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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
July 2017 669th $2928 110 5 6 +14,500 / -94,000 -1,064 $113500
June 2015 1474th $0 68 1 8 +4,975 / -15,737 -88 $16237
May 2015 1702nd $0 124 14 1 +1,800 / -3,175 -210 $4650
September 2013 4431st $0 6 1 0 -50 / -1,350 -500 $1500
June 2013 2720th $0 29 1 0 +2,400 / -2,925 -103 $5275
May 2013 480th $14000 52 1 2 +8,325 / -5,850 +212 $15200
April 2013 3186th $0 19 1 0 +200 / -1,450 -158 $1700
November 2012 1745th $1500 63 6 1 +5,550 / -5,100 -167 $8750
October 2012 2146th $1350 147 6 11 +9,800 / -14,686 -63 $20450
August 2012 2551st $175 19 0 0 +1,650 / -1,450 -70 $3100
July 2012 1304th $2825 53 2 4 +3,075 / -4,150 -32 $5725
June 2012 4518th $0 34 1 1 +3,000 / -4,837 -88 $7925
May 2012 4250th $0 26 4 0 +3,150 / -3,750 -288 $4550
April 2012 3086th $0 3 0 0 +150 / -1,400 -500 $1500
February 2012 3064th $625 70 5 6 +5,875 / -3,450 -120 $8325
January 2012 4951st $0 4 0 0 -50 / -800 -375 $1500
October 2011 3024th $0 25 1 1 +1,550 / -3,350 -120 $6925
September 2011 562nd $18575 71 3 9 +7,100 / -4,375 +177 $18600
August 2011 3883rd $0 234 9 16 +5,925 / -5,275 -64 $19725
July 2011 2598th $1450 53 1 4 +5,050 / -6,195 -29 $9380
June 2011 3623rd $0 70 2 5 +7,625 / -4,425 -64 $11350
May 2011 4352nd $0 131 10 2 +2,750 / -4,800 -126 $4800
January 2011 2537th $1500 30 3 3 +4,800 / -5,150 -250 $6800
November 2010 1312th $3675 254 4 16 +10,500 / -22,200 -15 $46067
October 2010 2542nd $1500 259 15 29 +14,927 / -17,500 -93 $41532
September 2010 1697th $1775 94 6 7 +6,025 / -12,717 -93 $15900
August 2010 4515th $0 18 3 0 +2,300 / -2,850 -334 $4250
July 2010 5040th $0 67 5 2 +4,650 / -4,950 -134 $8325
June 2010 5724th $0 20 1 2 +5,140 / -8,580 -150 $9100
May 2010 2293rd $1500 10 1 0 +75 / -1,337 -300 $1575
April 2010 7882nd $0 12 1 0 +1,200 / -2,675 -375 $2825
March 2010 1967th $2300 135 4 13 +12,200 / -12,325 -39 $36876
February 2010 2842nd $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2010 8681st $0 130 3 10 +21,674 / -19,300 -46 $39748
December 2009 6931st $0 20 1 0 +1,600 / -1,150 -150 $3075
November 2009 6228th $0 126 3 7 +5,750 / -4,900 -48 $11823
October 2009 7104th $0 3 1 0 -100 / -1,500 -1,000 $1500
September 2009 6530th $0 117 8 4 +5,462 / -6,925 -128 $10599
August 2009 3005th $1500 15 2 0 +300 / -1,750 -300 $1850
July 2009 4889th $231 102 13 8 +4,183 / -4,950 -204 $9458
May 2009 6017th $0 75 3 9 +11,281 / -12,000 -100 $28462
April 2009 2343rd $3025 62 5 3 +7,550 / -5,800 -120 $10650
March 2009 1437th $9175 69 4 3 +9,825 / -10,275 +2 $19550
February 2009 6696th $0 385 13 37 +9,991 / -18,600 -58 $33241
January 2009 925th $24137 186 10 11 +9,140 / -3,100 +41 $25937
December 2008 1115th $17076 82 1 6 +19,600 / -16,700 +171 $50625
November 2008 4376th $1500 33 2 0 +1,150 / -1,275 -124 $3575
October 2008 3213th $1450 1021 48 77 +29,592 / -34,492 -72 $81896
September 2008 4910th $0 1463 38 102 +34,537 / -68,956 -41 $93824
August 2008 2259th $3000 563 15 34 +52,286 / -140,773 -43 $143773
February 2008 7962nd $0 26 3 0 +2,775 / -5,000 +0 $6625
January 2008 6365th $0 35 2 0 +2,650 / -3,450 +0 $5550
December 2007 9323rd $1425 0 5 0 +31,325 / -38,900 +0 $7250
November 2007 26428th $0 0 7 0 +13,075 / -25,075 +0 $3275
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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