Level 18
to level 19


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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
November 2012 3937th $0 37 1 1 +1,100 / -3,650 -81 $4100
June 2012 2254th $1425 60 6 3 +3,200 / -3,225 -151 $4975
January 2012 4670th $0 58 4 4 +5,425 / -6,075 -129 $9890
November 2011 5273rd $0 6 1 0 -50 / -1,400 -500 $1500
August 2011 4750th $0 9 1 0 +1,150 / -2,475 -333 $2650
July 2011 6056th $0 13 2 2 +3,425 / -4,700 -346 $4800
November 2010 6564th $0 4 0 0 +300 / -1,000 -375 $1500
September 2010 1659th $1975 11 1 0 +675 / -1,500 -93 $2175
August 2010 1585th $2525 9 1 0 +1,675 / -950 -53 $3175
July 2010 1417th $2950 14 0 0 +1,450 / -250 +104 $3150
June 2010 4372nd $0 27 1 0 +1,125 / -2,200 -111 $3450
April 2010 7495th $0 57 1 3 +5,847 / -13,094 -53 $17454
March 2010 7532nd $0 201 4 9 +20,675 / -19,300 -37 $42050
February 2010 6230th $0 108 6 5 +7,025 / -8,625 -97 $10350
January 2010 1521st $5947 80 5 6 +3,500 / -3,825 -38 $5100
December 2009 8637th $0 192 6 5 +30,737 / -52,399 -62 $58499
October 2009 1449th $6975 18 1 2 +5,100 / -2,200 +221 $7000
September 2009 1916th $3175 37 0 0 +3,350 / -3,375 +45 $8475
August 2009 2172nd $2300 18 1 0 +700 / -1,425 -39 $2350
July 2009 10114th $0 8 0 0 -25 / -775 -188 $1500
June 2009 1729th $5100 38 5 2 +4,000 / -3,600 -103 $5300
May 2009 1084th $13750 14 0 3 +5,775 / -600 +875 $13950
April 2009 7580th $0 29 2 0 +2,072 / -2,083 -155 $3808
March 2009 7378th $0 179 9 5 +11,671 / -14,800 -101 $31442
February 2009 9182nd $0 119 18 2 +3,225 / -4,500 -240 $7825
January 2009 9842nd $0 37 5 0 +3,200 / -9,637 -243 $10087
December 2008 5477th $1225 147 16 4 +5,159 / -13,659 -175 $14250
November 2008 5619th $100 368 3 13 +67,600 / -161,579 -245 $212563
October 2008 265th $79940 995 13 26 +298,660 / -471,148 +47 $799587
September 2008 1127th $10100 587 27 25 +71,000 / -165,923 -75 $297423
August 2008 7396th $0 354 25 17 +8,500 / -18,725 -123 $26725
July 2008 11437th $0 527 42 0 +13,200 / -16,750 +0 $34250
June 2008 2337th $2400 417 17 0 +107,785 / -74,371 +6 $251988
May 2008 9394th $0 212 13 0 +54,550 / -85,734 +0 $121855
April 2008 9014th $0 551 52 0 +26,150 / -47,291 +0 $58318
March 2008 7493rd $0 1127 32 0 +285,950 / -293,000 +0 $882022
February 2008 10247th $0 996 44 0 +196,978 / -145,466 +0 $429613
January 2008 11948th $0 250 25 0 +9,088 / -12,301 +0 $19476
December 2007 3371st $4146 0 45 0 +340,050 / -404,904 +0 $25150
November 2007 312th $106822 0 63 0 +616,959 / -606,137 +0 $47050
October 2007 2792nd $5225 0 63 0 +1,364,481 / -1,455,256 +0 $114173
September 2007 2520th $5300 0 2 0 +5,975 / -5,175 +0 $4350
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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