Level 33
to level 34


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Final Freeroll
Mar 31, 15
42nd $0 9 0 0 -25 / -925 -167 $159,134
2500 Daily Reprise
Mar 28, 15
24th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $158,476
Mini Freeroll 3
Mar 25, 15
1st $22,500 58 0 6 +17,279 / -1,600 +879 $184,400
2500 Daily
Mar 20, 15
23rd $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $66,808
Mini Freeroll 3
Mar 10, 15
4th $6,000 30 0 2 +2,275 / -1,650 -50 $8,749
2500 Daily
Feb 27, 15
18th $0 10 0 0 +500 / -1,500 -150 $53,398
2500 Daily Reprise
Feb 25, 15
14th $0 16 0 0 +1,675 / -1,725 -94 $14,668
Mini Freeroll 1
Feb 24, 15
14th $0 13 0 0 +1,050 / -2,062 -115 $44,901
Mini Freeroll 2
Aug 24, 09
41st $0 64 0 5 +3,550 / -2,825 -93 $7,300
Monday 20k
Aug 24, 09
11th $0 59 0 5 +3,550 / -2,825 -75 $7,300

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
April 2015 559th $4,579 1,575 8 62 +11,300 / -18,100 -6 $45,280
March 2015 104th $151,709 2,305 12 62 +46,600 / -24,000 +46 $223,975
February 2015 68th $195,851 891 2 45 +104,000 / -18,800 +218 $241,176
August 2014 781st $1,850 16 0 0 +1,525 / -200 +22 $2,925
September 2013 3,935th $0 745 3 25 +11,545 / -52,038 -8 $60,189
August 2012 2,136th $1,450 1 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1,500
April 2011 5,220th $0 9 1 0 -50 / -1,250 -333 $1,500
February 2011 5,447th $0 23 1 0 +900 / -1,625 -130 $2,875
May 2010 6,727th $0 17 3 0 +350 / -1,450 -353 $1,800
November 2009 6,004th $0 104 9 10 +9,600 / -14,243 -144 $18,400
October 2009 8,172nd $0 26 2 0 +3,250 / -2,700 -173 $4,725
September 2009 5,800th $0 203 20 11 +4,625 / -4,950 -162 $6,525
August 2009 42nd $1,148,107 1,391 11 33 +551,892 / -268,906 +809 $835,769
July 2009 78th $788,601 2,538 7 104 +94,000 / -77,000 +306 $797,601
June 2009 5,869th $0 76 3 6 +7,225 / -4,562 -79 $17,750
May 2009 944th $17,647 399 0 34 +15,600 / -17,400 +41 $43,023
April 2009 5,198th $1,075 65 0 2 +3,900 / -4,525 -30 $8,325
March 2009 1,564th $7,784 57 3 4 +9,415 / -4,900 -21 $12,609
February 2009 4,000th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2009 5,146th $1,475 18 4 0 +2,075 / -2,750 -335 $3,775
December 2008 11,050th $0 315 1 20 +10,100 / -23,300 -9 $54,178
November 2008 11,232nd $0 252 16 12 +5,147 / -6,100 -113 $8,600
October 2008 8,986th $0 7 0 0 -50 / -550 -214 $1,150
September 2008 2,395th $1,725 159 17 6 +7,225 / -6,825 -157 $10,750
July 2008 6,247th $0 33 0 0 +4,998 / -4,350 +0 $8,646
June 2008 9,504th $0 5 0 0 -50 / -1,100 +0 $1,450
May 2008 1,971st $4,975 120 5 0 +5,475 / -6,925 +41 $10,500
April 2008 4,264th $1,450 77 6 0 +4,000 / -2,900 +19 $7,525
March 2008 8,990th $0 63 2 0 +4,470 / -2,670 +0 $6,395
February 2008 11,624th $0 5 0 0 -25 / -1,125 +0 $1,450
January 2008 11,789th $0 41 3 0 +3,050 / -2,050 +0 $7,075
December 2007 5,950th $1,500 0 29 0 +6,827,434 / -6,873,934 +0 $397,576
November 2007 20,092nd $0 0 22 0 +271,510 / -306,010 +0 $12,000
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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