Level 71
to level 72

Todd the Wad

Booyah !!!
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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 1
May 3, 13
4th $5,500 44 0 1 +7,875 / -5,400 -34 $18,104
Mini Freeroll 3
Jan 1, 13
34th $0 6 0 1 +500 / -1,650 -250 $1,425
Mini Freeroll 2
Dec 29, 12
28th $0 22 0 4 +1,425 / -4,525 -68 $142,320
Odnexa Freeroll
Dec 19, 12
30th $0 14 0 1 +975 / -2,475 -107 $147,320
2500 Daily
Oct 16, 12
25th $0 8 0 0 +600 / -1,225 -188 $354,611
2500 Daily
Oct 6, 12
4th $17,700 47 0 3 +12,861 / -16,676 -32 $238,854
Mini Freeroll 3
Oct 3, 12
36th $0 1 1 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
Europe Freeroll Noch
Oct 2, 12
17th $0 15 0 0 +1,912 / -2,674 -100 $15,215
Mini Freeroll 3
Oct 1, 12
15th $0 22 0 1 +2,775 / -1,875 -68 $24,047
Europe Freeroll Noch
Sep 20, 12
1st $19,000 50 0 8 +35,154 / -5,600 +1,470 $149,318

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
September 2013 1,451st $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
August 2013 1,204th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2013 431st $17,054 88 2 7 +11,879 / -3,125 +80 $25,454
April 2013 834th $5,512 14 1 0 +3,325 / -1,500 +172 $5,562
March 2013 701st $8,575 35 2 1 +4,550 / -3,075 +74 $9,000
February 2013 975th $3,800 5 0 0 +1,775 / -50 +460 $2,075
January 2013 646th $10,900 61 1 3 +4,900 / -1,700 +129 $10,950
December 2012 132nd $150,270 56 0 4 +75,910 / -5,200 +2,222 $147,320
November 2012 78th $363,047 105 0 6 +98,500 / -9,000 +2,200 $363,647
October 2012 164th $87,817 699 4 24 +119,610 / -150,049 +47 $444,111
September 2012 7th $3,136,991 2,882 38 63 +700,000 / -260,000 +1,049 $2,856,991
August 2012 6th $4,051,219 4,228 5 51 +544,500 / -402,500 +914 $4,096,219
July 2012 654th $11,946 1,891 50 64 +53,500 / -94,000 -77 $209,302
June 2012 3,114th $0 947 5 14 +202,500 / -130,000 -9 $825,452
May 2012 133rd $185,026 3,001 81 101 +71,000 / -66,000 -4 $208,526
April 2012 3rd $8,767,011 5,774 0 35 +1,200,000 / -1,480,000 +1,450 $11,135,573
March 2012 5th $4,684,174 6,568 17 48 +705,432 / -620,000 +668 $5,280,974
February 2012 238th $57,717 1,605 13 27 +150,000 / -388,241 -14 $836,001
January 2012 5th $4,743,699 4,016 8 30 +750,000 / -1,040,000 +1,159 $5,176,949
December 2011 3rd $4,320,449 3,894 0 21 +1,430,000 / -350,000 +1,049 $4,797,199
November 2011 3,662nd $0 3,987 24 48 +384,156 / -593,162 -32 $1,414,162
October 2011 5,463rd $0 2,337 38 69 +140,000 / -478,505 -35 $500,505
September 2011 4th $5,144,851 3,876 0 30 +760,000 / -755,000 +1,252 $5,160,851
August 2011 9th $1,899,983 5,148 4 78 +500,000 / -220,000 +335 $2,231,317
July 2011 45th $553,662 3,596 22 94 +154,500 / -215,000 +66 $725,366
June 2011 4,593rd $0 1,885 0 20 +394,186 / -235,000 +156 $930,872
May 2011 5th $2,526,355 3,668 0 33 +422,959 / -180,000 +659 $2,559,355
April 2011 33rd $721,361 2,254 17 53 +210,000 / -81,500 +292 $751,361
March 2011 18th $1,293,641 2,602 12 54 +294,000 / -114,000 +430 $1,296,641
February 2011 21st $1,412,166 1,185 0 15 +407,500 / -153,109 +1,113 $1,085,333
January 2011 848th $9,958 1,752 31 42 +28,758 / -74,574 -32 $106,596
December 2010 3,582nd $0 2,308 40 81 +91,000 / -95,344 -113 $245,292
November 2010 14th $1,475,913 2,379 18 48 +275,228 / -139,000 +485 $1,514,913
October 2010 29th $912,803 2,370 15 39 +230,000 / -185,000 +329 $913,803
September 2010 84th $398,793 2,379 17 46 +100,080 / -102,833 +90 $274,459
August 2010 150th $153,082 1,336 13 44 +76,710 / -81,500 +46 $361,582
July 2010 76th $502,345 2,658 12 60 +99,000 / -96,500 +157 $488,345
June 2010 49th $645,495 3,547 9 67 +167,848 / -99,000 +95 $648,995
May 2010 138th $194,454 2,962 49 136 +59,816 / -93,624 +72 $197,454
April 2010 6th $3,438,747 3,584 4 41 +585,000 / -535,000 +856 $3,468,747
March 2010 279th $64,079 2,085 35 67 +86,500 / -370,000 -16 $562,161
February 2010 54th $711,805 2,144 25 49 +250,337 / -99,000 +264 $706,805
January 2010 9th $4,002,128 3,891 1 64 +480,000 / -487,500 +947 $4,438,132
December 2009 169th $151,111 3,827 7 60 +250,000 / -431,781 +44 $1,396,531
November 2009 74th $698,996 4,597 34 125 +381,359 / -647,500 +79 $1,711,026
October 2009 16th $2,232,201 3,952 22 96 +542,500 / -109,000 +511 $2,237,201
September 2009 140th $240,519 2,104 4 42 +80,500 / -121,000 +103 $396,449
August 2009 143rd $225,095 1,883 41 85 +49,784 / -19,200 +20 $225,295
July 2009 58th $916,371 1,950 7 34 +131,000 / -100,000 +259 $930,971
June 2009 96th $682,260 3,396 7 86 +195,500 / -105,500 +202 $689,760
May 2009 90th $732,607 2,349 16 92 +239,500 / -162,500 +288 $741,607
April 2009 136th $299,928 2,859 8 120 +101,919 / -129,864 +83 $581,814
March 2009 129th $401,582 2,963 4 155 +70,750 / -35,400 +94 $430,507
February 2009 147th $300,897 3,501 24 225 +39,900 / -25,400 +83 $296,997
January 2009 652nd $35,933 3,146 7 187 +44,700 / -33,100 +18 $182,190
December 2008 677th $30,342 2,690 10 104 +33,125 / -95,500 -1 $219,811
November 2008 190th $152,730 1,849 19 151 +19,075 / -15,400 +66 $151,600
August 2008 3,438th $1,500 735 3 43 +62,724 / -105,710 -8 $224,010
July 2008 129th $301,554 5,488 1 0 +61,498 / -40,400 +55 $313,592
June 2008 4,560th $0 54 12 0 +2,900 / -5,850 +0 $5,850
May 2008 7,993rd $0 2,953 31 0 +66,961 / -116,686 +0 $394,747
November 2007 286th $117,960 0 11 0 +1,140,534 / -1,040,074 +0 $60,968
October 2007 199th $173,293 0 8 0 +746,056 / -586,263 +0 $36,100
September 2007 187th $206,253 0 68 0 +1,480,274 / -1,377,521 +0 $25,625
August 2007 1,614th $10,587 0 17 0 +141,745 / -158,158 +0 $13,700
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