Level 31
to level 32


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Daily
2019-11-09 11:00:04.0
7th $0 20 0 0 +700 / -1,775 -79 $8345
Mini Freeroll 2
2019-11-08 20:00:07.0
13th $0 5 0 0 +300 / -1,450 -299 $19640
Mini Freeroll 1
2019-10-11 16:00:08.0
12th $0 35 0 4 +4,300 / -3,700 -51 $7650
Mini Freeroll 1
2019-10-08 16:00:00.0
23rd $0 4 0 0 +0 / -1,350 -374 $4950
Daily 5k Reprise
2019-10-07 17:00:07.0
20th $0 5 0 0 +150 / -1,449 -300 $48175
Mini Freeroll 1
2019-10-07 16:00:06.0
30th $0 3 0 0 +0 / -1,425 -499 $45000
Daily 5k Reprise
2019-03-22 17:00:08.0
12th $0 18 0 1 +1,350 / -1,550 -85 $42382
Mini Freeroll 1
2019-03-22 16:00:04.0
8th $0 28 0 3 +2,283 / -1,683 -60 $30966
Odnexa Freeroll
2019-03-20 18:00:06.0
31st $0 4 0 0 +0 / -1,250 -374 $1450
Odnexa Freeroll
2017-08-02 18:00:04.0
30th $0 5 0 0 +250 / -1,400 -299 $3000

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
August 2021 635th $0 6 1 1 +2,525 / -3,875 -500 $3875
January 2020 341st $7100 10 1 1 +5,675 / -1,500 +410 $8600
November 2019 1071st $0 167 2 11 +8,101 / -18,600 -48 $25320
October 2019 1002nd $0 181 4 7 +20,200 / -19,400 -109 $63725
March 2019 163rd $36032 58 1 4 +37,149 / -99,500 -507 $113383
August 2017 545th $4775 62 0 2 +1,600 / -1,500 -22 $7450
July 2017 1061st $625 511 6 17 +91,517 / -84,000 -174 $249034
November 2016 1253rd $0 29 3 0 +2,750 / -2,775 -254 $4450
March 2016 774th $3525 269 14 17 +56,750 / -101,234 -300 $121734
February 2016 1289th $1000 4 1 0 +0 / -1,500 -750 $950
November 2015 2085th $0 31 1 8 +9,800 / -17,325 -102 $18175
July 2015 1925th $0 8 1 0 +250 / -1,458 -375 $1500
June 2015 1550th $0 97 12 7 +5,725 / -4,385 -237 $8075
May 2015 1405th $0 346 1 8 +206,000 / -163,490 -100 $389990
April 2015 183rd $47287 194 3 7 +26,442 / -8,000 +239 $56725
March 2015 1742nd $0 150 15 14 +11,425 / -21,850 -317 $21850
May 2013 720th $6915 7 1 1 +3,125 / -1,500 +559 $7265
April 2013 512th $14275 32 2 2 +5,350 / -1,700 +305 $10750
March 2013 812th $6215 245 34 18 +8,125 / -11,098 -201 $14163
February 2013 3139th $0 235 15 13 +7,400 / -13,125 -109 $16825
January 2013 2659th $0 22 5 0 +725 / -1,500 -409 $2225
October 2012 2679th $0 3 1 0 -150 / -1,500 -1,000 $1500
September 2012 3949th $0 40 4 2 +3,025 / -3,500 -188 $5100
August 2012 2891st $0 17 4 1 +3,400 / -4,900 -441 $4900
July 2012 4601st $0 55 5 2 +3,850 / -4,450 -164 $8857
June 2012 5113th $0 471 19 32 +29,838 / -66,635 -70 $96135
May 2012 3734th $0 1033 33 39 +35,000 / -16,400 -115 $115087
April 2012 3898th $0 567 26 17 +39,000 / -13,000 -27 $91180
March 2012 882nd $8647 247 11 7 +13,534 / -21,000 -38 $30497
February 2012 2347th $1500 50 0 4 +7,900 / -16,025 -30 $18375
January 2012 4175th $0 6 1 0 -50 / -1,500 -500 $1500
November 2011 5460th $0 321 21 27 +23,200 / -19,800 -103 $46386
October 2011 1087th $4850 603 8 13 +89,000 / -88,083 -14 $200875
June 2010 6347th $0 34 5 1 +3,400 / -4,425 -265 $5075
May 2010 509th $24366 2545 43 75 +123,500 / -89,500 -12 $627235
April 2010 4638th $0 105 3 8 +6,550 / -11,741 -57 $15861
August 2009 8124th $0 229 9 13 +9,050 / -10,822 -66 $25972
May 2009 9650th $0 991 40 73 +19,700 / -19,800 -65 $55915
April 2009 10290th $0 831 79 42 +43,000 / -50,890 -150 $96490
March 2009 8538th $0 3622 171 198 +67,963 / -72,500 -72 $168471
February 2009 11728th $0 893 57 29 +45,150 / -44,500 -106 $83082
January 2009 8047th $0 2520 114 121 +20,822 / -51,189 -73 $61686
December 2008 1700th $8175 1725 56 53 +122,000 / -83,000 -87 $452848
November 2008 11227th $0 468 53 20 +29,825 / -47,650 -176 $59650
October 2008 5088th $0 1612 124 81 +40,049 / -58,381 -118 $99598
September 2008 9650th $0 1882 127 104 +54,000 / -72,014 -107 $120201
August 2008 10468th $0 3094 71 72 +262,920 / -195,322 -22 $831863
July 2008 103rd $606205 3914 216 0 +199,409 / -64,899 +155 $610705
June 2008 8733rd $0 1215 64 0 +46,200 / -29,068 +0 $89400
May 2008 3691st $1500 1204 74 0 +39,005 / -21,625 +1 $72673
April 2008 9922nd $0 1472 72 0 +20,700 / -28,650 +0 $81604
March 2008 6385th $0 1402 67 0 +31,300 / -25,800 +0 $110895
February 2008 13098th $0 2513 62 0 +66,859 / -30,400 +0 $234468
January 2008 12644th $0 3668 124 0 +52,124 / -111,237 +0 $111237
December 2007 5397th $1500 0 79 0 +959,653 / -1,078,153 +0 $46500
November 2007 15716th $0 0 92 0 +1,905,702 / -2,045,202 +0 $79782
October 2007 15027th $0 0 108 0 +3,307,170 / -3,470,670 +0 $170915
September 2007 89th $663184 0 102 0 +4,033,473 / -3,524,789 +0 $330815
July 2007 375th $68608 0 52 0 +765,590 / -776,482 +0 $22211
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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