Level 83
to level 84


I really should go to bed earlier .....
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 8:45 AM, Friday May 30, 2008 EDT by JulesDogg
I would like to nominate TLP for her contribution to the gpokr community. TLP is not only an excellent player but also sets the standard for polite social conduct at the tables. A true winner in every sense of the word.

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Congratulations on another medal!!!!!! awesome, you've always been very nice to me and I really appreciate that very much. Keep up the good work and hope to see ya soon! The post before this one was not mine~~don't know how it got posted. TC and GL and god bless an awesome lady
Fritzy/sassy on Friday June 5, 2009
I'm sorry TLP for posting that question in the forum. I had no idea that I would start such a rukus. Please forgive me.
DR. on Friday June 5, 2009
Hi TLP Nispkr is using my picture and being nasty to me can you please stop him Thanks Bianca
Bianca123 on Friday May 29, 2009
I wanted to let u know that yarom500 is harassing me and has stolen my pic and using it on g. Can u please tell him to take my pic off. Thank you very much Bianca123
montana26 on Monday April 27, 2009
YOU take all my chips away and smile.I dont give a fuck if u take my abilites to chat away or not...really it has no value.ANd these dumb idiots like isisboy and rabitwombles provocated me...think about that?? i guess not...all advisors are just puppets of Ryan the master(LMAO)
Phil $ Ivey on Monday March 9, 2009
Hi tlp wondering why my acct. seems to say no $$ did i break a rule?
JD.CASH on Wednesday December 24, 2008
fanx 4 ya help TL :) if it wasnt 4 u i still wudnt no nefin about these tournaments nothing is explained on this site :D gl, l8ers
StokeTay on Tuesday December 16, 2008
Hey TL Great playing with you today don't know you much yet but you seem like a good player and person so hope to see ya around! Gl rich :-)
rich101 on Monday November 10, 2008
1 true and honest lady also a good friend
BiggerDave12 on Sunday October 26, 2008
Good Luck this month!
WHSKYDlCK on Tuesday October 7, 2008
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