Level 22
to level 23


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 3
Oct 14, 18
7th $0 21 0 2 +2,725 / -1,950 -71 $2,725
Mini Freeroll 3
Oct 13, 18
7th $0 13 0 0 +0 / -225 -112 $0
Mini Freeroll 1
Oct 12, 18
17th $0 5 0 0 +0 / -1,275 -299 $53,650
Taeglich 5k
Oct 12, 18
1st $52,500 27 0 3 +5,225 / -800 +549 $11,400
2500 Nightly Remix
Oct 11, 18
12th $0 2 0 0 +100 / -1,600 -750 $5,825
Taeglich 5k
Oct 10, 18
9th $0 5 0 0 +150 / -1,050 -300 $5,351
2500 Nightly Remix
Oct 9, 18
8th $0 7 0 0 +700 / -2,550 -215 $4,150
Europe Freeroll
Oct 7, 18
6th $0 26 0 3 +3,000 / -9,325 -64 $95,000
Mini Freeroll 2
Oct 6, 18
21st $0 3 0 0 +0 / -1,425 -499 $92,125
Mini Freeroll 1
Oct 6, 18
25th $0 9 0 0 +325 / -1,500 -166 $102,475

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
October 2018 699th $1,000 285 6 13 +22,000 / -85,250 -576 $136,950
July 2017 897th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2017 243rd $34,900 9 0 0 +100 / -200 -65 $35,450
December 2016 1,174th $0 28 2 2 +3,300 / -5,125 -163 $5,125
October 2016 966th $1,450 5 1 0 +100 / -1,325 -309 $1,450
September 2016 307th $24,075 76 2 5 +9,925 / -19,300 -507 $43,325
January 2016 594th $9,850 19 0 1 +1,800 / -350 +121 $14,550
October 2015 1,145th $1,198 2 0 0 +0 / -202 -151 $1,298
January 2015 1,190th $0 6 1 0 -25 / -1,500 -500 $1,500
November 2014 741st $1,573 15 2 2 +1,650 / -2,950 -195 $3,150
September 2014 1,799th $0 593 10 20 +67,325 / -100,000 -116 $270,586
August 2014 596th $4,725 884 45 59 +9,302 / -19,474 -108 $73,384
July 2014 991st $1,500 2,253 80 115 +109,000 / -78,500 -42 $321,075
June 2014 2,200th $0 1,512 25 59 +102,115 / -115,830 -109 $203,930
May 2014 2,030th $0 3,373 71 197 +47,300 / -70,140 -47 $135,648
April 2014 559th $7,512 2,919 123 122 +62,500 / -88,000 -74 $206,402
March 2014 257th $33,748 7,433 272 349 +105,500 / -94,266 -52 $334,466
February 2014 2,525th $0 6,818 180 301 +97,136 / -100,000 -50 $204,163
January 2014 2,567th $0 5,533 171 222 +101,000 / -110,000 -48 $328,112
December 2013 1,915th $0 4,688 192 206 +94,500 / -91,000 -77 $206,766
November 2013 1,973rd $0 6,608 210 322 +95,010 / -100,000 -44 $205,660
October 2013 2,263rd $0 5,445 169 284 +52,565 / -99,500 -52 $305,374
September 2013 3,721st $0 2,856 113 145 +21,400 / -69,651 -66 $89,723
August 2013 3,425th $0 110 4 4 +6,700 / -4,825 -68 $13,025
July 2013 1,217th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
June 2013 891st $3,825 394 3 14 +14,350 / -18,100 -2 $28,500
May 2013 2,029th $573 669 8 28 +14,950 / -18,600 -15 $26,934
April 2013 2,998th $0 1,636 14 47 +47,000 / -85,000 -55 $144,240
March 2013 1,316th $1,650 7,370 182 197 +100,000 / -121,000 -36 $331,170
February 2013 1,144th $2,439 4,273 210 226 +223,000 / -187,000 -24 $625,935
January 2013 1,109th $3,050 2,933 105 138 +26,400 / -20,000 -18 $83,603
December 2012 4,219th $0 4,200 173 290 +38,600 / -25,600 -49 $83,736
November 2012 2,763rd $0 8,803 258 680 +74,440 / -98,000 -53 $200,546
October 2012 1,509th $1,500 9,273 305 640 +48,475 / -96,500 -82 $232,870
September 2012 812th $6,200 4,469 87 254 +26,800 / -18,400 -34 $89,701
August 2012 823rd $6,675 302 15 10 +5,250 / -5,950 -57 $18,491
July 2012 1,017th $5,125 2,100 117 133 +67,575 / -93,000 -82 $172,850
June 2012 3,303rd $0 11,476 302 746 +33,161 / -20,000 -41 $93,378
May 2012 995th $5,795 6,271 156 338 +33,129 / -50,659 -33 $131,322
November 2011 4,647th $0 3 0 0 +250 / -1,650 -500 $1,650
October 2011 1,257th $3,300 1,494 51 58 +9,850 / -19,500 -51 $59,015
September 2011 3,408th $0 4,913 199 262 +19,100 / -20,000 -62 $69,979
August 2011 475th $23,576 2,366 28 138 +25,200 / -117,500 +5 $189,940
July 2011 1,150th $4,850 30 0 0 +1,475 / -850 +112 $6,200
June 2011 5,214th $0 797 7 25 +77,500 / -148,500 -15 $234,139
May 2011 938th $5,944 276 9 27 +29,250 / -19,800 -33 $66,875
April 2011 5,344th $0 344 26 12 +4,650 / -7,025 -97 $14,275
March 2011 1,829th $1,500 214 8 12 +12,109 / -16,436 -63 $34,583
February 2011 1,220th $4,025 272 7 13 +28,000 / -90,466 -29 $96,966
January 2011 6,448th $0 82 6 4 +8,025 / -5,200 -128 $13,450
December 2010 535th $20,318 750 13 27 +20,000 / -23,000 -5 $82,888
November 2010 1,336th $3,550 2,280 45 106 +14,512 / -18,350 -34 $43,413
October 2010 3,235th $732 702 3 38 +35,044 / -20,000 -7 $55,466
June 2010 4,082nd $0 2,670 94 133 +22,700 / -19,850 -53 $54,741
May 2010 4,101st $0 4,055 115 233 +138,500 / -415,000 -50 $683,556
April 2010 1,425th $4,800 2,423 119 153 +21,300 / -20,000 -73 $41,806
March 2010 7,716th $0 749 62 51 +33,825 / -54,000 -124 $83,679
February 2010 1,020th $10,031 1,562 134 88 +15,837 / -16,100 -119 $39,139
January 2010 471st $38,670 1,475 50 94 +15,650 / -12,500 -34 $48,701
December 2009 1,339th $7,775 2,933 183 208 +13,975 / -20,779 -89 $82,313
November 2009 1,385th $6,375 3,616 100 275 +18,100 / -27,610 -44 $60,262
October 2009 8,912th $0 991 40 72 +11,075 / -8,823 -58 $38,222
September 2009 1,744th $4,200 48 4 1 +3,225 / -1,350 -78 $4,950
August 2009 10,237th $0 17 2 2 +3,950 / -4,000 -265 $5,900
April 2009 5,010th $1,300 370 21 24 +13,900 / -6,265 -85 $29,686
March 2009 7,019th $0 1,949 103 149 +23,500 / -14,500 -85 $120,951
November 2007 10,470th $1,500 0 5 0 +154,049 / -161,549 +0 $13,650
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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