Level 33
to level 34


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll Noch
Apr 5, 11
17th $0 18 0 1 +2,200 / -2,250 -83 $5,100
Europe Freeroll Noch
Apr 4, 11
19th $0 19 0 0 +400 / -400 -79 $1,500
Europe Freeroll Noch
Jan 17, 11
20th $0 12 0 0 -25 / -400 -125 $1,500
Europe Freeroll
Jan 12, 11
16th $0 24 0 2 +2,875 / -1,600 -63 $6,100
Europe Freeroll
May 3, 10
7th $0 25 0 3 +3,550 / -5,550 -76 $6,750
Europe Freeroll
Mar 24, 09
45th $0 2 0 0 -100 / -1,400 -750 $1,500
2500 Daily
Mar 13, 09
63rd $0 4 0 0 +350 / -1,100 -375 $1,500
Members Night
Jan 13, 09
5th $0 30 0 0 +3,425 / -3,300 -50 $6,500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
November 2011 266th $51,448 76 0 4 +36,400 / -6,000 +657 $70,948
May 2011 4,265th $0 7 2 0 +75 / -1,475 -643 $1,500
April 2011 3,810th $0 271 6 12 +11,600 / -15,497 -131 $38,150
March 2011 3,586th $0 259 3 6 +26,100 / -46,497 -114 $57,142
February 2011 6,221st $0 234 2 11 +36,900 / -95,000 -233 $159,393
January 2011 4,171st $0 542 21 24 +23,239 / -57,258 -151 $124,758
December 2010 4,272nd $0 1,457 11 29 +580,000 / -462,500 -46 $1,286,789
November 2010 5,576th $0 108 2 6 +21,000 / -62,143 -260 $108,936
October 2010 5,101st $0 63 7 6 +7,250 / -16,475 -587 $30,100
September 2010 3,947th $0 112 5 6 +34,800 / -40,500 -527 $56,500
August 2010 5,915th $0 59 1 3 +30,100 / -63,886 -449 $93,543
July 2010 3,028th $1,274 192 0 8 +19,425 / -21,825 -254 $78,375
June 2010 1,205th $5,000 10 0 0 +16,800 / -33,000 -2,000 $38,000
May 2010 4,639th $0 145 14 6 +77,000 / -123,500 -490 $126,000
April 2010 4,530th $0 398 48 18 +111,368 / -94,000 -306 $187,802
March 2010 6,232nd $0 200 18 19 +37,600 / -76,919 -393 $96,519
February 2010 6,197th $0 77 6 8 +11,400 / -19,400 -480 $38,000
January 2010 7,723rd $0 837 11 21 +346,395 / -766,790 -21 $812,790
December 2009 5,560th $0 975 7 16 +145,174 / -91,494 -62 $405,170
November 2009 6,637th $0 217 15 6 +21,962 / -46,516 -341 $62,316
October 2009 7,449th $0 90 10 4 +10,480 / -20,300 -739 $38,980
September 2009 6,552nd $0 154 7 11 +22,738 / -55,500 -403 $65,500
August 2009 2,902nd $1,500 17 0 4 +24,249 / -48,195 -88 $51,395
July 2009 4,211th $1,450 1 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1,500
June 2009 10,007th $0 2 1 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
May 2009 9,475th $0 4 2 0 +1,600 / -3,100 -1,125 $3,100
April 2009 7,483rd $0 90 8 3 +39,500 / -57,600 -689 $86,100
March 2009 8,763rd $0 5,680 7 46 +605,000 / -1,870,000 -6 $2,777,387
February 2009 11,345th $0 99 14 7 +22,700 / -18,000 -480 $81,739
January 2009 8,283rd $0 352 7 6 +33,735 / -20,600 -77 $76,113
December 2008 7,916th $0 296 6 15 +30,600 / -66,866 -115 $128,068
November 2008 10,142nd $0 321 15 7 +125,000 / -316,274 -70 $433,774
October 2008 8,089th $0 302 42 8 +180,000 / -199,900 -292 $605,400
September 2008 6,864th $0 938 31 39 +68,566 / -134,512 -78 $237,502
August 2008 10,330th $0 11 1 0 +1,500 / -19,150 -2,409 $25,650
July 2008 11,251st $0 3,027 6 0 +690,739 / -1,359,077 +0 $1,742,323
June 2008 10,391st $0 204 6 0 +27,850 / -49,700 +0 $51,032
May 2008 9,167th $0 2,480 13 0 +101,000 / -236,589 +0 $394,715
April 2008 44th $1,245,283 4,907 6 0 +260,000 / -593,975 +254 $1,352,566
March 2008 50th $1,184,441 2,299 9 0 +304,500 / -87,531 +515 $1,258,241
February 2008 12,340th $0 2,746 11 0 +140,000 / -410,630 +0 $1,141,410
January 2008 9,390th $0 1,190 26 0 +158,500 / -283,716 +0 $597,385
December 2007 17,346th $0 0 149 0 +1,036,728 / -1,261,728 +0 $109,724
November 2007 19,882nd $0 0 232 0 +1,298,607 / -1,648,107 +0 $130,930
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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