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« First ‹ Previous Replies 71 - 79 of 79
3.14159 wrote
at 6:10 PM, Monday October 17, 2011 EDT
3.14159 defended 8v5, 26 to 26, (5,2,2,1,6,5,1,4 to 6,6,6,3,5)
3.14159 wrote
at 4:20 PM, Sunday October 2, 2011 EDT
3.14159 defeated 4v6, 15 to 14, (6,1,2,6 to 5,3,1,1,2,2)
3.14159 wrote
at 11:15 AM, Sunday September 18, 2011 EDT
3.14159 defeated 2v4, 12 to 11, (6,6 to 4,1,1,5)
3.14159 wrote
at 11:41 AM, Thursday August 25, 2011 EDT
3.14159's turn
rammerator defended 7v2, 10 to 11, (2,2,1,2,1,1,1 to 6,5)
superwiseman wrote
at 9:50 PM, Tuesday February 2, 2010 EST
superwiseman wrote
at 9:50 PM, Tuesday February 2, 2010 EST
superwiseman wrote
at 9:50 PM, Tuesday February 2, 2010 EST
luc owns u wrote
at 6:49 PM, Tuesday February 2, 2010 EST
i like the idea
3.14159 wrote
at 6:16 PM, Thursday January 15, 2009 EST
Flagging benefits 1st place most of all--by far. It is the duty of 1st to let others fight it out once 1st place is in hand. My statement to others when I have 1st wrapped up is usually, "I'm not moving unless attacked or if 1st is threatened." That lets the others know that they don't have to worry about any moves I might make. I do that even if I was annoyed by some player or prefer some player to be 2nd--I don't interfere. Doing it this way ensures the most fun for the most people. If someone has other better ideas or improvements to my ideas, please let me know.
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