Level 27
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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
August 2011 5145th $0 557 18 36 +13,325 / -16,000 -51 $28165
July 2011 3247th $0 23 4 0 +1,250 / -1,550 -326 $1850
March 2011 3231st $0 267 12 14 +5,925 / -5,667 -73 $13948
February 2011 178th $87081 830 2 76 +29,700 / -15,743 +100 $105421
January 2011 4066th $0 444 7 41 +15,993 / -12,000 -27 $78439
December 2010 4703rd $0 121 22 6 +3,458 / -4,550 -285 $11746
November 2010 5879th $0 548 13 25 +49,200 / -20,000 -38 $139568
October 2010 5212th $0 224 17 25 +7,825 / -9,900 -127 $17639
September 2010 6799th $0 455 29 23 +9,325 / -6,975 -99 $21850
August 2010 6654th $0 428 19 39 +9,509 / -12,425 -70 $41719
July 2010 5427th $0 90 10 4 +8,968 / -8,850 -183 $15018
June 2010 1438th $3275 201 29 9 +4,625 / -5,000 -207 $8825
May 2010 635th $18069 188 12 16 +12,276 / -4,925 -8 $42158
April 2010 4625th $0 162 16 19 +18,566 / -18,734 -157 $30716
March 2010 7044th $0 117 38 6 +4,550 / -3,725 -500 $6050
February 2010 1145th $7907 287 14 35 +11,925 / -10,400 -51 $30682
January 2010 9658th $0 459 21 26 +18,032 / -12,600 -72 $43986
December 2009 376th $46561 729 23 50 +34,067 / -21,200 +14 $62861
November 2009 734th $19872 1109 27 72 +33,584 / -19,000 -21 $60480
October 2009 255th $93056 1616 27 92 +37,943 / -20,000 +32 $144016
September 2009 188th $131469 1550 17 126 +29,000 / -18,800 +67 $142269
August 2009 284th $72264 1027 21 98 +16,275 / -7,025 +37 $78779
July 2009 751st $22072 284 6 38 +14,390 / -5,000 +41 $35947
June 2009 1033rd $13470 584 12 44 +10,430 / -5,675 -13 $46671
May 2009 1218th $11451 380 19 26 +20,874 / -6,067 -53 $37198
April 2009 723rd $26146 589 9 55 +15,630 / -8,118 +19 $39196
March 2009 2138th $4083 829 33 49 +15,625 / -6,250 -58 $37851
February 2009 901st $22554 947 53 66 +11,550 / -5,900 -62 $40808
January 2009 693rd $33629 1243 6 93 +14,050 / -10,220 +19 $104086
December 2008 285th $89281 1385 13 92 +13,723 / -7,920 +49 $107126
November 2008 461st $44985 582 37 48 +32,650 / -7,850 -27 $63685
October 2008 5996th $0 873 13 47 +8,866 / -10,375 -27 $48212
September 2008 1653rd $5000 326 8 18 +9,625 / -5,050 -26 $16745
July 2008 3509th $1500 532 42 0 +8,575 / -5,956 +3 $18787
June 2008 228th $99402 621 10 0 +15,025 / -5,000 +160 $117671
May 2008 361st $58031 863 2 0 +10,465 / -6,738 +67 $58593
April 2008 8566th $0 715 46 0 +14,375 / -12,650 +0 $34483
March 2008 422nd $56619 878 38 0 +13,450 / -7,100 +64 $60894
February 2008 434th $54865 1095 12 0 +11,400 / -9,537 +50 $69417
January 2008 4778th $1450 1769 11 0 +37,100 / -32,381 +1 $109837
December 2007 231st $144736 0 10 0 +960,633 / -832,397 +0 $28149
November 2007 21160th $0 0 23 0 +495,270 / -532,770 +0 $31350
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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