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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
September 2022 619th $0 13 0 0 +3,250 / -4,050 -118 $4750
July 2017 1184th $0 2 1 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
February 2016 2872nd $0 160 5 16 +8,100 / -16,500 -100 $22096
January 2016 1520th $0 14 0 1 +4,470 / -11,370 -682 $15720
December 2015 1966th $0 22 1 0 +4,286 / -5,900 -227 $8572
November 2015 379th $15575 92 3 4 +5,075 / -2,350 +90 $15575
July 2014 1991st $0 6 2 1 +4,550 / -6,025 -750 $6050
December 2012 3609th $0 9 1 0 -25 / -1,500 -333 $1500
November 2012 1720th $1500 32 3 3 +5,525 / -3,500 -188 $7025
August 2012 4124th $0 174 8 9 +22,430 / -46,992 -78 $61592
July 2012 3195th $0 31 2 2 +4,625 / -7,275 -145 $8850
June 2012 864th $6400 18 3 2 +3,450 / -4,400 +22 $5275
June 2011 3903rd $0 19 2 0 +1,500 / -2,400 -237 $2900
May 2011 4210th $0 6 3 0 -50 / -1,500 -1,000 $1500
April 2011 2807th $1350 45 6 2 +3,134 / -3,593 -203 $5234
March 2011 4148th $0 20 4 0 +1,025 / -2,475 -375 $2475
February 2011 3284th $0 12 1 1 +2,800 / -2,212 -250 $4325
December 2010 6672nd $0 13 3 1 +2,750 / -4,000 -462 $4150
October 2010 371st $30475 135 8 19 +16,400 / -19,416 +126 $41092
September 2010 483rd $22495 59 0 7 +12,200 / -5,000 +356 $19195
August 2010 877th $9275 23 0 3 +9,075 / -1,450 +338 $12325
June 2010 1030th $7225 8 0 4 +5,475 / -50 +716 $7225
May 2010 1642nd $2825 5 0 0 +1,500 / -50 +265 $2950
April 2010 4840th $0 4 1 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1500
March 2010 6855th $0 5 1 0 -50 / -1,400 -600 $1500
February 2010 8268th $0 18 3 0 -25 / -1,500 -333 $1500
December 2009 5102nd $0 7 1 0 +1,500 / -2,950 -429 $3000
August 2009 6917th $0 61 3 4 +7,686 / -5,000 -98 $15765
July 2009 1986th $3550 33 3 2 +5,175 / -5,500 -74 $7825
June 2009 2265th $2550 29 2 1 +5,175 / -4,750 -67 $7475
May 2009 1258th $10675 14 0 2 +3,975 / -1,500 +655 $10025
April 2009 7664th $0 45 6 5 +6,155 / -11,660 -233 $11660
March 2009 6408th $0 9 0 0 +2,950 / -3,225 -167 $4250
February 2009 657th $31860 69 1 6 +7,550 / -1,500 +418 $32460
January 2009 7687th $0 77 4 4 +16,455 / -5,000 -97 $22455
December 2008 7928th $0 524 2 48 +281,500 / -375,000 -9 $620645
November 2008 7882nd $0 530 15 22 +91,472 / -100,000 -46 $266172
October 2008 2314th $2025 21 2 1 +2,500 / -3,275 -118 $3750
August 2008 174th $142537 412 23 36 +31,300 / -31,814 +263 $143437
July 2008 11257th $0 74 2 0 +2,125 / -3,812 +0 $5737
June 2008 1233rd $9126 58 0 0 +7,112 / -6,050 +157 $15376
May 2008 11294th $0 298 6 0 +11,094 / -20,888 +0 $31671
April 2008 1978th $5700 66 11 0 +4,200 / -3,900 +86 $5700
March 2008 8043rd $0 341 5 0 +47,884 / -41,502 +0 $92729
February 2008 700th $31127 120 3 0 +12,475 / -7,000 +259 $34627
January 2008 10686th $0 821 7 0 +70,900 / -79,897 +0 $231602
December 2007 15116th $0 0 8 0 +10,425 / -23,925 +0 $5100
November 2007 2710th $6003 0 11 0 +43,688 / -55,685 +0 $7400
October 2007 207th $166326 0 1 0 +1,095,897 / -932,571 +0 $145635
September 2007 235th $136169 0 9 0 +335,375 / -214,206 +0 $36800
August 2007 586th $40198 0 5 0 +171,445 / -140,247 +0 $19840
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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