Level 23
to level 24

Toby Flenderson

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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
April 2023 297th $1625 95 6 1 +850 / -2,250 -72 $2350
March 2023 201st $8449 156 0 1 +1,525 / -1,400 +0 $12149
February 2023 200th $12539 239 0 2 +5,850 / -1,200 +1 $11380
July 2022 443rd $1575 4 0 0 +200 / -50 +18 $1600
May 2020 521st $2125 27 1 1 +1,275 / -1,425 -26 $2650
August 2018 868th $1225 22 0 0 +300 / -150 -8 $1525
January 2018 740th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2017 423rd $9707 348 0 2 +6,350 / -2,200 +0 $12007
August 2017 589th $3725 113 1 2 +1,750 / -1,350 +22 $3800
October 2016 464th $9800 162 0 2 +1,775 / -450 -1 $9375
September 2016 505th $9288 1155 4 10 +9,400 / -3,525 +0 $21563
August 2016 648th $4450 987 7 6 +2,970 / -4,800 +0 $7580
July 2016 596th $9861 197 0 3 +3,136 / -1,600 +0 $9511
June 2016 865th $2475 145 4 2 +2,950 / -4,775 -18 $5600
April 2016 1374th $225 24 0 1 +1,650 / -4,500 -141 $5325
March 2016 1025th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
February 2016 929th $2000 5 0 0 +0 / -300 -99 $2450
January 2016 690th $7700 28 0 1 +1,475 / -1,500 +54 $7800
December 2015 705th $4400 2 0 0 +0 / -50 -50 $4450
November 2015 484th $9213 514 2 1 +5,125 / -3,150 +0 $10338
October 2015 380th $16682 1280 2 13 +8,647 / -2,175 +0 $27020
September 2015 453rd $10940 89 0 1 +6,250 / -1,700 +86 $12840
March 2015 502nd $5275 7 0 0 +2,175 / -100 +539 $5375
October 2014 659th $4000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2014 426th $11050 3 0 0 -100 / -200 -150 $11150
August 2014 376th $14450 16 0 0 -25 / -1,075 -116 $12500
July 2014 289th $19020 246 0 3 +3,075 / -1,275 +26 $19070
June 2014 373rd $14000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2014 601st $5100 12 0 0 +2,550 / -100 +300 $2600
April 2014 387th $16175 18 0 0 +400 / -150 -22 $1875
February 2014 486th $12150 22 0 0 +1,500 / -150 +30 $12650
January 2014 392nd $16475 17 0 0 +350 / -150 -1 $9025
December 2013 618th $7100 32 0 0 +400 / -200 +19 $7150
November 2013 407th $16875 95 0 0 +1,100 / -1,700 -49 $15325
October 2013 621st $7175 39 0 0 +3,975 / -600 +81 $7325
September 2013 956th $1950 61 2 0 +1,025 / -900 -42 $2050
August 2013 734th $5900 58 0 0 +3,025 / -550 +59 $6000
May 2013 478th $14087 139 1 0 +600 / -1,500 -28 $14337
April 2013 808th $5900 50 0 1 +2,100 / -1,400 -12 $5975
February 2013 3180th $0 20 0 0 +250 / -1,000 -75 $1650
January 2013 462nd $19525 95 0 0 +450 / -2,800 -47 $19625
December 2012 667th $9405 192 2 2 +1,875 / -2,500 -13 $7405
November 2012 627th $11500 199 0 3 +5,000 / -3,650 -12 $13000
October 2012 1804th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
June 2012 1425th $1875 17 0 0 +500 / -150 +22 $2175
May 2012 2129th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2012 1335th $3000 12 0 0 +600 / -1,150 -83 $2500
March 2012 786th $10575 25 0 0 +200 / -250 -37 $10750
January 2012 1561st $2525 167 4 2 +2,350 / -4,425 -44 $4850
December 2011 952nd $6762 132 2 1 +1,500 / -1,650 -40 $7037
November 2011 561st $16400 70 2 1 +2,250 / -1,450 +63 $16550
October 2011 631st $13550 104 1 0 +1,100 / -1,225 -19 $14500
September 2011 590th $16565 111 0 5 +6,200 / -400 +113 $14740
August 2011 376th $30947 715 1 3 +6,749 / -3,475 +30 $32760
July 2011 665th $13149 1340 4 12 +4,009 / -4,750 +2 $17899
June 2011 911th $6540 966 1 15 +7,475 / -19,100 -1 $40795
May 2011 278th $42271 996 9 17 +28,022 / -4,325 +25 $43896
April 2011 403rd $27791 524 1 6 +6,175 / -4,925 +36 $29966
March 2011 427th $24875 370 4 8 +6,350 / -4,800 +16 $27375
February 2011 938th $6876 985 12 12 +4,775 / -4,525 -15 $14148
September 2010 1438th $3150 57 1 0 +1,600 / -1,245 -23 $3125
August 2010 758th $11587 569 4 13 +5,127 / -2,750 +13 $17241
July 2010 604th $15387 335 0 7 +7,700 / -4,950 +38 $20862
March 2010 1896th $2600 6 0 0 +1,325 / -50 +183 $2650
February 2010 1590th $4075 15 0 1 +2,550 / -250 +172 $3825
December 2009 2157th $2569 147 1 2 +3,650 / -3,975 -3 $7025
August 2008 1882nd $4575 74 1 3 +4,350 / -950 +22 $6250
April 2008 13447th $0 42 0 0 +950 / -1,100 +0 $2850
March 2008 3207th $1625 96 6 0 +2,650 / -1,500 +17 $4050
December 2007 10713th $900 0 5 0 +9,532 / -17,632 +0 $2950
November 2007 18228th $0 0 4 0 +81,592 / -89,092 +0 $8874
October 2007 23108th $0 0 3 0 +3,112 / -9,112 +0 $2950
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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