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w0lf wrote
at 1:01 AM, Thursday January 1, 2009 EST
i wish you a great new year, vik!
all your dreams to be accomplished!

great finish, congratulations.
a warm hug
gummo wrote
at 11:01 PM, Wednesday December 31, 2008 EST
what a way to medal, vikki !!
very well done !

Lei wrote
at 6:13 AM, Wednesday December 31, 2008 EST
Vik hun, we don't see each other enough, wish one day in a perfect world we could have a night out together hon, hope the best things for you for 2009 xxxxxxxxx
lealeaXXX wrote
at 3:13 AM, Tuesday December 30, 2008 EST
HI sweetie!!
how is it there? friggin freezing here...
miss you all come play with me later love lealea xxx
panties wrote
at 3:56 PM, Monday December 29, 2008 EST
heya viks, i hope you have a smashing new year and keep grabbing those chippies for a medal. i shall see ya after the 5th - gone camping! love ya. jan xxx
caesar69 wrote
at 4:49 AM, Sunday December 28, 2008 EST
hey vik thanks for the message - xmas was good - still recovering i think and all the drinking has played havoc with my ability to play poker...or it could have something to do with the endless SHYTE cards i keep getting hehehe...how was yours?
blondebombshell wrote
at 9:08 AM, Friday December 26, 2008 EST
Thanks Vik. Hope you had a fabulous Christmas and a even better Hogmanay!!! Lots of love and see you on the tables soon xxxx
keeponsmokinit wrote
at 10:50 PM, Thursday December 25, 2008 EST
A Very Merry Christmas to you
bartlemy wrote
at 12:13 PM, Thursday December 25, 2008 EST
same ta you vik...hope ya had a good day and all the best for next year
Wentworth Miller wrote
at 7:12 AM, Thursday December 25, 2008 EST
Very merry christmas Vikki and a happy newyear :). Thx for ur kind words :)
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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