Level 45
to level 46


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll
Aug 14, 15
12th $0 24 0 1 +2,050 / -400 -63 $1,400
Mini Freeroll 3
Jun 18, 13
29th $0 10 0 0 +1,200 / -838 -150 $53,113
Mini Freeroll 3
Jun 13, 13
30th $0 6 0 0 +1,000 / -2,050 -250 $4,850
Mini Freeroll 3
Jun 5, 13
19th $0 21 0 0 +8,899 / -18,650 -926 $2,400
Mini Freeroll 3
Jun 5, 13
2nd $11,500 17 0 1 +8,899 / -18,650 -538 $2,400
Mini Freeroll 3
May 30, 13
12th $0 15 1 0 +1,675 / -1,250 -100 $1,500
Mini Freeroll 3
May 28, 13
39th $0 5 0 1 +12 / -1,349 -300 $5,536
Mini Freeroll 3
May 26, 13
34th $0 4 0 0 -50 / -1,100 -375 $1,738
Mini Freeroll 3
May 20, 13
14th $0 16 0 0 +1,200 / -2,050 -94 $3,646
Odnexa Freeroll
Apr 17, 13
55th $0 5 0 0 -25 / -1,350 -300 $3,925

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
October 2017 1,019th $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
April 2017 637th $2,000 65 0 6 +6,400 / -19,292 -35 $19,492
June 2016 0th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2015 1,098th $1,150 8 0 0 +500 / -950 -42 $2,000
August 2015 407th $14,556 63 0 0 +7,203 / -3,000 +176 $17,756
April 2015 1,180th $0 3 0 0 -25 / -1,375 -500 $1,500
January 2015 2,263rd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
December 2014 2,460th $0 9 0 1 +4,200 / -4,175 -167 $7,925
November 2014 1,478th $0 13 0 2 +2,750 / -3,425 -115 $4,775
September 2014 1,272nd $0 35 2 3 +3,650 / -4,775 -35 $5,334
June 2014 2,006th $0 6 1 1 +2,800 / -3,650 -492 $3,700
May 2014 1,527th $0 5 0 0 +1,850 / -3,100 -300 $3,200
March 2014 2,314th $0 24 0 2 +6,100 / -5,075 -63 $12,000
February 2014 1,647th $0 6 0 0 +1,025 / -2,250 -250 $2,525
November 2013 2,739th $0 4 1 0 -150 / -1,350 -750 $1,500
October 2013 3,340th $0 29 1 1 +8,700 / -19,000 -201 $27,475
September 2013 3,726th $0 14 1 1 +2,900 / -2,718 -215 $4,300
July 2013 1,236th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
June 2013 2,869th $0 219 7 14 +22,200 / -26,000 -80 $71,913
May 2013 3,680th $0 200 21 9 +7,736 / -5,000 -136 $10,899
April 2013 354th $28,900 107 11 10 +22,400 / -5,825 +145 $30,300
March 2013 3,442nd $0 203 20 6 +16,350 / -16,000 -191 $33,900
February 2013 3,096th $0 56 10 7 +4,500 / -6,050 -295 $7,983
January 2013 3,881st $0 40 7 3 +3,550 / -4,500 -300 $5,050
December 2012 243rd $54,725 106 3 2 +27,750 / -20,000 +460 $72,325
November 2012 4,213th $0 163 18 8 +34,350 / -54,545 -175 $86,545
October 2012 2,095th $1,400 2 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1,500
August 2012 1,838th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
July 2012 3,547th $0 1,300 7 23 +247,500 / -99,000 -11 $544,775
June 2012 3,062nd $0 614 30 24 +26,468 / -29,984 -97 $105,016
May 2012 3,594th $0 817 66 27 +108,500 / -141,460 -137 $206,060
April 2012 4,235th $0 73 5 9 +3,600 / -9,519 -123 $9,544
March 2012 3,469th $0 5 1 0 -50 / -1,450 -600 $1,500
February 2012 3,611th $0 309 36 17 +12,841 / -17,700 -318 $30,700
January 2012 83rd $413,978 1,890 48 56 +178,916 / -89,500 +200 $642,103
December 2011 5,821st $0 1,398 49 53 +46,700 / -78,691 -60 $116,408
November 2011 55th $406,664 1,094 48 22 +108,000 / -20,000 +255 $504,614
October 2011 73rd $426,482 3,280 3 39 +110,000 / -90,000 +119 $739,487
September 2011 73rd $392,235 1,110 14 39 +92,137 / -93,000 +334 $427,005
August 2011 5,088th $0 210 15 13 +7,474 / -7,047 -114 $12,850
July 2011 3,662nd $0 82 12 3 +4,150 / -2,532 -238 $6,475
June 2011 4,717th $0 37 1 3 +2,632 / -4,225 -81 $7,407
May 2011 5,581st $0 79 7 2 +3,820 / -7,719 -152 $8,925
March 2011 3,469th $0 1,303 6 17 +123,000 / -89,000 -52 $442,421
February 2011 78th $417,529 656 17 27 +109,000 / -36,000 +585 $412,329
January 2011 47th $686,143 893 34 32 +332,184 / -13,408 +713 $692,743
December 2010 6,403rd $0 295 15 13 +18,550 / -14,200 -25 $40,200
November 2010 6,730th $0 706 30 14 +36,500 / -38,026 -71 $69,011
October 2010 5,147th $0 1,139 20 51 +42,600 / -57,428 -28 $88,624
September 2010 5,819th $0 1,452 86 57 +20,947 / -20,000 -90 $44,095
August 2010 73rd $492,813 2,987 16 53 +105,500 / -77,000 +140 $510,245
July 2010 6,089th $0 2,000 55 55 +60,550 / -54,270 -40 $189,508
June 2010 94th $451,028 1,859 25 38 +132,000 / -72,650 +185 $467,578
May 2010 4,864th $0 779 49 41 +18,647 / -20,000 -111 $53,544
April 2010 6,506th $0 1,470 6 21 +78,000 / -81,520 -7 $252,952
March 2010 5,368th $0 528 39 30 +14,775 / -13,300 -129 $29,500
February 2010 8,406th $0 1,597 44 55 +57,093 / -88,500 -4 $170,837
January 2010 5,759th $0 2,614 93 50 +80,816 / -97,500 -142 $249,758
December 2009 62nd $738,175 3,503 8 58 +142,516 / -24,000 +181 $794,298
November 2009 84th $639,641 3,087 21 42 +146,500 / -24,910 +196 $648,516
October 2009 5,886th $0 2,330 7 43 +102,177 / -92,500 -7 $373,692
September 2009 518th $32,515 1,698 34 40 +95,398 / -102,000 -25 $180,084
August 2009 10,090th $0 2,381 107 80 +38,701 / -65,100 -74 $102,049
July 2009 66th $871,685 3,926 1 53 +169,820 / -71,000 +217 $879,685
June 2009 53rd $879,696 3,937 27 93 +411,761 / -100,000 +213 $867,196
May 2009 7,323rd $0 2,544 39 45 +122,497 / -130,833 -51 $511,496
April 2009 6,496th $0 1,109 48 32 +27,150 / -46,300 -66 $81,600
March 2009 905th $20,650 20 0 1 +7,450 / -600 +958 $20,275
January 2009 2,114th $5,621 1,773 2 28 +83,914 / -62,000 +5 $170,621
December 2008 8,827th $0 1,599 32 41 +78,400 / -59,525 -30 $126,319
November 2008 1,923rd $5,525 1,476 32 28 +118,532 / -82,209 -80 $204,064
October 2008 2,581st $1,500 909 67 41 +26,966 / -29,432 -114 $49,800
September 2008 4,914th $0 3,427 57 66 +243,600 / -185,660 -25 $509,515
August 2008 98th $561,879 2,512 39 69 +175,756 / -62,000 +198 $580,129
July 2008 7,083rd $0 939 62 0 +15,073 / -18,197 +0 $39,338
June 2008 6,797th $0 1,173 13 0 +31,948 / -20,200 +0 $81,437
May 2008 11,210th $0 1,473 19 0 +84,118 / -49,162 +0 $205,558
April 2008 600th $34,322 1,070 0 0 +144,500 / -211,697 +32 $368,425
March 2008 8,887th $0 282 14 0 +8,150 / -10,000 +0 $32,234
February 2008 113th $480,462 2,285 58 0 +191,589 / -111,000 +210 $591,034
January 2008 1,410th $13,595 2,405 94 0 +31,947 / -36,526 +6 $115,499
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