Level 36
to level 37


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Taeglich 5k Remix
2024-12-07 07:00:02.0
9th $0 22 0 0 +580 / -2,160 -69 $166780
Taeglich 5k Remix
2020-01-26 07:00:08.0
5th $0 24 0 0 +400 / -975 -63 $6850
2500 Daily
2020-01-10 11:00:00.0
4th $0 35 0 3 +1,912 / -3,525 -48 $15237
Taeglich 5k Remix
2020-01-10 07:00:09.0
8th $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $6150

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
January 2025 409th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
December 2024 3rd $3240214 2416 0 11 +558,000 / -275,000 +740 $3325214
December 2021 623rd $0 110 0 0 +22,500 / -97,500 -843 $102000
March 2020 1086th $0 80 2 2 +3,275 / -5,250 -94 $6000
February 2020 1055th $0 3 0 0 +0 / -1,450 -833 $1450
January 2020 713th $500 851 17 17 +110,602 / -109,000 -3 $242900
December 2019 1019th $0 191 0 21 +39,900 / -45,400 -44 $112927
November 2019 696th $10 12 0 1 +10,070 / -9,930 -790 $20140
October 2019 1038th $0 365 0 1 +38,500 / -84,500 -179 $127972
September 2018 809th $0 16 0 0 +15,100 / -20,000 -970 $30200
June 2018 193rd $35250 17 0 0 +4,000 / -3,950 -130 $38950
September 2017 208th $43375 3 0 0 +0 / -50 -41 $43475
November 2016 1880th $0 36 1 2 +2,850 / -3,245 -106 $6385
October 2016 749th $2130 551 0 4 +234,000 / -435,000 -278 $1611130
September 2015 1299th $0 2 0 0 +100 / -1,600 -750 $1600
June 2015 1634th $0 5 0 0 +1,350 / -2,650 -300 $2700
May 2015 1577th $0 30 2 3 +3,025 / -4,650 -200 $4750
July 2011 5465th $0 3 0 0 +75 / -1,425 -500 $1575
November 2009 8403rd $0 4 0 1 +1,500 / -1,525 -375 $3000
September 2009 5356th $0 4 0 0 +25 / -1,475 -375 $1525
July 2009 8496th $0 6 1 0 -25 / -1,400 -500 $1500
June 2009 5928th $0 7 0 0 +2,250 / -3,350 -214 $5350
May 2009 8555th $0 3 1 0 +350 / -1,850 -1,000 $1850
April 2009 6126th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
March 2009 11279th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
February 2009 8187th $0 4 1 0 -25 / -1,500 -750 $1500
January 2009 9175th $0 29 4 3 +4,062 / -6,862 -311 $6862
December 2008 9005th $0 1 0 0 -850 / -850 -850 $850
November 2008 11779th $0 17 1 0 +1,400 / -2,350 -176 $2950
October 2008 5801st $0 3 0 0 +1,350 / -1,650 -500 $2850
September 2008 4970th $0 4 0 0 +100 / -1,150 -375 $1600
August 2008 11142nd $0 146 15 9 +32,525 / -17,725 -175 $45914
July 2008 11757th $0 13 1 0 +6,575 / -3,450 +0 $9350
June 2008 11099th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 +0 $0
May 2008 12477th $0 21 2 0 +21,249 / -29,999 +0 $35499
April 2008 7506th $0 460 91 0 +43,150 / -61,000 +0 $69800
March 2008 6369th $0 330 76 0 +60,260 / -86,640 +0 $86640
February 2008 11788th $0 143 33 0 +43,114 / -86,228 +0 $101228
January 2008 14342nd $0 1906 27 0 +1,997,310 / -5,273,882 +0 $10559747
December 2007 15410th $0 0 15 0 +6,889,923 / -6,913,923 +0 $860000
November 2007 16456th $0 0 49 0 +272,828 / -347,828 +0 $38076
October 2007 15961st $0 0 69 0 +19,609,964 / -19,714,964 +0 $1151250
September 2007 14897th $0 0 129 0 +7,241,109 / -7,434,109 +0 $453000
August 2007 20087th $0 0 68 0 +677,680 / -781,180 +0 $63544
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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