Level 54
to level 55


I love hunting deer
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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll Noch
2012-12-06 00:00:00.0
36th $0 9 0 1 +2,750 / -2,225 -167 $16524
Mini Freeroll 3
2012-11-09 00:00:00.0
3rd $7500 5 0 0 -800 / -8,500 -4,260 $0
Mini Freeroll 2
2012-11-03 00:00:00.0
37th $0 2 0 0 +175 / -1,500 -663 $18600
Mini Freeroll 2
2012-08-30 00:00:00.0
38th $0 6 0 0 +75 / -1,050 -250 $2434
Mini Freeroll 2
2012-08-23 00:00:00.0
16th $0 11 0 0 -25 / -400 -136 $2500
Sunday Slam
2012-04-01 00:00:00.0
2nd $81000 28 0 3 +3,000 / -4,600 -54 $8882
Members Afternoon
2011-07-05 00:00:00.0
13th $0 5 0 0 -50 / -900 -300 $1500
Members Afternoon
2011-04-03 00:00:00.0
1st $60800 71 0 3 +8,812 / -2,400 +261 $11586
Members Night
2011-02-23 00:00:00.0
1st $50000 23 0 2 +3,300 / -100 +261 $6663
2500 Daily
2011-02-02 00:00:00.0
43rd $0 6 0 2 +2,425 / -2,050 -250 $3925

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
February 2013 2477th $0 72 0 1 +19,544 / -27,266 -694 $63522
January 2013 389th $25000 38 0 1 +3,500 / -19,200 -1,316 $50000
December 2012 489th $16524 176 2 7 +47,200 / -93,460 -208 $113960
November 2012 3468th $0 124 7 4 +3,800 / -18,300 -468 $26400
October 2012 2848th $0 21 2 1 +15,336 / -19,800 -1,452 $40336
September 2012 2809th $0 60 2 3 +21,700 / -49,950 -967 $52250
August 2012 1299th $2434 100 0 10 +42,422 / -44,038 -576 $83760
July 2012 4778th $0 599 3 13 +190,836 / -196,667 -95 $827604
June 2012 384th $27300 80 0 5 +6,625 / -19,800 -315 $36198
April 2012 4415th $0 146 1 8 +16,959 / -21,000 -771 $103841
March 2012 4821st $0 46 1 0 +3,200 / -21,923 -1,120 $50000
February 2012 3531st $0 425 0 10 +117,738 / -100,000 -59 $338088
January 2012 5529th $0 260 12 18 +27,500 / -43,500 -267 $78500
December 2011 5594th $0 291 1 1 +86,448 / -88,000 -177 $181912
November 2011 5169th $0 154 1 4 +18,700 / -20,000 -335 $93377
October 2011 3556th $0 134 1 5 +135,380 / -100,000 -216 $228590
September 2011 4203rd $0 141 2 7 +62,240 / -54,715 -376 $89360
August 2011 5449th $0 139 1 2 +19,900 / -17,800 -370 $54033
July 2011 4683rd $0 120 3 5 +29,920 / -82,938 -371 $101716
June 2011 5639th $0 6 0 0 +2,500 / -16,600 -4,167 $27500
May 2011 5479th $0 382 0 6 +111,777 / -157,839 -131 $332620
April 2011 2994th $820 1368 0 16 +201,500 / -462,500 -73 $1014960
March 2011 3054th $561 382 0 10 +54,974 / -99,000 -83 $228376
February 2011 4761st $0 555 32 38 +44,387 / -93,215 -226 $138552
January 2011 10th $2000293 1644 5 34 +575,000 / -382,500 +1,251 $2271765
December 2010 2256th $1500 93 0 2 +56,839 / -128,178 -538 $128178
November 2010 5877th $0 19 0 0 +300 / -8,300 -1,316 $25000
October 2010 5041st $0 33 2 1 +15,400 / -59,690 -1,606 $72278
September 2010 4503rd $0 25 0 1 +22,000 / -19,800 -2,000 $47300
August 2010 5017th $0 235 0 3 +105,000 / -208,750 -211 $350771
July 2010 5766th $0 129 0 3 +35,800 / -72,500 -388 $97600
June 2010 3886th $0 2250 2 34 +827,557 / -507,500 -105 $1937319
May 2010 4225th $0 496 5 15 +65,000 / -88,000 -116 $243810
April 2010 7357th $0 393 17 7 +29,200 / -46,341 -196 $86373
March 2010 6531st $0 2835 150 112 +405,000 / -1,378,259 -98 $2194259
February 2010 6841st $0 335 25 17 +23,800 / -25,295 -258 $70750
January 2010 7481st $0 164 8 5 +59,630 / -111,260 -378 $111260
December 2009 7403rd $0 295 6 14 +62,500 / -97,500 -171 $285952
November 2009 6935th $0 113 15 2 +13,900 / -19,600 -642 $36400
October 2009 8696th $0 2679 63 110 +225,365 / -267,501 -41 $698270
September 2009 5429th $0 1932 115 89 +138,488 / -460,000 -311 $492771
August 2009 17th $2086130 4603 27 73 +1,586,703 / -1,680,000 +469 $7132150
July 2009 6501st $0 126 17 8 +10,700 / -20,300 -401 $35400
June 2009 8065th $0 591 66 44 +24,400 / -41,403 -206 $54100
May 2009 8784th $0 1079 86 49 +342,500 / -180,000 -125 $672850
April 2009 6th $5035000 2794 19 38 +2,010,000 / -1,485,262 +1,768 $15009772
March 2009 7129th $0 832 51 42 +123,000 / -324,045 -115 $370407
February 2009 7350th $0 3419 142 130 +377,269 / -435,000 -82 $737717
January 2009 7535th $0 4675 144 162 +545,000 / -940,574 -58 $1658941
December 2008 9th $5203700 2656 61 53 +905,000 / -1,311,290 +1,343 $5389868
November 2008 767th $25000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2008 5541st $0 1270 81 35 +51,000 / -46,000 -117 $116508
September 2008 7105th $0 3128 163 127 +332,704 / -365,466 -86 $830466
August 2008 35th $1024228 2516 127 86 +187,500 / -278,199 +320 $1106348
June 2008 10990th $0 860 13 0 +275,000 / -194,000 +0 $1304889
May 2008 11387th $0 3190 200 0 +594,582 / -849,304 +0 $1473377
April 2008 51st $1061218 3309 34 0 +1,417,695 / -1,405,974 +321 $3237265
March 2008 77th $930733 4469 168 0 +326,437 / -475,000 +208 $1186958
February 2008 862nd $25020 5895 94 0 +1,712,500 / -2,025,000 +4 $4110602
January 2008 139th $268525 6436 180 0 +285,488 / -458,000 +42 $1241150
December 2007 71st $1140640 0 196 0 +8,786,407 / -7,941,267 +0 $400238
November 2007 17316th $0 0 234 0 +9,987,669 / -10,340,169 +0 $545154
October 2007 7113th $1500 0 155 0 +5,540,109 / -5,772,609 +0 $307370
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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