Level 31
to level 32


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Odnexa Freeroll
Mar 23, 11
19th $0 31 0 2 +2,350 / -2,850 -48 $6,575
Mini Freeroll 1
Mar 22, 11
43rd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
Lunedi 20k
Mar 7, 11
3rd $48,000 39 0 1 +1,475 / -850 -38 $2,650
Odnexa Freeroll
Mar 2, 11
34th $0 12 0 0 +650 / -875 -125 $1,500
Mini Freeroll 1
Mar 1, 11
7th $0 38 0 1 +3,200 / -5,600 -39 $10,750
Europe Freeroll
Feb 16, 11
28th $0 6 0 0 +125 / -1,350 -250 $1,525
Europe Freeroll Noch
Feb 15, 11
23rd $0 12 0 0 +300 / -600 -125 $1,500
Europe Freeroll Noch
Feb 13, 11
5th $4,000 28 0 1 +2,425 / -2,225 -54 $5,425
Europe Freeroll Noch
Feb 12, 11
21st $0 11 0 0 +400 / -650 -136 $1,650
Dienstag 10k
Feb 8, 11
18th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
April 2011 241st $57,153 35 0 3 +36,168 / -4,200 +1,590 $59,211
March 2011 3,983rd $0 1,250 10 91 +41,000 / -76,368 -36 $209,309
February 2011 132nd $159,759 1,571 11 144 +10,602 / -10,525 +74 $197,834
January 2011 6,820th $0 172 6 20 +42,402 / -21,200 -75 $74,976
August 2010 712th $13,029 52 2 2 +6,299 / -3,250 +164 $13,304
May 2010 1,265th $5,075 86 6 1 +2,975 / -3,400 -63 $5,125
January 2010 1,241st $9,250 88 2 5 +6,850 / -5,000 +54 $19,475
December 2009 9,179th $0 10 1 0 -25 / -1,475 -300 $1,500
May 2009 2,328th $2,515 13 1 2 +1,955 / -1,500 -37 $2,565
April 2009 1,958th $4,775 118 10 7 +6,700 / -10,520 -6 $19,430
March 2009 7,396th $0 1,273 30 103 +35,100 / -22,200 -10 $110,211
February 2009 642nd $32,950 895 39 49 +15,680 / -19,200 -34 $75,451
January 2009 209th $157,375 1,573 17 166 +35,000 / -20,000 +100 $176,558
December 2008 8,207th $0 13 1 1 +2,150 / -3,000 -346 $3,600
November 2008 6,773rd $0 38 2 3 +4,050 / -5,000 -118 $13,025
October 2008 9,317th $0 239 5 24 +11,694 / -21,150 -44 $49,096
September 2008 2,414th $1,675 17 3 0 +1,750 / -2,000 -254 $3,225
August 2008 2,308th $2,850 13 1 3 +4,525 / -1,475 -12 $6,025
June 2008 150th $201,687 714 2 0 +32,600 / -6,146 +282 $202,487
May 2008 8,895th $0 161 7 0 +16,898 / -15,464 +0 $43,416
April 2008 2,763rd $2,475 1,024 42 0 +47,344 / -130,521 +2 $150,740
March 2008 90th $865,742 3,668 0 0 +205,003 / -42,100 +236 $865,742
February 2008 7,170th $0 968 10 0 +101,100 / -69,000 +0 $406,729
January 2008 2,424th $4,950 1,509 93 0 +47,256 / -45,937 +3 $113,297
December 2007 17,709th $0 0 52 0 +420,388 / -500,388 +0 $44,300
November 2007 163rd $300,086 0 143 0 +3,287,342 / -3,202,756 +0 $252,500
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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