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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
November 2013 364th $20627 84 0 8 +6,472 / -350 +228 $21377
February 2013 3031st $0 24 4 0 +1,950 / -2,850 -375 $2850
January 2013 536th $15257 113 7 9 +7,673 / -5,600 +29 $16982
December 2012 851st $5875 6 0 1 +4,550 / -50 +729 $6050
October 2012 3994th $0 4 1 0 -50 / -1,500 -750 $1500
July 2012 697th $10785 92 8 6 +6,050 / -4,620 -29 $12825
June 2012 4354th $0 84 8 7 +6,432 / -7,358 -194 $14185
April 2012 3714th $0 7 1 0 +20 / -1,500 -429 $1520
February 2012 2087th $1500 7 1 0 -25 / -1,450 -429 $1500
January 2012 1276th $4150 42 7 0 +3,250 / -4,075 -187 $4800
December 2011 296th $41810 103 0 7 +16,310 / -300 +366 $41910
November 2011 4764th $0 120 7 3 +6,150 / -5,100 -100 $8244
October 2011 3171st $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
August 2011 1225th $4300 2 0 2 +2,925 / -125 +1,400 $4425
July 2011 846th $8327 62 8 1 +4,500 / -2,600 -83 $8852
June 2011 76th $363288 236 1 13 +203,000 / -16,562 +1,527 $370288
April 2011 4694th $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,400 -500 $1500
March 2011 3899th $0 4 1 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1500
February 2011 123rd $177785 307 1 30 +79,121 / -19,169 +586 $184013
December 2010 3853rd $0 24 1 0 +3,600 / -4,200 -125 $5050
November 2010 6958th $0 46 4 2 +4,450 / -4,850 -163 $6050
October 2010 6821st $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1500
September 2010 2759th $1500 87 6 2 +3,016 / -4,950 -104 $5957
August 2010 5608th $0 2 0 0 +125 / -1,625 -750 $1625
July 2010 5593rd $0 220 4 10 +6,250 / -4,850 -34 $15985
June 2010 3776th $0 2 0 0 -300 / -1,200 -750 $1500
May 2010 4285th $0 31 2 3 +3,425 / -4,725 -145 $7150
March 2010 942nd $10500 8 0 1 +5,800 / -925 +1,125 $11500
February 2010 422nd $39069 32 0 7 +24,508 / -613 +1,174 $40144
January 2010 1515th $6012 11 1 1 +2,712 / -900 +274 $3300
December 2009 6819th $0 75 5 5 +6,025 / -10,530 -180 $12080
November 2009 5933rd $0 73 3 3 +7,200 / -5,000 -103 $13162
October 2009 1803rd $4200 28 2 1 +2,900 / -3,850 -11 $4950
July 2009 7228th $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1500
June 2009 4728th $1225 7 1 0 -25 / -1,400 -254 $1500
April 2009 9593rd $0 30 2 4 +6,150 / -3,300 -200 $11225
March 2009 2533rd $2585 182 6 6 +15,075 / -5,000 -60 $21884
February 2009 4896th $1450 281 11 23 +30,874 / -20,000 -69 $48645
January 2009 4899th $1500 95 13 9 +7,675 / -15,000 -268 $15150
December 2008 2647th $2947 316 32 42 +100,000 / -380,000 -162 $381670
November 2008 10578th $0 185 15 29 +59,588 / -100,000 -130 $189539
October 2008 6657th $0 812 21 56 +124,600 / -112,908 -46 $183650
September 2008 1827th $4085 40 3 2 +1,325 / -2,146 -48 $4460
June 2008 9091st $0 66 9 0 +3,250 / -5,100 +0 $5750
May 2008 9522nd $0 153 2 0 +66,820 / -161,000 +0 $431716
February 2008 9904th $0 37 6 0 +4,900 / -3,775 +0 $6400
December 2007 2646th $6425 0 7 0 +29,200 / -34,775 +0 $5700
November 2007 5937th $1500 0 30 0 +131,417 / -176,417 +0 $15500
October 2007 15153rd $0 0 39 0 +221,598 / -281,598 +0 $27000
September 2007 5550th $1500 0 100 0 +633,783 / -782,783 +0 $40000
August 2007 11110th $725 0 228 0 +506,890 / -849,665 +0 $9000
July 2007 6348th $1500 0 128 0 +828,856 / -1,020,356 +0 $68000
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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