Level 56
to level 57


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forum language -post Ryan 2:15 PM, Monday November 3, 2008 EST

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YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!! For taking out ZERO...lol doing a great job btw
misst56 on Saturday March 22, 2008
thankz tommy for the 40 k i went to 158k but then lost lol but thankz for the chips... and u look hot:P
nabi on Friday March 21, 2008
very shrewd player..would love to play u in real life sometime mate...good going and good playing..
bedouinking on Wednesday March 5, 2008
Tommy, great job! thanks for the tips, they paid off for me in Feb. cya sweet
misst56 on Saturday March 1, 2008
Rapidly established as one of gpokr's top players. Congratulations for the well deserved high finish in Feb. Keep owning bud : )
JulesDogg on Friday February 29, 2008
Whiney bitch,get a job or life or something!
bobsoice on Tuesday February 26, 2008
Tommy, you put in a great effort today. I saw that you took a large hit but at the close of business there was a good profit showing. Keep owning buddy : )
El Brujo on Sunday February 24, 2008
lucker LOL jk good player who always steals my chips
duckmandrake on Saturday February 16, 2008
I had a lot of fun playing at the table with you!! Your a great guy, and a GREAT player!! Hugs....
mistyjohnston on Sunday January 27, 2008
WOW-#1 is in reach -BABY!! Go get em!!!
Country Girl on Friday January 25, 2008
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