Level 34
to level 35


In Gpokr, as in life .................. ALWAYS expect the unexpected!!!!
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ThamesBoy wrote
at 7:03 PM, Saturday February 7, 2009 EST
I love gpokr.....

Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, As]
randyr raises $2,000
IsisBoy raises $6,000
macroset calls
randyr raises $20,000
IsisBoy raises $93,500
macroset calls
randyr calls
Dealing flop: [Js, 8d, Jd]
Dealing turn: [Qh]
Dealing river: [6d]
macroset shows [Kh, Ah] for a pair of Jacks
randyr shows [Qs, Qc] for a full house, Queens full of Jacks
IsisBoy shows [Ac, As] for two pair, Aces and Jacks
randyr wins main pot $156,000
randyr wins side pot $89,000
IsisBoy wins side pot $3,500
macroset stands up
low wheel wrote
at 12:27 PM, Tuesday February 3, 2009 EST
Congrats Vik!!! Good Luck this month!

the shed wrote
at 6:33 AM, Tuesday February 3, 2009 EST
Woo!!!! Great finish hun......well deserved medal!
blondebombshell wrote
at 10:50 AM, Monday February 2, 2009 EST
OMG another medal :) Very well done you!!

I got tempted by a night on the tiles and lost most of my stack on Friday LOL.

Still there's always Feb. Gl to you sweetie xxxxx
yourmom666 wrote
at 11:59 PM, Sunday February 1, 2009 EST
great month there vik. I think i donated more last month though lol. GL in FEB
BamBams Woman wrote
at 5:35 PM, Sunday February 1, 2009 EST
congatulations I knew you could do it woohooo goooooo vikki
merhoops wrote
at 3:43 PM, Sunday February 1, 2009 EST
gooooooooooooooooooooooooo V
gnice37 wrote
at 1:42 PM, Sunday February 1, 2009 EST
congrats on the medal vikki!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delboy71 wrote
at 10:55 AM, Sunday February 1, 2009 EST
congrats vikki. great last hand. gl for feb x
Rabid Womble wrote
at 7:40 AM, Sunday February 1, 2009 EST
Very well done again V, you are on target for my prediction of 12 medals in 09! (my old jinx theory is looking completely right :))

I wasn't really confident of the medal i just didn't care either way. I also had a big night on Friday so sleep was a lot more important.

Good luck this month, although you clearly don't need it! xxx
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