Level 54
to level 55 |
deerI love hunting deer
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. ok guy
Dave H on Saturday April 9, 2011 u fucking cheat... and u have a go at me u two faced cunt keep ya mouth shut and mind ya own fucking business i'll sit where i like and chat with who i like
"pebble" on Thursday March 3, 2011 wow deer i just read your wall and.... just wow- you cheated on gpokr... wow
chip_stack on Tuesday March 16, 2010 u r a bad player
Snorbo on Friday August 21, 2009 deer rocks and he is one hell of a good player. wish i had half of his skills.
timmyster on Saturday June 7, 2008 Deer~I saw what you did
Country Girl on Wednesday May 21, 2008 Good player!
* Angel Luthor * on Wednesday May 21, 2008 Deer is quite a dear..a real gentleman.
Impatient on Saturday May 17, 2008 Christ people are saying your SAD mate lol.
I think it is the ones that take there time to say stupid shit like that on your profile are the sad ones its a free site for fun if ye want to have nine million accounts or borrow money or do what the fuck you like then crack on as its FUN FUN FUN think they have forgot that!!!!!
""ENGLAND"" on Thursday March 20, 2008 What happened to your medal last month DEER?
DEER, did you learn anything from your constant cheating?
Its about time Ryan does something about people like you. And I cant believe you try and deny it even after being caught red handed. You must have a very sad life if you have to lie and cheat at a free poker site just to build your own ego.....(LOL, and then get it SMASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!). thats what you get, LOSER!
and....im sure people are getting tired of you talking about "deer" feed, the fucking deer is dead dumbass.
observantplayer on Wednesday March 12, 2008 |