Level 8
to level 9


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll Noch
2014-03-24 00:00:00.0
40th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
Mini Freeroll 1
2013-10-06 00:00:00.0
38th $0 8 0 1 +1,625 / -1,550 -188 $4601
Final 50k
2009-11-30 00:00:00.0
21st $0 15 0 4 +2,325 / -5,575 -100 $7425
Europe Freeroll
2009-06-24 00:00:00.0
36th $0 2 0 0 -250 / -1,250 -750 $1500
Europe Freeroll
2009-06-21 00:00:00.0
10th $0 11 0 0 +525 / -650 -132 $1450
Friday Fives
2009-05-15 00:00:00.0
15th $0 49 0 1 +1,875 / -2,900 -61 $4525
Europe Freeroll
2009-05-15 00:00:00.0
12th $0 11 0 0 -25 / -400 -136 $1500
2500 Daily
2009-05-04 00:00:00.0
60th $0 5 0 0 +550 / -1,125 -300 $2050

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
March 2014 1758th $0 2 1 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
February 2014 1595th $120 31 2 3 +3,120 / -2,375 -141 $5270
December 2013 2196th $0 2 1 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
November 2013 2570th $0 49 5 5 +4,050 / -6,309 -184 $7400
October 2013 2447th $0 35 1 1 +5,000 / -3,925 -86 $10225
September 2013 2685th $0 29 2 0 +1,425 / -2,800 -155 $2800
March 2013 2516th $0 7 0 1 +2,900 / -2,700 -214 $4350
February 2013 1797th $1450 86 11 3 +4,625 / -5,650 -192 $8725
November 2012 3166th $0 6 2 0 -1 / -1,500 -750 $1500
October 2012 4181st $0 31 3 0 +1,500 / -2,450 -194 $3600
September 2012 3318th $0 13 0 4 +2,850 / -5,000 -115 $5775
January 2012 2800th $1425 7 1 0 +1,250 / -2,400 -225 $2400
December 2011 3732nd $0 7 1 0 -50 / -1,400 -429 $1500
November 2011 5463rd $0 15 0 1 +1,975 / -2,500 -100 $3175
August 2011 3484th $0 57 2 8 +4,397 / -6,123 -79 $11413
June 2011 2437th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2011 5733rd $0 4 0 0 +100 / -1,250 -375 $1600
November 2010 1313th $3673 49 3 7 +7,550 / -5,000 -48 $12125
October 2010 3417th $0 54 2 4 +7,250 / -12,899 -83 $21500
July 2010 4207th $0 38 0 7 +24,099 / -65,031 -39 $65031
May 2010 4926th $0 29 2 5 +4,241 / -4,900 -155 $9155
April 2010 7095th $0 2 1 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
February 2010 4533rd $0 35 0 4 +6,225 / -17,529 -43 $19254
January 2010 8779th $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,400 -500 $1500
December 2009 6801st $0 57 2 8 +17,475 / -16,421 -105 $45061
November 2009 7334th $0 147 6 13 +33,986 / -13,874 +269 $58269
October 2009 4169th $1425 2 0 0 -25 / -50 -38 $1500
September 2009 4934th $0 18 4 0 +1,489 / -2,939 -417 $2939
August 2009 5773rd $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,400 -500 $1500
July 2009 7614th $0 15 4 0 +1,375 / -1,925 -600 $3376
June 2009 7763rd $0 55 13 4 +2,700 / -4,425 -382 $4425
May 2009 9524th $0 136 25 14 +9,175 / -15,036 -250 $16636
April 2009 9368th $0 185 4 11 +118,500 / -89,500 -49 $346442
March 2009 6692nd $0 35 5 7 +4,175 / -5,000 -257 $9975
February 2009 10268th $0 6 2 0 +150 / -1,650 -750 $1650
January 2009 3831st $1500 362 21 26 +16,400 / -20,700 -116 $32900
December 2008 8517th $0 85 3 6 +4,377 / -9,549 -88 $12049
November 2008 4141st $1500 23 2 0 +2,449 / -4,899 -196 $4899
September 2008 9053rd $0 15 3 1 +1,600 / -2,775 -400 $3100
July 2008 6705th $0 139 8 0 +19,300 / -35,463 +0 $66513
April 2008 12485th $0 33 3 0 +3,550 / -3,262 +0 $5275
March 2008 11252nd $0 4 0 0 -50 / -1,350 +0 $1450
February 2008 7667th $0 5 1 0 +350 / -1,800 +0 $1850
January 2008 12570th $0 52 6 0 +4,828 / -5,050 +0 $11678
December 2007 12428th $0 0 8 0 +12,275 / -25,775 +0 $5775
November 2007 11467th $1400 0 13 0 +25,635 / -45,235 +0 $4300
October 2007 13127th $0 0 4 0 +725 / -8,225 +0 $550
September 2007 11398th $0 0 36 0 +102,383 / -157,883 +0 $32675
August 2007 12271st $0 0 44 0 +2,003,128 / -2,070,628 +0 $100000
July 2007 10382nd $0 0 18 0 +204,363 / -232,863 +0 $23200
June 2007 9858th $0 0 15 0 +36,024 / -60,024 +0 $4600
May 2007 10493rd $0 0 37 0 +197,125 / -254,125 +0 $22050
April 2007 2863rd $2683 0 30 0 +129,813 / -173,630 +0 $11150
March 2007 9328th $0 0 87 0 +1,269,701 / -1,401,701 +0 $94178
February 2007 7859th $0 0 107 0 +2,333,886 / -2,495,886 +0 $110960
January 2007 7318th $0 0 60 0 +228,781 / -321,781 +0 $24978
December 2006 21769th $0 0 130 0 +887,460 / -1,086,010 +0 $38750
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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