $2550 47 1 0 +3,325 / -5,000 +54 $7275
June 2008 4250th $525 26 0 0 -25 / -50 +20 $1450
May 2008 5290th $50 44 2 0 +1,700 / -2,250 +1 $3975
April 2008 7856th $0 46 1 0 +8,700 / -9,740 +0 $17390
March 2008 3786th $1500 40 5 0 +3,500 / -3,222 +38 $5400
February 2008 654th $33929 134 2 0 +11,900 / -10,125 +253 $62729
December 2007 11064th $600 0 8 0 +59,004 / -71,904 +0 $9331
November 2007 15309th $0 0 49 0 +308,865 / -383,865 +0 $41348
October 2007 14558th $0 0 68 0 +1,129,754 / -1,233,254 +0 $36669
September 2007 13000th $0 0 28 0 +605,322 / -648,822 +0 $18950
August 2007 14084th $0 0 24 0 +51,485 / -88,985 +0 $9375
July 2007 1025th $21165 0 9 0 +94,022 / -87,857 +0 $10550
June 2007 12596th $0 0 77 0 +492,137 / -609,137 +0 $21750
May 2007 730th $26718 0 0 0 +104,993 / -79,775 +0 $26581
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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