Level 12
to level 13


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Daily
Sep 14, 10
46th $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1,500
Europe Freeroll
Nov 11, 09
47th $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1,500
lynn may 10k
Nov 10, 09
36th $0 2 0 0 -25 / -1,475 -750 $1,500
2500 Daily
Nov 7, 09
10th $0 60 0 7 +4,850 / -4,750 -79 $11,111
Europe Freeroll Noch
Nov 7, 09
20th $0 15 0 0 -25 / -225 -100 $1,500
Mini Freeroll 1
Nov 5, 09
15th $0 12 0 0 -25 / -400 -121 $1,450
Europe Freeroll
Nov 3, 09
48th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
Odnexa Freeroll
Oct 21, 09
134th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
Mini Freeroll 2
Oct 20, 09
7th $0 36 0 2 +4,050 / -7,077 -42 $9,625
Mini Freeroll 1
Oct 16, 09
30th $0 12 0 0 +725 / -1,475 -125 $2,300

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
February 2012 4,643rd $0 45 2 3 +13,250 / -14,950 -100 $31,700
October 2010 579th $18,775 51 1 5 +7,300 / -2,950 +309 $21,025
September 2010 3,558th $0 390 13 28 +20,372 / -19,500 -51 $46,928
December 2009 5,918th $0 20 5 1 +2,925 / -4,250 -450 $4,375
November 2009 6,731st $0 797 45 57 +70,309 / -78,510 -71 $102,423
October 2009 1,277th $8,741 1,732 108 95 +76,434 / -72,993 -107 $157,868
September 2009 8,356th $0 1,493 46 59 +96,500 / -87,000 -47 $343,299
August 2009 7,926th $0 2,417 156 97 +31,734 / -88,000 -78 $103,112
July 2009 10,231st $0 2,977 118 108 +74,400 / -70,030 -95 $208,960
June 2009 9,288th $0 821 78 45 +93,500 / -239,396 -137 $296,896
May 2009 7,969th $0 4 1 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1,500
April 2009 8,311th $0 1,727 87 63 +47,545 / -94,000 -50 $204,574
February 2009 10,229th $0 113 15 9 +11,100 / -6,220 -212 $17,750
December 2008 2,658th $2,916 18 2 0 +1,683 / -1,450 -88 $3,016
November 2008 8,084th $0 311 30 29 +11,600 / -10,570 -85 $35,124
September 2008 8,757th $0 205 12 14 +15,925 / -25,675 -96 $25,675
August 2008 9,363rd $0 7 1 1 +2,200 / -3,500 -429 $3,700
July 2008 5,294th $0 19 0 0 +4,525 / -7,850 +0 $11,125
June 2008 1,731st $4,850 9 0 0 +2,450 / -725 +539 $4,850
April 2008 11,575th $0 53 10 0 +7,023 / -16,999 +0 $17,199
March 2008 9,717th $0 70 16 0 +7,950 / -5,557 +0 $9,600
February 2008 2,311th $4,700 179 32 0 +9,778 / -13,656 +26 $24,669
January 2008 9,612th $0 629 126 0 +11,115 / -16,600 +0 $21,530
December 2007 18,548th $0 0 5 0 +20,850 / -29,850 +0 $5,725
November 2007 12,614th $950 0 15 0 +22,864 / -45,914 +0 $3,650
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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