Level 25
to level 26


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll Finale
2015-01-11 00:00:00.0
28th $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,150 -500 $1500
Europe Freeroll Noch
2009-03-27 00:00:00.0
24th $0 12 0 0 +425 / -675 -125 $1800
Europe Freeroll
2009-03-26 00:00:00.0
26th $0 15 0 2 +1,700 / -3,775 -100 $3975

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
February 2017 744th $1673 23 1 1 +3,500 / -7,450 -812 $15600
January 2017 1175th $0 5 1 0 +0 / -1,375 -599 $1400
November 2016 1793rd $0 30 2 6 +3,825 / -4,300 -186 $10150
October 2016 1623rd $0 32 0 2 +4,575 / -4,850 -360 $9650
September 2016 405th $13700 75 3 11 +14,875 / -20,000 -10 $28550
August 2016 621st $5100 105 8 5 +5,450 / -5,475 -217 $12600
July 2016 1356th $0 41 0 2 +15,000 / -31,411 -840 $46225
December 2015 1761st $0 49 2 5 +7,275 / -6,025 -300 $14375
November 2015 1237th $700 39 0 1 +1,900 / -6,550 -190 $8550
October 2015 866th $1733 67 3 8 +13,050 / -14,416 -239 $30474
September 2015 904th $1500 123 3 10 +25,532 / -19,900 -124 $65259
August 2015 1804th $0 155 3 9 +40,200 / -27,000 -81 $110773
July 2015 2667th $0 44 2 3 +9,950 / -10,975 -262 $14250
June 2015 443rd $10850 63 1 3 +4,875 / -2,822 -66 $11400
May 2015 535th $3926 63 3 3 +4,597 / -4,450 -128 $13051
April 2015 1899th $0 52 7 5 +5,600 / -12,300 -231 $18100
March 2015 1587th $0 4 2 0 -450 / -1,500 -1,125 $1500
February 2015 638th $2600 133 11 9 +9,070 / -15,055 -138 $15605
January 2015 2056th $0 196 12 15 +7,752 / -7,716 -107 $16887
December 2014 1063rd $700 9 0 2 +2,900 / -2,900 -89 $4500
October 2014 1941st $0 8 1 0 +250 / -1,575 -375 $1575
September 2014 2348th $0 27 1 0 +2,587 / -5,124 -111 $5287
August 2014 2464th $0 2 0 0 -150 / -1,350 -750 $1500
July 2014 637th $3875 162 11 12 +6,003 / -5,075 -87 $12182
June 2014 2090th $0 141 8 8 +9,025 / -5,375 -96 $13025
March 2014 2471st $0 16 4 0 +2,175 / -3,625 -469 $3675
February 2014 1523rd $850 47 12 2 +4,350 / -4,250 -397 $5100
January 2014 1430th $1450 70 6 5 +4,800 / -9,629 -129 $15029
November 2013 3045th $0 4 2 0 +325 / -1,825 -1,125 $1825
October 2013 633rd $6605 102 1 9 +4,350 / -3,250 +35 $12180
September 2013 1852nd $600 15 0 5 +6,999 / -4,800 -60 $9800
August 2013 1950th $0 10 0 2 +6,250 / -11,000 -150 $11200
May 2013 3358th $0 6 2 0 +400 / -1,900 -750 $1900
April 2013 4191st $0 43 3 8 +12,450 / -12,655 -173 $15175
March 2013 2245th $875 29 1 3 +4,900 / -4,950 -73 $10975
February 2013 1138th $2475 14 1 3 +2,495 / -2,735 -38 $3995
January 2013 4053rd $0 14 1 3 +2,275 / -2,750 -215 $3750
September 2012 1063rd $3575 3 0 0 +2,150 / -50 +692 $3650
August 2012 2663rd $0 20 1 2 +2,350 / -2,475 -150 $5175
July 2012 4296th $0 54 5 5 +4,370 / -4,650 -167 $8645
June 2012 3457th $0 62 4 6 +19,419 / -27,900 -121 $34619
May 2012 807th $8800 25 1 1 +5,550 / -1,200 +232 $8850
March 2012 4851st $0 126 1 8 +17,100 / -19,600 -210 $42905
February 2012 2775th $1375 51 4 4 +5,237 / -18,900 -639 $28787
January 2012 4637th $0 266 13 8 +15,200 / -20,000 -167 $57318
December 2011 1456th $2850 57 0 1 +3,675 / -10,400 -389 $25800
November 2011 459th $22900 19 0 0 +11,850 / -14,350 -111 $28600
October 2011 774th $9615 15 0 3 +3,427 / -3,075 +45 $14165
September 2011 3441st $0 31 2 4 +10,400 / -17,500 -903 $25000
July 2011 5112th $0 69 2 3 +21,000 / -42,300 -768 $52300
June 2011 3403rd $0 449 19 14 +38,200 / -23,450 -175 $66827
May 2011 330th $31907 363 20 17 +90,300 / -92,000 -68 $192700
April 2011 3317th $0 377 24 21 +24,000 / -72,537 -166 $81237
March 2011 4165th $0 277 31 25 +22,700 / -73,000 -437 $96100
February 2011 227th $55508 46 0 1 +15,858 / -15,800 +120 $37058
January 2011 965th $7800 40 0 0 +10,600 / -18,300 -1,055 $52100
December 2010 276th $48249 19 0 1 +19,462 / -7,200 +1,223 $49649
November 2010 548th $18700 12 0 0 +6,200 / -6,000 -525 $25000
September 2010 902nd $8414 53 0 2 +21,000 / -19,600 -313 $58214
August 2010 373rd $34050 69 0 1 +12,400 / -6,600 +131 $45300
June 2010 502nd $24200 7 0 0 -400 / -13,600 -3,686 $44200
May 2010 286th $50000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2010 375th $36400 13 0 0 +2,000 / -8,600 -1,046 $48800
March 2010 523rd $26500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
February 2010 813th $15300 13 0 0 +1,600 / -6,800 -746 $25000
January 2010 497th $36098 27 0 0 +20,200 / -10,702 +411 $43900
December 2009 1313th $8046 74 1 4 +20,300 / -25,300 -249 $51400
November 2009 269th $72830 31 0 0 +24,200 / -15,200 +737 $73530
October 2009 704th $25000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2009 628th $25000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
August 2009 629th $25000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
July 2009 571st $30100 3 0 0 +5,800 / -600 +1,700 $30200
June 2009 633rd $26000 9 0 0 +6,000 / -6,200 +111 $27000
April 2009 910th $19950 2 0 0 -50 / -5,000 -2,525 $25000
March 2009 8680th $0 116 5 1 +15,800 / -56,600 -280 $80350
February 2009 4147th $1500 41 1 1 +1,600 / -7,800 -646 $25000
January 2009 7791st $0 82 0 10 +20,000 / -45,124 -610 $81124
December 2008 1902nd $6500 153 1 9 +20,300 / -8,000 -304 $48550
November 2008 2360th $3425 29 0 1 +23,100 / -16,600 -675 $57700
October 2008 2706th $1500 8 0 0 +400 / -14,725 -3,125 $25400
July 2008 2145th $3595 228 5 0 +38,216 / -35,000 +16 $116522
June 2008 10543rd $0 168 2 0 +10,875 / -12,895 +0 $39207
May 2008 11162nd $0 102 13 0 +3,100 / -5,000 +0 $24850
April 2008 10938th $0 259 28 0 +28,025 / -44,702 +0 $130980
March 2008 804th $26125 26 0 0 +2,400 / -5,000 +1,005 $31125
February 2008 854th $25231 14 0 0 +2,969 / -2,363 +1,802 $25431
January 2008 11136th $0 16 1 0 +550 / -1,250 +0 $1450
September 2007 14020th $0 0 2 0 +0 / -4,500 +0 $0
August 2007 5665th $1500 0 15 0 +82,496 / -108,996 +0 $18849
July 2007 17500th $0 0 7 0 +18,737 / -30,737 +0 $5150
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