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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
June 2020 670th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2019 811th $0 32 0 1 +1,250 / -1,900 -54 $4375
July 2018 985th $0 3 0 0 +0 / -1,400 -500 $1450
June 2018 1151st $0 22 2 0 +2,400 / -1,400 -203 $3900
September 2017 1509th $0 75 7 1 +2,200 / -5,000 -140 $5325
August 2017 353rd $15394 49 2 4 +5,229 / -4,413 +223 $15494
February 2015 1187th $0 6 1 0 +500 / -1,600 -500 $2000
July 2014 1149th $1400 1 0 0 -100 / -100 -100 $1500
January 2014 984th $2025 7 0 0 +1,000 / -400 +75 $2725
December 2013 673rd $5925 82 1 3 +5,825 / -2,100 +36 $9800
September 2013 2647th $0 20 1 1 +2,600 / -2,000 -150 $4650
May 2013 3807th $0 55 3 0 +2,525 / -3,175 -109 $5000
February 2013 785th $6530 145 6 5 +5,325 / -3,950 -28 $12580
January 2013 1274th $1950 144 5 8 +5,350 / -3,450 -49 $14881
May 2012 4262nd $0 30 2 0 +1,050 / -1,525 -150 $2300
April 2012 1149th $4275 20 0 1 +1,425 / -700 +138 $4375
February 2012 1221st $3900 123 2 6 +6,925 / -4,200 -5 $12725
November 2011 5893rd $0 12 1 0 +300 / -850 -250 $1500
October 2011 5153rd $0 37 3 2 +2,466 / -1,850 -162 $3966
September 2011 501st $21232 52 3 5 +12,666 / -7,525 +293 $21332
July 2011 3927th $0 211 10 7 +4,825 / -8,900 -78 $12574
June 2011 5243rd $0 368 16 14 +12,635 / -14,000 -73 $37521
March 2011 4030th $0 123 12 5 +3,100 / -3,350 -159 $6000
February 2011 4876th $0 466 38 24 +6,600 / -5,775 -132 $17950
January 2011 3463rd $300 69 5 6 +6,875 / -4,275 -126 $10000
December 2010 5133rd $0 318 22 26 +4,725 / -5,045 -118 $16251
November 2010 2489th $1500 682 47 38 +12,203 / -13,800 -106 $25175
October 2010 5961st $0 1216 64 71 +10,975 / -18,300 -84 $38041
September 2010 2697th $1500 928 23 69 +19,356 / -14,600 -44 $43931
August 2010 6687th $0 840 14 40 +26,500 / -69,000 -32 $154372
July 2010 400th $29375 1590 79 77 +10,200 / -12,978 -64 $37475
June 2010 5022nd $0 772 38 54 +10,014 / -15,428 -80 $41156
May 2010 1096th $6900 709 28 58 +20,106 / -20,000 -56 $48386
April 2010 7559th $0 690 29 36 +9,025 / -20,000 -76 $24781
March 2010 8062nd $0 797 28 40 +12,300 / -16,693 -55 $32700
February 2010 5098th $0 1031 66 65 +42,400 / -22,290 -99 $74212
January 2010 6699th $0 1032 83 55 +17,325 / -21,700 -128 $52682
December 2009 1878th $3849 2351 118 178 +28,186 / -27,792 -78 $109631
November 2009 8003rd $0 1701 56 143 +40,192 / -83,697 -54 $194572
October 2009 1356th $7800 1769 25 129 +97,000 / -92,000 -19 $292909
September 2009 8503rd $0 2147 79 155 +46,000 / -39,536 -59 $96352
August 2009 109th $477803 2824 75 189 +106,906 / -49,200 +128 $481728
July 2009 1132nd $11675 2136 147 110 +44,600 / -37,000 -101 $123275
June 2009 5801st $0 2593 31 115 +104,000 / -165,000 -20 $1118999
May 2009 7633rd $0 640 39 32 +38,450 / -82,500 -96 $181490
April 2009 10284th $0 944 101 78 +14,375 / -16,000 -165 $26000
March 2009 1055th $16023 882 68 67 +25,568 / -27,000 -104 $80793
February 2009 6777th $0 805 40 69 +29,300 / -86,965 -82 $112264
January 2009 10472nd $0 1216 72 99 +61,447 / -80,000 -95 $174682
December 2008 9215th $0 704 46 33 +44,909 / -36,726 -100 $107613
November 2008 4525th $1500 176 6 8 +22,050 / -20,966 -360 $103716
October 2008 5237th $0 1125 54 45 +28,200 / -32,700 -81 $82607
September 2008 6877th $0 1540 52 52 +37,300 / -40,322 -53 $107553
August 2008 448th $36227 1982 34 81 +144,061 / -241,225 -9 $527220
July 2008 12016th $0 893 21 0 +33,852 / -29,650 +0 $84275
June 2008 2552nd $1750 1178 38 0 +38,500 / -27,397 +1 $96097
May 2008 12132nd $0 1014 55 0 +15,225 / -24,945 +0 $62451
April 2008 10061st $0 805 55 0 +24,600 / -27,200 +0 $45423
March 2008 5727th $0 590 44 0 +72,608 / -39,900 +0 $126238
February 2008 11699th $0 660 38 0 +19,672 / -37,098 +0 $43244
January 2008 12751st $0 306 8 0 +15,000 / -32,464 +0 $42164
December 2007 9957th $1300 0 13 0 +14,237 / -33,937 +0 $3100
November 2007 16496th $0 0 22 0 +224,595 / -259,095 +0 $16750
October 2007 6317th $1500 0 26 0 +180,373 / -219,373 +0 $14026
September 2007 299th $99435 0 56 0 +583,311 / -569,376 +0 $26575
August 2007 2908th $3300 0 13 0 +92,244 / -109,444 +0 $8176
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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