Level 49
to level 50 |
pokerman4uThis player has been modded by the community
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Reviews 1 - 5 of 5
Well thank you hun! You are a sweetheart and always a pleasure to play with.. Thank you for being a perfect gentleman and a friend!!! : )
Bama Girl on Thursday March 16, 2017 Bump
*Dont Be Mad* on Monday June 6, 2016 So at first I thought it was a joke, but as time past I realized he was on the level and being honest. I have to admit, at first it was a little odd to see someone so open about their sexuality and lifestyle, but after a second I found it quite insightful. I feel pokerman4u really shed some light on gay culture stereotypes and what's true and what isn't. I really learned a lot about homosexual lifestyles and feel I truly understand homosexuals in a new way thanks to pokerman4u's insightful words in chat and him explaining his life. I wish you the best of luck with your life partner Greg, and hope to speak to you in the future some more about your lifestyle and how the gay community works... but bad at poker, just sayin...
_The_Joker_ on Monday June 6, 2016 very nice medals LOL
dodgem71 on Thursday July 14, 2011 i hope ur family dies bastard mother fukka
Ahahahahaha on Thursday February 11, 2010 |