Level 31
to level 32


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 2
2022-09-21 20:00:04.0
23rd $0 8 0 0 +300 / -1,450 -187 $1800
Odnexa Freeroll
2022-09-21 18:00:04.0
30th $0 9 0 0 +550 / -450 -165 $2050
Mini Freeroll 1
2022-09-21 16:00:05.0
21st $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,400 -750 $0
2500 Daily Reprise
2022-09-21 15:00:07.0
11th $0 13 0 0 +500 / -750 -113 $3100
Mini Freeroll 1
2019-11-29 16:00:07.0
22nd $0 3 0 0 +875 / -2,275 -500 $2375
Mini Freeroll 2
2018-11-17 20:00:02.0
20th $0 22 0 1 +2,000 / -2,000 -67 $3500
2500 Daily Reprise
2018-11-17 15:00:04.0
3rd $19000 41 0 4 +4,700 / -6,175 -45 $7675
Mini Freeroll 2
2018-11-15 20:00:05.0
15th $0 27 0 2 +2,125 / -3,026 -62 $3625
Mini Freeroll 2
2018-11-14 20:00:01.0
20th $0 10 0 0 +150 / -825 -148 $1650
Mini Freeroll 1
2018-01-11 16:00:00.0
5th $0 41 0 4 +4,525 / -7,725 -46 $6025

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
January 2024 395th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
March 2023 424th $1375 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
December 2022 436th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2022 285th $1500 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
September 2022 545th $1425 31 5 0 +1,800 / -4,450 -203 $4450
October 2021 495th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2021 653rd $950 8 0 0 +450 / -500 -69 $2100
February 2021 655th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2021 546th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
December 2020 544th $1550 4 0 0 +50 / -1,500 -362 $1550
November 2020 528th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
November 2019 702nd $0 8 1 0 +0 / -1,400 -373 $1450
September 2019 934th $0 3 1 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,000 $700
November 2018 593rd $1500 29 4 0 +6,400 / -14,100 -925 $24050
July 2018 627th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
March 2018 642nd $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
February 2018 602nd $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2018 738th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
November 2017 757th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2017 752nd $1500 16 1 1 +1,700 / -2,675 -185 $4025
August 2017 597th $3642 4 0 1 +3,363 / -2,071 +285 $4863
July 2017 862nd $1500 24 1 0 +850 / -62,150 -2,765 $64550
August 2016 845th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2016 201st $47400 1 0 0 +0 / -100 -100 $1400
June 2015 625th $4500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2015 887th $1450 1 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1500
January 2015 710th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
December 2014 932nd $1450 2 1 0 -50 / -1,500 -775 $1500
September 2014 820th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
July 2014 1422nd $0 7 1 0 -25 / -1,425 -429 $1500
June 2014 2403rd $0 14 2 0 +1,050 / -2,350 -536 $2350
May 2014 1489th $0 4 0 0 -50 / -1,000 -375 $1500
April 2014 738th $3800 39 1 2 +3,125 / -6,750 -146 $6750
March 2014 2295th $0 112 5 2 +3,900 / -6,250 -303 $7750
February 2014 759th $4257 452 3 11 +86,000 / -91,750 -153 $275473
January 2014 1376th $1475 518 25 24 +42,000 / -85,729 -83 $129396
December 2013 1361st $1500 41 1 1 +3,525 / -12,700 -73 $17100
November 2013 875th $3437 1036 24 38 +80,000 / -89,000 -64 $154225
October 2013 1395th $1500 40 1 0 +2,000 / -2,550 -137 $4450
August 2013 3334th $0 759 29 33 +74,000 / -52,292 -85 $154133
July 2013 1424th $1500 3 0 0 -50 / -750 -500 $1500
May 2013 1077th $2500 17 0 1 +6,238 / -4,450 -88 $13363
April 2013 3985th $0 153 10 9 +6,699 / -9,223 -126 $14023
March 2013 3621st $0 845 25 48 +56,475 / -88,400 -47 $114250
February 2013 1558th $1500 173 2 9 +14,025 / -24,825 -89 $24825
January 2013 2807th $0 118 4 6 +5,885 / -12,600 -65 $12760
December 2012 744th $7800 1318 35 57 +34,500 / -45,900 -66 $128826
November 2012 851st $6375 587 26 23 +34,000 / -30,000 -5 $83750
October 2012 4329th $0 424 7 15 +50,000 / -69,695 -159 $86195
September 2012 3850th $0 47 2 2 +4,175 / -5,600 -341 $10000
June 2012 2350th $1325 133 0 5 +10,525 / -18,600 -79 $39750
May 2012 3775th $0 95 2 4 +6,236 / -14,000 -249 $21238
April 2012 2587th $1151 137 1 1 +8,700 / -18,600 -113 $26675
March 2012 958th $7186 207 15 17 +10,150 / -13,600 -237 $29936
February 2012 4362nd $0 403 26 15 +11,700 / -15,463 -185 $29600
January 2012 2981st $1300 802 36 45 +24,681 / -29,945 -103 $47674
December 2011 1548th $2500 592 5 20 +105,525 / -92,000 -97 $228323
November 2011 2147th $1500 644 24 29 +13,850 / -14,400 -79 $25900
October 2011 2388th $1450 485 1 16 +64,500 / -76,500 -19 $203072
September 2011 1869th $1500 676 27 28 +28,342 / -46,542 -107 $56765
August 2011 598th $16200 44 1 2 +9,100 / -6,750 +268 $16300
July 2011 2449th $1500 33 3 1 +2,875 / -6,000 -520 $6400
June 2011 1484th $2150 383 9 26 +12,112 / -19,800 -100 $51660
May 2011 3198th $0 103 5 2 +6,345 / -14,127 -325 $17002
April 2011 920th $7762 290 5 20 +19,575 / -16,600 -93 $37586
March 2011 1767th $1500 41 0 1 +2,721 / -4,950 -134 $8171
February 2011 6120th $0 194 2 7 +17,794 / -13,100 -44 $45942
January 2011 3989th $0 247 3 23 +39,433 / -72,000 -129 $97920
December 2010 1185th $4530 713 25 34 +30,000 / -21,000 +20 $115346
November 2010 5755th $0 640 27 58 +39,731 / -40,000 -88 $66963
October 2010 4980th $0 13 2 0 +2,300 / -3,775 -577 $3775
September 2010 6809th $0 23 2 0 +1,300 / -1,525 -326 $2475
August 2010 3055th $1400 1507 2 27 +123,104 / -133,696 +60 $509385
July 2010 1676th $1531 47 7 0 +2,200 / -2,600 -350 $3750
June 2010 1656th $2225 585 16 42 +20,000 / -19,700 -56 $81856
May 2010 6917th $0 281 19 13 +6,900 / -17,466 -152 $25950
April 2010 2046th $1575 735 5 28 +37,000 / -23,600 +20 $136747
March 2010 3129th $1500 736 16 49 +25,000 / -22,482 -59 $57795
February 2010 4223rd $550 397 20 29 +7,231 / -17,700 -142 $27850
January 2010 9307th $0 1129 30 56 +186,612 / -101,000 -87 $358409
December 2009 5551st $0 1074 15 49 +80,000 / -138,436 -36 $188663
November 2009 2683rd $1500 1183 31 72 +138,936 / -363,500 -66 $380339
October 2009 3903rd $1500 965 32 51 +42,532 / -74,211 -75 $138222
September 2009 5267th $0 1534 21 87 +80,000 / -127,000 -34 $217133
August 2009 82nd $741072 1889 3 68 +90,000 / -37,000 +411 $741372
July 2009 6010th $0 622 25 37 +47,456 / -40,000 -94 $119593
June 2009 10191st $0 636 24 24 +144,500 / -73,500 -90 $533255
May 2009 1106th $13362 680 20 61 +28,100 / -20,000 -55 $63612
April 2009 7621st $0 1204 10 54 +60,500 / -93,000 -17 $253475
March 2009 9120th $0 733 42 28 +7,900 / -5,000 -100 $16382
February 2009 2931st $1575 777 29 65 +15,811 / -23,186 -80 $35151
January 2009 10376th $0 750 35 40 +19,487 / -20,000 -93 $31782
December 2008 10829th $0 987 37 57 +39,400 / -43,100 -87 $94900
November 2008 1290th $11659 1217 22 85 +29,650 / -52,816 -9 $92812
October 2008 10276th $0 1323 7 44 +155,792 / -185,360 -22 $306514
September 2008 6405th $0 705 17 38 +56,241 / -37,295 -82 $171756
August 2008 10259th $0 1063 20 45 +41,100 / -39,718 -53 $169675
July 2008 11241st $0 973 27 0 +28,670 / -28,739 +0 $89584
June 2008 1275th $8619 1952 51 0 +145,500 / -285,500 +4 $360719
May 2008 108th $549784 2419 0 0 +87,640 / -42,100 +227 $592799
April 2008 915th $20132 344 19 0 +17,700 / -41,324 +59 $41724
March 2008 2906th $2450 257 22 0 +31,800 / -27,992 +10 $63850
February 2008 2451st $4075 653 19 0 +24,596 / -32,800 +6 $56756
January 2008 13355th $0 829 19 0 +16,800 / -40,000 +0 $104237
December 2007 4939th $1500 0 26 0 +1,904,603 / -1,943,603 +0 $80200
November 2007 13989th $0 0 25 0 +368,878 / -407,878 +0 $14400
October 2007 13114th $0 0 62 0 +109,358 / -203,858 +0 $7175
September 2007 4243rd $1500 0 45 0 +313,227 / -380,727 +0 $31883
August 2007 3889th $1500 0 41 0 +314,379 / -375,879 +0 $19754
July 2007 3895th $1500 0 22 0 +74,410 / -107,410 +0 $13000
June 2007 3618th $1500 0 33 0 +674,831 / -724,331 +0 $17800
May 2007 8704th $1150 0 16 0 +1,260,420 / -1,284,770 +0 $225000
April 2007 3665th $1500 0 21 0 +149,335 / -180,835 +0 $16200
March 2007 3301st $1500 0 40 0 +164,975 / -225,425 +0 $9175
February 2007 1679th $4750 0 31 0 +502,568 / -545,968 +0 $17107
January 2007 145th $121501 0 13 0 +1,039,941 / -939,540 +0 $68500
December 2006 1439th $2425 0 24 0 +759,753 / -795,278 +0 $27700
November 2006 469th $8425 0 15 0 +40,254 / -55,829 +0 $7600
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GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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