Level 56
to level 57


Overview Stats Wall Reviews About

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Final 100k
Aug 31, 12
11th $0 14 0 0 +300 / -2,175 -107 $1,108,719
Europe Freeroll Noch
Aug 25, 12
22nd $0 12 0 3 +1,775 / -3,325 -125 $2,300,674
Mini Freeroll 3
Jan 23, 12
16th $0 12 0 0 +2,325 / -3,950 -125 $5,952
2500 Daily
Sep 3, 11
11th $0 14 0 0 +2,200 / -1,900 -107 $2,900
2500 Daily
Jan 24, 10
40th $0 9 0 0 +650 / -1,575 -167 $2,175
2500 Daily
Dec 21, 09
19th $0 13 0 1 +850 / -575 -115 $1,500
Dienstag 10k
Apr 28, 09
6th $0 25 0 1 +1,600 / -4,000 -60 $5,525
2500 Daily
Apr 23, 09
40th $0 23 0 3 +1,850 / -2,550 -65 $4,700
2500 Daily
Apr 15, 09
54th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Europe Freeroll Noch
Apr 15, 09
6th $3,000 27 0 3 +3,350 / -4,000 -76 $6,750

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 2012 2,256th $1,250 5 0 0 +50 / -350 -50 $1,500
November 2012 1,224th $3,000 6 0 0 +1,725 / -50 +250 $3,050
August 2012 26th $1,108,719 1,062 4 16 +522,500 / -494,500 +1,131 $2,649,174
February 2012 3,235th $0 2 0 0 +250 / -1,750 -750 $1,750
January 2012 1,686th $2,079 882 27 36 +45,748 / -59,850 -45 $189,102
December 2011 874th $8,167 843 23 29 +28,700 / -40,066 -39 $114,460
November 2011 447th $24,013 160 6 4 +20,796 / -29,180 +84 $65,593
October 2011 5,069th $0 904 27 35 +17,988 / -14,200 -55 $39,088
September 2011 1,580th $1,925 2,497 58 82 +46,000 / -52,849 -34 $190,584
August 2011 5,691st $0 1,283 26 45 +32,400 / -43,850 -32 $115,350
July 2011 223rd $62,340 2,020 16 50 +155,000 / -192,000 +17 $494,415
June 2011 3,685th $0 899 32 37 +62,463 / -66,000 -57 $183,542
May 2011 758th $9,211 2,436 64 111 +435,444 / -527,500 -42 $1,020,503
April 2011 530th $19,336 1,631 57 66 +75,118 / -65,736 -42 $147,736
March 2011 134th $199,008 779 0 20 +272,500 / -250,000 +253 $1,094,964
February 2011 5,618th $0 46 2 3 +2,600 / -4,500 -98 $6,325
January 2011 4,288th $0 116 11 2 +3,100 / -4,165 -155 $6,100
December 2010 1,713th $1,700 49 0 6 +7,700 / -11,800 -27 $18,680
November 2010 1,513th $2,729 448 20 12 +112,500 / -98,500 -64 $269,612
October 2010 1,306th $3,737 1,199 31 44 +112,929 / -121,500 -38 $364,299
September 2010 5th $3,800,936 707 10 15 +948,000 / -412,500 +5,353 $4,137,770
August 2010 868th $9,387 425 14 19 +41,000 / -107,367 -31 $119,277
July 2010 6,265th $0 453 10 6 +14,900 / -20,000 -40 $71,082
June 2010 1,317th $4,150 45 3 0 +3,250 / -2,525 -41 $4,750
May 2010 1,349th $4,517 82 4 2 +3,241 / -4,875 -36 $6,600
April 2010 1,435th $4,725 444 17 28 +56,304 / -81,672 -54 $91,902
March 2010 3,745th $1,475 1,217 46 46 +51,600 / -38,000 -58 $134,622
February 2010 7th $3,938,606 2,454 32 78 +572,500 / -490,000 +1,584 $4,261,106
January 2010 983rd $13,765 978 31 50 +33,325 / -24,785 -32 $71,287
December 2009 4,525th $1,050 965 26 44 +52,788 / -63,576 -40 $93,576
November 2009 330th $54,037 299 5 12 +17,900 / -20,000 +150 $60,837
August 2009 5,377th $0 6 0 0 +500 / -1,750 -250 $1,850
July 2009 1,839th $4,410 22 0 0 +3,000 / -540 +132 $4,635
June 2009 6,888th $0 13 0 0 +1,500 / -1,225 -115 $3,000
May 2009 8,235th $0 51 1 2 +3,300 / -5,562 -59 $6,550
April 2009 7th $4,017,547 1,962 2 21 +1,210,000 / -415,542 +2,035 $4,315,547
March 2009 2,849th $1,625 577 14 26 +10,198 / -18,000 -105 $63,667
February 2009 12th $3,068,384 2,352 6 35 +545,000 / -395,000 +1,281 $3,035,884
January 2009 1,600th $9,785 261 12 9 +5,880 / -8,162 -43 $17,485
December 2008 8,356th $0 2,208 15 57 +390,000 / -497,500 -8 $1,894,065
November 2008 41st $1,234,621 1,129 16 26 +132,500 / -116,000 +1,097 $1,314,919
October 2008 5,989th $0 1,333 41 47 +32,500 / -61,750 -50 $131,469
September 2008 2,055th $3,025 2,088 36 78 +125,669 / -147,300 -25 $235,672
August 2008 988th $13,794 1,199 50 52 +59,500 / -65,968 -52 $125,838
July 2008 26th $1,659,229 2,196 27 0 +291,500 / -84,000 +756 $1,763,729
June 2008 556th $29,675 1,069 43 0 +41,664 / -23,329 +28 $85,645
May 2008 12,521st $0 437 12 0 +9,500 / -14,075 +0 $32,232
April 2008 1,144th $14,600 1,717 57 0 +89,516 / -169,530 +9 $290,700
March 2008 1,983rd $6,150 2,445 44 0 +248,938 / -187,718 +3 $550,480
February 2008 1,865th $7,239 1,211 31 0 +26,814 / -51,112 +6 $79,112
January 2008 12,700th $0 1,835 37 0 +41,000 / -110,598 +0 $123,998
December 2007 190th $198,999 0 51 0 +1,502,225 / -1,387,726 +0 $96,500
November 2007 811th $34,725 0 92 0 +2,382,233 / -2,493,008 +0 $100,400
October 2007 1,644th $12,583 0 20 0 +66,095 / -85,012 +0 $5,900
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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