Level 56
to level 57


Overview Stats Wall Reviews About

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Dienstag 10k
2010-07-27 00:00:00.0
5th $0 26 0 0 +1,050 / -1,400 -58 $2950
2500 Daily
2010-07-11 00:00:00.0
41st $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,400 -500 $1500
2500 Daily
2009-03-02 00:00:00.0
60th $0 5 0 0 +450 / -1,250 -300 $1875
Europe Freeroll Noch
2009-02-27 00:00:00.0
15th $0 10 0 0 -25 / -400 -150 $1500
Mini Freeroll 1
2009-02-09 00:00:00.0
15th $0 22 0 1 +1,425 / -975 -68 $3525
Europe Freeroll Noch
2009-02-07 00:00:00.0
24th $0 16 0 0 +700 / -1,525 -91 $2425

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
August 2010 2998th $1425 2 0 0 -25 / -50 -38 $1500
July 2010 6079th $0 816 3 16 +29,000 / -46,812 +8 $82164
June 2010 296th $49378 190 5 9 +21,200 / -4,700 +204 $58078
May 2010 7362nd $0 17 3 0 +1,000 / -1,850 -353 $2500
March 2010 1400th $4962 23 0 3 +1,650 / -250 +151 $5037
November 2009 2392nd $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2009 6224th $0 448 4 16 +110,500 / -208,584 -20 $393760
March 2009 1153rd $13838 74 0 5 +10,338 / -7,700 +201 $25738
February 2009 125th $445654 606 2 11 +150,500 / -341,000 +728 $465456
November 2008 4268th $1500 15 1 1 +2,925 / -3,475 -200 $5725
October 2008 2644th $1500 220 11 14 +24,025 / -16,000 -82 $55973
April 2008 3425th $1500 29 1 0 +2,575 / -2,700 +52 $4750
March 2008 11407th $0 56 7 0 +8,500 / -11,000 +0 $15500
February 2008 2927th $2525 116 11 0 +8,125 / -8,503 +22 $20250
January 2008 4477th $1500 616 15 0 +172,003 / -159,006 +2 $321506
December 2007 12353rd $0 0 1 0 +762 / -3,762 +0 $762
November 2007 4862nd $1500 0 11 0 +190,032 / -206,532 +0 $30500
October 2007 13059th $0 0 13 0 +1,041,379 / -1,062,379 +0 $135000
September 2007 11343rd $0 0 10 0 +8,400 / -24,900 +0 $3025
August 2007 9709th $1450 0 31 0 +319,088 / -371,638 +0 $17700
July 2007 3rd $7400642 0 6 0 +24,695,457 / -17,305,315 +0 $1955000
June 2007 3598th $1500 0 10 0 +76,700 / -91,700 +0 $25950
May 2007 3629th $1625 0 32 0 +195,728 / -243,103 +0 $22358
April 2007 3624th $1500 0 38 0 +104,708 / -163,308 +0 $14300
March 2007 5th $14021254 0 23 0 +18,347,755 / -4,362,501 +0 $1155954
February 2007 107th $396900 0 42 0 +1,688,764 / -1,356,364 +0 $149300
January 2007 2295th $2000 0 77 0 +1,209,398 / -1,327,898 +0 $45668
December 2006 78th $195292 0 21 0 +914,421 / -752,129 +0 $57000
November 2006 4062nd $0 0 4 0 +0 / -7,500 +0 $0
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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